Cash beside Holiday cookies - Winter Side Hustles To Make Cold Cash

35 Winter Side Hustles To Make Cold Cash

Winter’s almost here, and while the weather might be freezing, your bank account doesn’t have to be.

Winter isn’t just about bundling up and drinking hot cocoa (though that’s a major perk); it’s also the perfect time to pick up some side hustles and make some “cold cash.”

Whether you’re looking to cover those extra holiday expenses, save up for a cozy vacation, or just keep busy during those long winter nights, I’ve got you covered.

So, grab your favorite blanket, snuggle up, and let’s dive into 35 winter side hustles that’ll warm up your wallet!

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❄️ Virtual Winter Side Hustles

Holiday Card Template Design and Selling

If you’re handy with graphic design, consider creating and selling holiday cards.

Whether you go for digital designs that people can download and print themselves, or physical cards that you print and ship, there’s always a market for unique, beautiful holiday cards.

All you’ll need is an Adobe Cloud account and some creativity. Then, you can sell your designs on Etsy, through your own website, or on social media. And don’t forget to offer customizable options for those looking for something extra special.

Winter-Themed Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn passive income, especially during the winter when people are shopping for gifts, winter gear, and holiday decorations.

Focus on promoting products that are popular during the winter months—like cozy blankets, hot cocoa kits, or winter skincare products. Share your affiliate links on your blog, YouTube channel, or social media, and watch the commissions roll in.

I recommend using this affiliate plugin, which allows you to embed shopping boxes like this:

Winter Fitness Coaching

It’s easy to let fitness routines slip during the colder months, which is why there’s a demand for winter fitness coaching. Offer virtual coaching sessions to help people stay active and healthy throughout the winter.

Yes, you can create custom workout plans, host online fitness classes, or even offer nutrition advice to keep your clients on track. Plus, you’ll be helping them combat those winter blues.

Winter-Themed YouTube Content

If you’ve got a YouTube channel (or have been thinking of starting one), winter is a goldmine for content ideas. From DIY holiday crafts and winter makeup tutorials to cozy day-in-the-life vlogs, there’s so much you can share.

Winter is also a time when people spend more time indoors and on their devices, so your content is more likely to get views.

Bonus: You can monetize your content right away via ads, sponsorships, and affiliate links – even if your channel isn’t officially “Adsense monetized” through YouTube yet.

Sell Online Courses About Winter Hobbies

Winter is the perfect time for indoor hobbies, so why not create an online course teaching one of your favorite winter activities?

Young woman sits on couch and earns money selling courses in the Winter

Whether it’s knitting, indoor gardening, or baking, there’s a market for courses that help people make the most of their winter downtime. You can sell your courses on platforms like Udemy, Teachable, or even your own website.

But first – you’ll need to read my Ultimate Guide To Creating Your First Course.

Personal Shopping for the Holidays

Holiday shopping can be a stressful time for a lot of people, especially those who don’t know what to buy or where to find the best deals. That’s where you come in!

Offer your services as a personal shopper, helping clients pick out the perfect gifts and avoid the crowds.

woman sites at desk in home office running a personal shopping winter side hustle for the holidays

You can even offer to do the shopping for them if they give you a budget and a list. Whether you actually go into physical sores to shop, or you do it all online, this job is a ton of fun, that will save your client a ton of time.

Trust me, they’ll be relieved to hand over this task to someone else.

Winter Clothing Reseller

Got an eye for fashion? Start reselling gently used winter clothing. Thrift stores, consignment shops, and online marketplaces like Poshmark are great places to find quality winter gear at a low price, which you can then resell for a profit.

Focus on high-demand items like coats, boots, and sweaters. It’s a great way to combine a love of fashion with some extra income.

Hosting Online Winter Craft Classes

If you’re crafty, why not teach others how to make winter-themed crafts? You can host online classes where you walk people through making everything from holiday decorations to cozy blankets.

Charge a fee for the class, and consider selling kits with all the supplies needed for the project. It’s a fun and creative way to spread some holiday cheer (and make some money).

Remote Customer Service for Seasonal Businesses

As businesses ramp up for the holiday season, they often need extra customer service support. If you’ve got experience in customer service, offer your skills remotely.

You can help businesses handle the influx of holiday shoppers, answer questions, process orders, and resolve issues—all from the comfort of your own home. This is a great way to earn extra cash while helping out during the busy season.

Freelance Writing on Winter Topics

If you’d rather stay indoors where it’s warm, freelance writing is a fantastic option. There’s a big demand for winter-themed content this time of year—think articles on holiday recipes, winter travel tips, or cozy home decor ideas.

You can find gigs on freelance platforms like Upwork or Fiverr, or pitch your ideas directly to blogs and websites. Plus, you get to work in your PJs with a hot drink by your side. Not too shabby!

Virtual Tutoring

Winter break is a great time for students to catch up or get ahead in their studies. If you’re knowledgeable in a particular subject, offer virtual tutoring sessions.

