7 Practical Habits Of Organized People

7 Practical Habits Of Really Organized People

Do you exhibit these practical habits of really organized people?

People who are highly organized get things done. They work efficiently to complete different projects and tasks, and that tends to lead to a much less stressful life.

Others, however, often have trouble staying as organized, and despite their best efforts, they just can’t seem to stick with a routine or a To-Do list.

Although being organized comes naturally to many people, there are a few habits that anyone can adopt and organize their life to turn their chaos into order.

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Here are the 7 habits of organized people.

Do you do these Practical Habits Of Organized People?

7 Practical Habits Of Really Organized People

In this guide, you will discover some practical habits that really organized people employ. As well, I’ll share some tips from successful women about organization, to inspire you.

The women I quote below come from various fields and backgrounds, and highlight the value of organization, prioritization, and the quality of effort in the path to success.

1. they don’t rely on their brains to store information.

Although it’s being said that the human brain is the most powerful tool we have in our hands, and to some extent, that’s true, they are also very fallible.

How many times have you forgotten a birthday of a loved one? Or that certain *thing* you needed to do by the end of the day, but you forgot.

Organized people understand that they can’t trust their memories because things and information fade, especially when we don’t use them or actively recall them.

So, when they want to remember something, organized people write it down and put it in a system that they can trust.

Another benefit of writing everything down is that you don’t clutter your mind with thousands of small, irrelevant things to remember all the time.

It’s like closing the tabs on your browser after you’ve finished an assignment.

You’ll find mental clarity and won’t stress so much over the fear of forgetting something important.

“Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas. First you have to organize, then you can do research.”

– Marie Curie

2. They Have Routines.

When you’ve got emails to answer, bills to pay, uni/work-related tasks, and projects, all of these can be quite overwhelming to stay on top of them. So, how do organized people do it?

They have a well-thought-out routine that helps them stay organized and productive most of the time. Here are some ideas to add to (and remove from) your morning and evening routines:

The great thing is that when you’ve got a morning and evening routine established, you just follow it like you’re operating on autopilot.

“Organizing is a journey, not a destination.”

– Julie Morgenstern

3. They Put Everything Where It belongs.

“Have a place for everything and everything in its place.”

That’s something organized people swear by, even if they don’t use the exact same words.

Quotes by women about organizing -  Practical Habits Of Organized People

Whether it’s a place for your socks in the closet, a place for all your gym equipment in the garage, or a folder on your desktop with the files you’ve been working on, everything has a place.

That way, you’ll be able to find it when you need it, and you’ll also know where to put it back after you’re done with it.

Read: 10 Small Tips To Get You More Organized

4. They don’t leave things undone.

Another reason disorganized people always end up with a backlog of tasks. They either start way too many tasks altogether or put them off for the next day.

And that day never comes…

Organized people don’t leave tasks half-done. They have the drive to get through a job until it’s complete.

They finish work with the satisfaction of knowing that they got a job done, as well as with the piece of mind that comes with ticking off a lot of checkboxes and a clear To-Do list.

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”

– Oprah Winfrey

5. They create systems that work for them.

Organized people have come up with systems that work for them, they don’t just copy what’s working for others.

They may take inspiration by either watching YouTube videos or searching it up on Google, but the whole point of a system is trial and error.

So, what are the key points that systems must have?

Well, there are a few criteria we have to list out here:

  • It’s not going to lose your data.
  • It needs to be easily accessible.
  • The system itself has to be organized, and it’s easily searchable.

So, it’s totally up to you if you’re going to go with the digital or pen-and-paper route.

“You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through.”

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– Rosalynn Carter

6. They Filter Out the unimportant stuff.

This is a skill we need to be good at, especially in the modern society we live in today.

When we constantly get bombarded by messages, calls, and emails.

Disorganized people are more likely to be distracted by a notification, no matter how important or unimportant it is.

Also, when they get distracted by a call, for example, there is a higher chance that they’ll scroll through Facebook or Instagram for a few minutes to even an hour or two, making it harder to get back on track.

Organized people also get important and unimportant notifications when they’re working. But they resist this urgent feeling of checking it out because they know how valuable their time is and how much of a setback a notification will be.

See also: How To Never Waste Time Again: 20 Powerful Time-Management Tips That Actually Work

7. They have an optimistic Do-It mindset.

Organized people tend to have an optimistic attitude. It’s that thing that makes them tackle tasks and projects head-on.

That kind of positive thinking doesn’t have to be something you’re born with, but it’s something you can work towards day by day, action by action.

See: How To Stay Positive: 9 Simple But Effective Habits

When you feel positive and believe you can do things, that mindset can help you succeed, and once you succeed, you’ll believe more in yourself.

That’s a positive loop you’re building here.

It’s all about building a growth mindset.

Also, an organized person would rather hang up their coat instead of throwing it on the chair to pick it up later. This may seem like a small thing, but it can pile up.

The general rule of thumb is that if a task takes about 2–5 minutes to complete, do it now.

“We think, mistakenly, that success is the result of the amount of time we put in at work, instead of the quality of time we put in.”

– Arianna Huffington

7 Practical Habits Of Organized People – Conclusion

Which of these habits do you already practice? And which habits will you adopt?

Each of these habits and quotes underscores the value of organization, focus, and simplicity in achieving success.

Let me know in the comment section down below!

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