
Get Unlimited Blog Post Ideas With This 1 Email Trick

Are you running out of blog post ideas? When you’ve been blogging for a while on a particular topic or in a particular niche, it’s not uncommon to feel like you’re running out of blog post ideas.

I have one very simple email trick that unlocks unlimited blog post ideas, as well as product ideas. So I literally always have something to write about that I know my audience wants! 

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How? Read on to discover how I get awesome and unlimited ideas for blog post topics!

This One Sneaky Email Trick Unlocks Unlimited Blog Post Ideas

Running out of blog post ideas is something that every blogger experiences at some point. Heck, it can even happen early on in your blogging career when you only have your first 10 or so posts under your belt.

Maybe you’re sitting there at your computer wondering if what you’re writing is what your readers are looking for. Are your blog posts attracting your ideal audience?

Well, here’s the secret to how I unlock a treasure-trove of never-ending ideas for blog content…

how to discover what your audience wants

The reason why I have a vault of constant inspiration for blog content is this: 

I survey my email subscribers regularly, to plain-and-simple ASK them what they want. 

And the results I get not only ensure that I never run out of blog post ideas, but it also ensures that I’m giving my audience what they want and will benefit from. 

Because here’s the thing. The more you advance in your niche, and expand your knowledge, the further you get away from being a beginner.

You start to forget what it was like to be a newbie, and you can start to lose touch with the needs and pain points that newbies in your niche are experiencing. 

So in order to serve them, you need to stay in touch with them and understand what their struggles are.

How To Survey Your Readers To Get Unlimited Blog Post Ideas

Once you’re starting to build a following and a readership, even if it’s a small one, you can start asking them for topic ideas.

In fact, in one of your automated welcome emails, you should ask them what they are struggling with.

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How To Create An Email Survey

You can create a survey email using simple text asking your readers to reply with their answers. But that is not very efficient or considerate of your time or your inbox. I prefer more automated ways of doing things. 

A more effective way to survey your audience is to use an online tool. You could use Google Forms and set up a form with 2-3 questions. Such as what they’re struggling with in your niche.

Ask what they want to see more of, and anything else they think would be beneficial to know that’s related to your niche.

I used to do this using Google Forms, but now I exclusively use Honeybook! I use Honeybook to manage all of my forms, questionnaires, contracts, leads, clients, and projects and it is WAY more organized than Google forms.

No matter what tool you use, keep the questions to a minimum so your readers don’t get turned off.

As busy bloggers, one thing we don’t have is time to fill out long surveys. 

Where To Place Your Email Survey To Capture Feedback

Don’t forget to occasionally mention a request for topic ideas in your blog posts or on your social media posts.

Try adding a note to your blog sidebar that you link to a post with a contact form or straight to your survey intake form.

How you get the reader’s input doesn’t really matter. The important thing is to ask them what type of content they want and then accommodate them as and when it is appropriate.

Don’t feel like you have to honor every single request. Pick and choose the ones that make sense for your blog and that will benefit at least a few of your readers.

Sometimes these requests will try to pull you off-topic on your blog. Just jot those requests down in a Trello Board, in case they’ll come in handy down the road.

Focus on the ones that make sense for what you’re currently doing with your blog.

excited blogger on laptop learning how to get unlimited blog post ideas

Ways To Create Content From Reader Feedback

How you make use of these requests is up to you. You can use them simply as suggestions and then write your own blog post on the topic.

Alternatively, you can treat them similar to the email blog posts we talked about a while back.

In that case, start with a little intro to the topic, copy and paste the reader’s request and then wrap it up with your reply.

Sometimes this makes sense and it’s a great way to not only get the blog post written quickly but also share some social proof.

Get Unlimited Blog Post Ideas With This One Email Trick – Conclusion

Surveying your readers is such a simple yet effective email trick that really does give you a valut of good blog post ideas. On topics that your audience actually wants to read!

Since you’re getting good questions and you’re taking the time to answer them on your blog, everyone wins.

Of course, sometimes the suggestions you get from your survey email will be so vague that you’re better off writing a blog post from scratch.

But I guarantee that most of the replies will spark unlimited blog post ideas. And if you’re really lucky, you will get some product ideas from it too.

Either way, you’ll get a great topic idea that can inspire a whole series of blog posts. Pick, choose and use whatever method works best for each request.

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get unlimited blog post ideas with this one email trick

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