Terms And Conditions

By visiting and using HerPaperRoute.com, Academy.HerPaperRoute.com, Members.HerPaperRoute.com and Hive.HerPaperRoute.com (hereinafter the “website”), you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions including our Disclaimer and Privacy Policy posted on the website and incorporated herein by reference.

The term “you” refers to anyone who uses, visits and/or views the website. HerPaperRoute Inc. (“company”, “I”, “we” or “us”) reserves the right to amend or modify these terms and conditions in its sole discretion at any time without notice and by using the website, you accept those amendments.  It is your responsibility to periodically check the website for updates. “You” also refers to any Customer who has enrolled in any paid or free product owned by HerPaperRoute.

Your continued use of the website after posting of any changes to our Terms and Conditions constitutes your acceptance of those changes and updates. You must not access or use the website if you do not wish to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.


All information and content on this website is intended for individuals over the age of 18 that reside in the United States and Canada. Children under the age of 18 are prohibited from using this website. We do not envision offering products or services to individuals living in the European Union as outlined in the General Data Protection Regulation. Additionally, we make no representation that the information provided on the website including any products and/or services are available or appropriate for use in other locations including but not limited to the European Union as outlined in the General Data Protection Regulation. 


We are dedicated to respecting the privacy of your personal information. Your acceptance of our Privacy Policy is expressly incorporated into these Terms and Conditions. Please review our Privacy Policy for more information.


We may disclose our income reports and success results of our current or former customers including product reviews and testimonials on the website from time to time. These income reports, product reviews and testimonials are accurate and strictly for informational purposes only. We share this information as examples to you but it does not serve as a guarantee or promise of any kind for your results and successes if you decide to use the same information, reviews, products, services, tips and techniques offered here. You are encouraged to perform your own due diligence and research and are solely responsible for your earnings and results. Your earning potential and results are contingent upon your personal circumstances, abilities, experience and skills. The HerPaperRoute.com website and the information it contains include business and marketing systems and strategies and other business advice for entrepreneurs. Although this information is based on actual experience and results implementing said strategies, HerPaperRoute inc. and HerPaperRoute.com makes no implied or expressed guarantee of results. Your success depends on your own implementation, skills, experience, and a number of many other factors that are all beyond an individual’s control. Please use your discretion when deciding to invest your money in any business strategy or approach, and please understand that you assume all financial risk and potential expense for any decisions you make in this respect. Therefore, you agree not to hold us and/or our officers, employees, successors, shareholders, joint venture partners or anyone else working with us liable for any of your successes or failures directly or indirectly related to the information, reports, reviews, products and/or services presented to you here.


Your acceptance of our Disclaimer is expressly incorporated into these Terms and Conditions. Please review Disclaimer for more information.


You expressly waive your right to bring any legal claims, now or in the future arising out of or related to the website and our products/services. In the event of any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to your use of this website, the terms and conditions shall be construed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Province of British Columbia and Canada. You agree to consent and submit to the jurisdiction of the provincial and federal courts located in British Columbia without regard to the principles of conflict of law or where the parties are located at the time a dispute arises. You agree to resolve any disputes or claims first through mandatory arbitration in the Province of British Columbia and shall bear the full cost of arbitration as permitted by law. Your good faith participation in arbitration is a condition precedent to pursuing any other legal or equitable remedies available such as litigation or any other legal procedure. You also agree that in the event a legal claim is initiated after the required arbitration, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney’s fees and other costs associated with the legal action.


All content on this website including but not limited to text, posts, logos, marks, graphics, files, materials, services, products, videos, audio, applications, computer code, designs, email correspondence and newsletters, courses, downloads and all other information here and under the HerPaperRoute brand (collectively, the “Content”) is owned by us and is protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property and unfair competition laws. Republishing of content without permission is prohibited. You are granted a limited revocable license to print or download Content from the website for your own personal, non-commercial, non-transferrable, informational and educational use only, while ensuring it’s not in violation of any copyright, trademark, and intellectual property or proprietary rights.

You agree not to copy, duplicate, steal, modify, publish, display, distribute, reproduce, store, transmit, post, create derivative works, reverse engineer, sell, rent or license any part of the Content in any way to anyone, without our prior written consent.  You agree to abide by the copyright, trademark laws and intellectual property rights and shall be solely responsible for any violations of these terms and conditions.


HerPaperRoute may feature content from social media and if so, will credit the user’s handle under any such image where possible. If you have reason to believe that your content has been copied and/or is accessible on the Website in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, you may notify us by providing a document via email that includes the following information (as required by the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. sec. 512) to our copyright agent set forth below: A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed; Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or if multiple copyrighted works at the Service are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at the Service; Identification of the copyrighted work that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate such copyrighted work; Information reasonably sufficient to enable us to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted; A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted work in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.


For any Content or information that you upload, display, post, transmit, send, email or submit to us on the website or on any of our social media sites, you warrant that you are the owner of that Content or have express permission from the owner of those intellectual property rights to use and distribute that Content to us. You grant us and/or our officers, employees, successors, shareholders, joint venture partners or anyone else working with us a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, non-exclusive right and license to identify you, publish, post, reformat, copy, distribute, display, edit, reproduce any Content provided by you on our website and on any of our social media sites for any purpose. You shall be solely liable for any damages resulting from any infringement of copyrights, trademark or other proprietary rights of any Content or information that you provide to us.

