Leveraging success to propel you towards success with Hayley Luckadoo

Leveraging failure to propel you towards success

Ready to hone your skills at leveraging failure? Today’s guest is Hayley Luckadoo, a successful motivational speaker, podcaster and business coach.

She has overcome setbacks and ‘failures’ that when you hear her tell her story, it will sound like she’s straight out of a blockbuster rom-com.

How? Well, I won’t spoil it – but – there’s her wedding planner business that rose from the ashes of her own wedding that didn’t happen, after her would-be groom broke off the engagement.

Or the time she got up on stage and completely forgot where she was or what she was supposed to say. 

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And the magic comes in when you hear how she turned those ‘uh-oh’ moments around and used them to fuel a win. 

entrepreneur with tote bag and notebook thinking about leveraging failure

Leveraging failure to propel you towards success with Hayley Luckadoo

Hayley of HayleyLuckadoo.com and I are diving into the ways you can leverage your own failures and setbacks, to propel you forward in your business.

And how taking risks can help you build a solid growth mindset that will take you far.

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Resources Mentioned

How Hayley Luckadoo turned failure into major entrepreneur success

entrepreneur planner profit business planner notion

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