How To Install Any WordPress Theme

How to install WordPress theme, install any WordPress themes step by step guide, blog design, blog layout
Reading Time: 5 minutes

How to install any WordPress theme on your blog – It is quite simple! This is part 3 of our ‘Ultimate Start A Blog And Make Money Blogging Tutorial.’

This part covers how to find a great WordPress theme, how to install your WordPress theme, how to install plugins and more.

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When it comes to choosing a theme, you have a ton of options. Most importantly, it should be one that is responsive (meaning that it automatically converts to a mobile-friendly version when viewed on cell phones and tablets) and also is one that comes with support from the developer.


How to install wordpress theme how to install themes wordpress tips blogging tips starting a blog


How To Install WordPress Theme: Basics

There are many free WordPress themes out there, but I would recommend not using a free theme, and instead investing in a quality premium theme, for a few reasons.

Reasons to use a premium WordPress theme are:

  • You get more customization options with a premium theme
  • Premium themes come with support from the developer (So you can contact them for help at any time)
  • Premium themes come with lifetime updates, whereas free themes typically don’t.
  • Premium themes are more professional and look more professional.
  • You are guaranteed that a premium theme is bug-free, and up to date with your version of WordPress, which you can’t be guaranteed with a free theme


The look and feel of your brand is going to be the first impression people see when they visit your site, and they will decide in a matter of seconds whether or not you are professional enough for them to follow, subscribe to and buy from.

So don’t let the look of your website let your business down! Investing in a quality WordPress theme for your blog is a must! My recommendations for the best places to source a great WordPress theme are:

  1. Kadence
  2. Bluchic
  3. StudioPress 
  4. More Recommendations, See Here!


Choosing A Theme: WordPress Theme Examples


how to install WordPress theme Jacqueline WordPress Theme - Minimalist blog themes wordpress themes - 10 Stunningly Beautiful & Unique Minimalist Themes For Your WordPress Blog |

Jacqueline WordPress Theme By Bluchic

Jacqueline is a power-dressed WordPress theme for the Boss lady, consultants and coaches. Always stylish, always on trend, she’s the one you go to when you need to make a great first impression.

Built with a list-building mindset, Jacqueline uses her most prominent piece of web real estate to help you convert leads the first time so they keep coming back for more. Try Live Demo >

Minimalist blog themes wordpress themes - how to install WordPress theme 10 Stunningly Beautiful & Unique Minimalist Themes For Your WordPress Blog |

Maggie WordPress Theme By BluChic

Maggie is a WooCommerce ready WordPress theme that allows you to get an online shop up and running in no time. You can disable the shop too if it’s not what you fancy.

Try Live Demo >



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StudioPress Themes

Some of my favorite themes from StudioPress are Foodie Pro and the Melyssa Griffin theme Authority Pro. All Studio Press themes include the Genesis Framework, or you can buy the Framework separately.

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Having the Genesis Framework allows you to use any of these themes as well:

Swank WordPress Theme - Minimalist blog themes wordpress themes - 10 Stunningly Beautiful & Unique Minimalist Themes For Your WordPress Blog |

Swank Minimalist WordPress Theme By Pretty Darn Cute

The Swank WordPress Theme provides a clean, airy design that keeps your content the focus while framing it in style. Swank is just as functional as it is gorgeous.

Boasting a portfolio custom post type and a custom widgetized home page designed for you to showcase whatever you like, you can truly make it your own with a few drags and drops. This theme is incredibly easy to setup and comes with detailed instructions as well as access to our unmatched support team. Try Live Demo >


Fun WordPress Theme - Minimalist blog themes wordpress themes - 10 Stunningly Beautiful & Unique Minimalist Themes For Your WordPress Blog |


The Fun WordPress Theme By Pretty Darn Cute

Why is this called the Fun WordPress Theme? Because it’s FUN and easy to get setup and move things around to make it your own. This theme keeps you from banging your head against the desk, and allows you to spend that time playing with the many features it has to offer!

Do you sell products or downloads? Great, this theme is WooCommerce ready! Don’t sell anything? Awesome, just skip the “install WooCommerce” part of your setup instructions and you’re golden. It really is that simple. Try Live Demo >


How To Install WordPress Theme, Step By Step With Pictures

Purchase the theme & download the ZIP

Once you have chosen a theme you like, purchase it and download it to your computer. It will be a ZIP file.

How to install WordPress theme

To install your new theme, in your WordPress dashboard go to ‘Appearance’, then ‘Themes.’

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how to install WordPress theme


Upload the theme to WordPress

On the ‘theme’s page, click the ‘add new’ and then  ‘upload’ button.

how to install WordPress theme

Activate the WordPress theme

Once the file has uploaded, click the ‘Activate’ button, and that’s it! You have installed your WordPress theme!

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