You agree not upload, display, post, transmit, distribute, send, email or submit to us on the website or on any of our social media sites any information or Content that is (a) illegal, violates or infringes upon the rights of others, (b) defamatory, abusive, profane, hateful, vulgar, obscene, libelous, pornographic, threatening, (c) encourages or advocates conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, giving rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any law, (d) distribute material including but not limited to spyware, computer virus, any kind of malicious computer software or any other harmful information that is actionable by law, (e) any attempts to gain unauthorized access to any portion or feature of the website, and (f) send unsolicited or unauthorized material or cause disruption in the operation of the website. You agree to use the website for lawful purposes only and shall be liable for damages resulting from violation of any provision contained in these Terms and Conditions.


The website may contain links to third-party websites or resources for your convenience. We may serve as an affiliate for some of these third party websites by offering or advertising their products or services on the website; however, we do not own or control these third-party websites. Once you click on a third party link and leave this website, you are no longer bound by our terms and conditions.

You agree that we are not responsible or liable for the accuracy, content or any information presented on these third party websites. You assume all risks for using these third party websites or resources and any transactions between you and these third party websites are strictly between you and the third party. We shall not be liable for any damages resulting from your use of these third-party websites or resources. 


When we partner with a brand to create UGC, featuring a brand’s product or service, the brand must adhere to these UGC terms. If HerPaperRoute approves the brand to use our content for the brand’s advertising, promotional, testimonial or social use, or for any use of reuploading or sharing, the brand must properly credit us in the description and by tagging the appropriate account which may be @HerPaperRoute (use on Instagram / TikTok) @editorsfaves (use on Instagram) or in some cases @roomcrush (use on TikTok). The account tags to use will be provided to the brand upon the delivery of the UGC.


Products sold with lifetime access (prior to 2022) refer to the life of the product, and life of the Company. A product may be discontinued at any time. If the Company should cease operations, access to any products would cease as well. As of 2022, paid products do not include lifetime access.


We reserve the right in our sole discretion to refuse, remove, restrict your access, revoke and terminate your use of our website including any or all Content published by you or us at any time for any reason, without notice.


Some HerPaperRoute products allow a payment plan, including the Society Membership. As a customer, you understand that a membership to The Society is payable monthly, quarterly or annually, and charged automatically, in accordance with the Auto-Renewal Terms outlined below. Customer understands he/she is responsible for the full payment in each installment, and agrees to pay the sum requested electronically, via HerPaperRoute’s website or a designated third-party payment processor of HerPaperRoute’s choosing,

Should Customer fail to make timely payments, or if additional payments are not able to be processed, Customer understands Customer’s access to the Product may be restricted if payment is not made within 1 day of the date it is due. If payment is not made on the date it is due, HerPaperRoute will continue to attempt to charge Customer via the membership site software; if and when payment goes through, Customer will again receive full access to the membership site. If payment is not collected, Customer’s access will remain restricted, and Customer will carry a balance on her account, showing the month(s) owed. Customer must bring her account completely current in order to be granted access. If payment continues to be unsuccessful after sixty (60) days, Customer’s membership shall be revoked and permanently cancelled. Should Customer wish to rejoin a product , after this period, she must do so at the current price membership is being offered. HerPaperRoute reserves the right to cancel Customer’s access to any product should he/she fail to make additional payments in accordance with the Auto-Renewal Terms as outlined below. Should this occur, Customer understands she is not entitled to a refund of funds already issued to HerPaperRoute for access to such product.


Customer may elect to “pause” his/her membership for up to sixty (60) days by contacting us at hello@herpaperroute(.com) Customer must complete the “pause” request more than 48 hours before the next scheduled billing cycle is to begin. Once received, if approved, no payment will be collected. Customer will continue to have access to such product through the end of the current billing cycle; after which, he/she will lose access for the duration of the pause; however, Customer will not lose his/her account, and will retain any promotional or reduced monthly rate he/she currently enjoys. Following this 60 day pause, Customer MUST timely make the following month’s payment in order to remain an active member of the HerPaperRoute Society or other product and reinstate his/her previous account. Additional pauses may be requested at any time following this procedure, as long as one payment is made following each 60-day pause.


Customer understands and agrees that continued access to The HerPaperRoute Society requires recurring monthly payments or annual payments, that will be made by Customer on the day of the month or year on which they signed up. By entering billing information, Customer confirms he/she understands and agrees his/her credit card will be charged the full monthly amount upon completion of the trial period.


If Customer wishes to cancel his or her membership, Customer must do so more than 48 hours before the charge is scheduled to withdraw. Any requests for cancelation made less than 48 hours before the automatic renewal is scheduled to charge Client’s card, or made subsequent to the charge, will take effect the following month.


