How To Write An About Me Page That Converts
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How To Write An About Me Page. Every blog needs one, so why does it give us the heebie-jeebies?!
If you are feeling uneasy about just how to wrangle your About Me Page effectively, you are not alone! In this post, I will explain exactly how to write a high-converting, effective About Me Page of your own.
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One that equals more subscribers and sales!
How To Write An About Me Page That Converts To More Subscribers And Sales
The ‘About Me’ page or ‘Start Here’ page is an important and essential part of every blog, and it can feel nerve-wreaking to have to officially ‘put yourself out there’ so publicly.
But with a few key bits of information, this page can become one of your best resource pages, one that will be a high-converting lead magnet for gaining subscribers and even get you more sales too!
How To Write An About Me Page: What Information Is Needed?
The ‘About Me’ page on your blog will likely become one of your most clicked pages. People reading your posts are naturally going to be curious about who you are.
You want to make sure that the content on your ‘About Me’ page is so good that these readers are convinced to subscribe (or at least bookmark you!).
So, how to write an about me page? What info must be included in order to be the most effective?
You want to be informative, brief and most importantly you want to be human here.
Let people know why you are the best person to help, entertain or inspire them, while letting just enough of your personality out that readers will relate to you, remember you and want to come back and read your blog again and again.
Sounds like a lot of pressure, right?
Don’t worry! You can do this! I have a simple guide below to walk you through exactly what to include in this page.
What Makes A Good About Me Page?
A good ‘About Me’ page is more about the reader than the writer.
Who is your ideal reader? Use this page to explain exactly who you are writing to, and those ideal people will resonate.
Discuss the reader first and yourself second. What’s in it for THEM should be top priority.
Show your readers the benefit that they will get from reading and subscribing to your blog first, and then explain who you are and why you are the best person to help/entertain/inspire them second.
Your ‘About Me’ page essentially is your elevator pitch, a quick explanation of who your reader is/who you help, what your readers get out of your blog / what you do and why you do what you do.
What An About Me Page Is:
A place to quickly let your readers know what they can expect to get from your blog, and who you are.
The goal of this page is to convince visitors of your site to become subscribers.
What An About Me Page Not:
A place to share every detail of your personal life. Your readers want to know about you, but they don’t want to know everything about you!
Related: How To Develop A Killer Media Kit For Your Blog
The Anatomy of an About Me Page
Use this guide to help you map out your About Me page.
This ‘ How To Write An About Me Page ‘ guide is a lesson from my program called The Blog Monetization Course.
If you are looking to develop your blog into a money-making business, learn more and enroll here – I look forward to having you in the class!
Use this first paragraph as a quick rundown of what people can expect to get from your blog.
What is the niche of your blog, who is your reader / who are you writing to.
Be sure to write your ‘About Me’ page (and all of your pages, posts, emails, ect) in the first person as if you are speaking directly to one person.
Make it personal. You aren’t speaking to a crowd of strangers, you are speaking to one individual, soon to be friend.
For example, a BAD way to write would be:
“Chelsea is a marketing and blog strategist who shows bloggers how to make money online with their blog.”
That is very impersonal, too general and frankly, not very friendly!
A GOOD way to write would be:
“I’m Chelsea, I’m a marketing and blog strategist and I will show you how to make money online with your blog!”
Of course, this writing style may depend on the type of business you run.
If you are in a medical field it may be better to write in a more formal manner. Use your discretion.
Don’t be shy to include an image of yourself! People want to follow and engage with a person, not a faceless business, after all.
It is recommended that your image be a clear headshot without anything covering your face, smiling, and in color.
In this paragraph you discuss your business and your business-related accolades.
Let your readers know that you are an expert – talk about your credentials, your education, and experience.
Don’t be shy! This is where you explain why you are the authority in what you do.
An ‘Opt-In’ is also known as a ‘Lead Magnet’ is some sort of freebie you are offering in exchange for the reader’s email address.
You are offering them an incentive to join your mail list, something so good that they won’t want to scroll past without joining.
You will embed a subscribe form right into the page so that your reader can enter their email address in exchange and get the freebie right away either by automatic download or by email.
You can use Mailerlite or Convertkit for this, as well as to manage your list, create opt-in forms and send newsletters.
Mailerlite is free up to 1000 subscribers and this link gives you a $20 credit to upgrade if you need more space.
In this paragraph, you go a bit deeper and discuss WHY you do what you do.
What problem you faced in the past that you have now solved, and how you can now help your reader find similar success.
Connect with your reader and let them know why you personally relate to their current struggle, and show them why they should listen to you to solve that problem.
You can link to some of your posts here that you think would appeal to your reader.
You want to build trust with your readers and demonstrate why you are the best person to help your reader solve their issues.
Add more pictures of you, your family and your life! Your readers are curious about who you are now.
This where you can be more personal, share some fun facts about your life and personality that are unrelated to the business side of your life.
In paragraph #1 you listed all of your credentials, education and experience, now it’s time to lighten things up with antidotes that are purely personal.
Don’t be scared to share something unique or funny about your life, it’s these things that will make you and your blog memorable.
Your readers will keep coming back because you provide interesting, helpful information AND because you are a real person and not a robot!
At the end of this paragraph you can tell your readers how to contact you, how to find you on social media, or remind them about a great product or service you offer.
Make it very simple for your reader to join your mail list, remind them again why they should join, what they get by doing so, and put a second opt-in form right there once more.
CTA stands for “Call To Action” this is where you prompt your reader to do something. This is your last chance on the page to catch your reader’s attention and inspire them to act.
This could be a bit of text to remind your reader about a deadline, a price increase, to encourage them to buy, or simply to get them to leave a comment.
Your ‘Opt-In’ is also a call to action, this is a second CTA in addition to that. This is your final pitch so make it count! Inspire them to act now.
Some ideas to use as a CTA could be:
- ‘Follow me on social media’ -> link to your accounts
- ‘Download my eBook now before I close the cart!’
- ‘Don’t wait! The price goes up in X hours’
- ‘What’s your favorite thing about ‘X’? Drop a line in the comments to let me know’
Having a ‘Keep Reading’ or ‘Related Posts’ link around here is a great way to keep your readers on your website.
Don’t be afraid to write and re-write your ‘About Me’ page from time to time, as it should evolve over time as you do, and as your blog grows.
Blog School Is In Session
This ‘ How To Write An About Me Page ‘ guide is a lesson from my profitable blog training: The Blog Monetization Course.
The Blog Monetization Course covers absolutely everything one needs to turn their blog into a business – it is an easy-to-understand, comprehensive and FUN blogging bootcamp that puts you on the fast track to running a money-making blog
Follow along on Instagram!