Whether it’s math, science, or SAT prep, there’s always a demand for tutoring services. Plus, you can do it all from the comfort of your home, without ever having to step out into the cold.

❄️ Indoor/At-Home Winter Side Hustles

Gift Wrapping Services

We all know that one person who’s amazing at wrapping gifts (and if you don’t know them, it might be you!). Offer gift-wrapping services to people who are too busy or, let’s be honest, too bad at it to wrap their own presents.

hands wrapping a gift - Gift wrapping service makes a great Winter side hustle

Why not set up a little workshop in your living room and charge by the gift or by the hour while you watch Netflix? Bonus points if you offer mail-in services for those who aren’t local!

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Winter House Sitting

With people traveling for the holidays, there’s a big need for reliable house sitters. Offer your services to keep an eye on homes while owners are away—taking care of plants, collecting mail, or even doing light cleaning.

You can offer additional services like pet sitting or snow removal to make your package even more attractive. House sitting is a low-stress side hustle that can bring in steady income during the winter months.

Home Organization for the New Year

After the chaos of the holidays, people are ready to get their homes back in order. If you’re a whiz at organizing, offer your services to help them declutter and reorganize for the new year.

You can work in person or virtually, offering personalized plans and even helping clients go through their stuff via video chat. Trust me, people will pay good money to have someone else take the reins on this one.

Baking and Selling Winter Treats

If you love baking, winter is the perfect time to whip up some delicious treats and sell them. From cookies to pies to holiday-themed goodies, there’s always a market for sweet treats during the winter months.

Package them up nicely and sell them online, at local markets, or even through social media. Just be prepared for your kitchen to smell amazing (and for a few “taste tests” along the way).

❄️ Outdoor Winter Side Hustles

Snow Shoveling and Ice Removal

Let’s kick things off with a classic—snow shoveling! Look, nobody likes shoveling snow. It’s cold, it’s hard work, and you have to get up early to do it. That’s why people will happily pay someone else to take care of it for them.

If you don’t mind braving the cold and getting your hands (and probably your nose) a little frosty, this side hustle can bring in some serious cash. Pro tip: offer ice removal services too—because nothing says “I’ve got this” like saving someone from a slippery driveway!

Holiday Light Installation

Everyone loves seeing twinkling holiday lights, but not everyone loves climbing ladders in the cold to put them up. If you’re not afraid of heights and can channel your inner Clark Griswold (minus the mishaps), offer a holiday light installation service.

You’ll get to spread some holiday cheer and make some money while you’re at it. Just make sure you’re extra careful—no one wants to spend the holidays in a cast.

Firewood Delivery and Stacking

When the temperatures drop, people start firing up their wood stoves and fireplaces. If you’ve got a truck (or know someone who does), consider delivering and stacking firewood.

You can source the wood yourself or partner with a local supplier.

Trust me, people are willing to pay for the convenience of having a warm fire without having to do all the heavy lifting themselves.

Winter Photography

Winter landscapes are gorgeous—think snowy trees, frosted windows, and glistening icicles. If you’re handy with a camera, offer winter photography sessions.

Families love getting holiday photos with a wintery backdrop, and businesses might need some seasonal shots for their marketing materials. Plus, you get to capture the beauty of winter without spending too much time in the cold. Just be sure to bundle up!

Dog Walking in Winter

Even when it’s cold outside, dogs still need their daily walks. If you’re up for it, offer dog walking services in your neighborhood.

Not only will you get to hang out with some adorable pups, but you’ll also get some exercise (and maybe even a little fresh air). Just make sure you’re prepared for the cold—those early morning walks can be brutal!

Winter Sports Instructor

If you’re a winter sports enthusiast, consider offering lessons in skiing, snowboarding, or ice skating. There’s always a demand for instructors, especially in areas with lots of snow and ice.

You can offer private lessons, group sessions, or even virtual coaching for those who can’t make it to the slopes. Just be sure you’re properly certified and insured before you start teaching.

Winter Pet Sitting

Many people travel during the winter holidays, and they need someone to take care of their pets. If you’re an animal lover, offer pet-sitting services to those heading out of town.

So how does it work? Well, you can stay at their home, have the pets stay with you, or offer daily check-ins. And if you’re up for it, consider offering additional services like pet walks or winter coat fitting for pets who aren’t used to the cold.

❄️ Holiday-Specific Side Hustles

Holiday Pop-Up Shop

Ever thought about running your own little shop, even if just for a season? A holiday pop-up shop could be your chance! Whether you’re selling handmade ornaments, festive baked goods, or holiday-themed gifts, people love unique finds during the holiday season.

Set up in a local market, or even better, partner with a local business that’s looking to attract holiday shoppers. It’s like running your own little slice of a Christmas market, minus the freezing temperatures.

Christmas Tree Delivery and Setup

For many, getting a Christmas tree is one of the highlights of the season—but hauling it home and setting it up?