Customer may submit a cancellation request directly by emailing hello@herpaperroute(.com) with the subject line MEMBERSHIP CANCELATION. Customer will be notified upon HerPaperRoute’s receipt of email, and his or her membership will subsequently be canceled prior to the following billing period, assuming it is more than 48 hours away. As outlined above, if Customer cancels his or her membership less than 48 hours before the automatic renewal is scheduled to charge Customer’s card, Customer acknowledges and agrees he or she will be charged for the next month, and the cancelation will take effect following this.


1:1 Calls: Customer is given the date(s), time and link to access any live 1:1 calls s/he has purchased. 1:1 sessions include a ‘reschedule’ link in the confirmation email, so customer can rebook if unable to attend the scheduled call. If s/he does not reschedule and does not show up to the call, they may or may not be given the option to reschedule, at HerPaperRoute’s discretion.

Group Calls: Customer is given the date(s), time and link to access any live group calls s/he has purchased. Group sessions are held at a dedicated time. If customer does not show up for a group call, they will not be given any opportunity to ‘make up’ for missing it at another time, outside of the scheduled call time(s). If no one shows up for the group call, the host may wait for 5 minutes, before canceling the call without notice.


All sales of products and/or services on this website are final. No refunds will be issued. We truly believe in giving more than receiving and each of our products and services is designed by keeping this core principle in mind. The prices are intentionally kept reasonably low in price as compared to market value to give you the tools and information you need at an affordable price.

HerPaperRoute is not able to offer refunds once Customer has purchased access to any product including the Society Membership for any reason, including inability to obtain access to the site. If Customer is dissatisfied with his or her membership or otherwise unable to view it in its entirety, he or she may reach out to customer service at hello@herpaperroute.(com) or may elect to Cancel via the CANCELATION POLICY outlined above, and will not be charged for subsequent months. Customer further agrees and understands that changing his/her mind about the product/membership, failing to follow through or understand the details of the product, not experiencing the results he/she expected or desired, or experiencing any other similar situations does not entitle her to a refund.

In the case that Customer accidentally clicked the submit button at checkout more than once, which resulted in multiple charges, Customer will be refunded for the duplicate orders, minus the PayPal or Stripe fees HerPaperRoute was charged for Customer’s error. No exceptions.


By enrolling in a paid or free HerPaperRoute product using your email address and or phone number, you are opting in to receive email and or SMS correspondence from us. You can unsubscribe at any time. See our privacy policy for more information.




You agree that under no circumstances, we and/or our officers, employees, successors, shareholders, joint venture partners or anyone else working with us shall be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, equitable, special, punitive, exemplary or any other damages resulting from your use of this website including but not limited to all the content, information, products, services and graphics presented here.

You expressly agree that your use of the website is at your sole risk and that you are solely responsible for the accuracy of the personal and any information you provide, out come of your actions, personal and business results, and for all other use in connection with the website.

You also expressly agree that we and/or our officers, employees, successors, shareholders, joint venture partners or anyone else working with us shall not be liable to you for any damages resulting from 1) any errors or omissions on the website, delay or denial of any products or services, failure of performance of any kind, interruption in the operation and your use of the website, website attacks including computer virus, hacking of information, and any other system failures; 2) any loss of income, use, data, revenue, profits, business or any goodwill related to the website; 3) any theft or unauthorized access by third party of your information from the website regardless of our negligence; and 4) any use or misuse of the information, products and/or services offered here.

This limitation of liability shall apply whether such liability arises from negligence, breach of contract, tort or any other legal theory of liability. You agree that we provide no express or implied guarantees to you for the content presented here, and you accept that no particular results are being promised to you here.


You agree to indemnify and hold the Company and/or its officers, employees, successors, shareholders, joint venture partners or anyone else working with us harmless from all losses, claims, damages, demands, actions, suits, proceedings or judgments, including costs, expenses and reasonable attorneys’ fees (“Liabilities”) assessed against or otherwise incurred by you arising, in whole or in part, from: (a) actions or omissions, whether done negligently or otherwise, by you, your agents, directors, officers, employees or representatives; (b) all your actions and use of the website including purchasing products and services; (c) violation of any laws, rules, regulations or ordinances by you; or (d) violation of any terms and conditions of this website by you or anyone related to you; e) infringement by you or any other user of your account of any intellectual property or other rights of anyone. Company will notify you promptly of any such claims or liability and reserves the right to defend such claim, liability or damage at your expense. You shall fully cooperate and provide assistance to us if requested, without any cost, to defend any such claims.


These Terms and Conditions along with our Privacy Policy and Disclaimer constitutes the entire agreement between you and us with respect to this website. It supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications, discussions, negotiations or proposals we may have had with you whether electronic, oral or written.

A printed version of this entire agreement including the Privacy Policy and Disclaimer and of any notice given in electronic form shall be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings with respect to this website to the same extent and given the same effect as other business contracts and documents kept and maintained in printed form. 


If any provision in these Terms and Conditions is deemed by a court, regulatory authority or other public or private tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision is deemed to have been omitted from this Agreement. The remainder of this Agreement remains in full force and effect, and is modified to any extent necessary to give such force and effect to the remaining provisions, but only to such extent. 


For any questions, please contact us at hello{at} herpaperroute {dot} com