Not so much. That’s where you come in! Offer a service where you deliver and set up Christmas trees for your clients.

You could even offer add-ons like tree decorating, so your clients can just sit back with some eggnog while you handle the heavy lifting. Plus, nothing says holiday cheer like the smell of fresh pine in your truck.

New Year’s Resolution Coach

The start of the new year is when everyone’s ready to turn over a new leaf. Whether it’s fitness goals, financial planning, or learning a new skill, people need guidance to stick to their resolutions.

As a New Year’s Resolution Coach, you can offer one-on-one coaching sessions, create online workshops, or even sell resolution planning kits. You’ll be helping people achieve their goals, and that’s a pretty cool way to kick off the new year.

Holiday Event Planning

If you’ve got a knack for organization and a love for the festive season, holiday event planning might be your dream side hustle.

From office parties to family gatherings, the demand for event planners spikes around the holidays.

You can help with everything from choosing a venue to coordinating catering, decorations, and entertainment. And let’s face it, people will pay good money to avoid the stress of planning a big event.

Holiday Light Takedown Service

Remember those holiday lights you put up in November? Well, come January, someone has to take them down.

It’s not nearly as fun as putting them up, which is why people will gladly pay someone else to do it.

Offer a service to safely take down and store holiday lights, and you’ll be the hero of the post-holiday cleanup. Plus, you can start lining up clients for next year’s installation while you’re at it!

❄️ Creative Winter Side Hustles

Handmade Winter Apparel

Are you handy with knitting needles or a sewing machine? Winter is the perfect time to create and sell handmade hats, scarves, gloves, and other cozy apparel. People love unique, handmade items, especially when they’re functional and stylish.

You can sell your creations online, at local craft fairs, or even through social media. Plus, you’ll get to indulge your crafty side while making some extra cash.

Winter Interior Design Consultant

If you’ve got an eye for design, offer your services as a winter interior design consultant. Help clients create a cozy, warm atmosphere in their homes with the right furniture, decor, and color schemes.

You can offer virtual consultations or work with clients in person to bring their winter wonderlands to life. This is a great way to combine your passion for design with the season’s need for comfort and warmth.

Snow Day Activities for Kids

Kids love snow days, but parents? Not so much, especially when they’re stuck indoors with restless little ones. Create and sell guides or kits with activities that keep kids entertained during snow days.

Whether it’s craft projects, indoor games, or educational activities, parents will appreciate the help, and kids will have a blast. You can sell these kits online or through local parenting groups—just be ready for some rave reviews.

Winter Storytelling or Writing Workshops

There’s something about winter that makes people want to curl up with a good story. If you’re a writer or storyteller, offer virtual workshops where you teach others how to craft winter-themed stories or poems.

You can also host cozy virtual storytelling sessions where people can share their work. This is a wonderful way to connect with others and inspire creativity during the colder months.

❄️ New Year and Winter Transition Side Hustles

Tax Preparation Assistance

As the new year rolls in, so does tax season. If you’re good with numbers and understand the ins and outs of tax preparation, offer your services to help people get their financial ducks in a row.

You can assist with organizing paperwork, filing returns, or even offering advice on tax deductions. It’s not the most glamorous side hustle, but it’s definitely in demand—and people are willing to pay for peace of mind.

Related: Expenses entrepreneurs can write off on their taxes.

Winter Car Maintenance Services

Winter can be tough on vehicles, which is why winter car maintenance services are always in demand. Offer services like tire changes, battery checks, and winterization packages to keep cars running smoothly in the cold.

If you’re handy with cars, this side hustle can be a great way to earn extra income while helping people avoid winter breakdowns. Just be sure you’ve got a warm jacket—it’s chilly work!

Winter Wellness Products

Winter can be harsh on skin, lips, and overall well-being, which makes it the perfect time to create and sell winter wellness products. Think lip balms, hand creams, bath salts, or even immune-boosting teas.

You can make these products at home and sell them online, at local markets, or through social media.

Not only will you be helping people stay healthy and cozy, but you’ll also be tapping into a market that’s always looking for quality, natural products.

Post-Holiday Sales Consultant

Once the holidays are over, businesses often struggle with excess inventory and planning for post-holiday sales. If you’ve got experience in retail or marketing, offer your services as a sales consultant.

Help businesses develop strategies to clear out inventory, attract post-holiday shoppers, and plan for the new year. It’s a great way to use your skills to help others while earning some extra cash in the process.

35 Winter Side Hustles To Make Cold Cash – Conclusion

What do you think of these winter side hustles? Which ones will keep you busy, productive, and maybe even a little warmer this season? Winter might be cold, but your bank account doesn’t have to be.

No matter if you’re looking to make some extra cash for holiday gifts, pay off those holiday bills, or just keep yourself entertained during the long winter nights, there’s something here for everyone.

So, why not give these Winter side hustle ideas a try? Who knows—you might find a side hustle that you love so much, it becomes a year-round gig.

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