woman sits by pool reading about Why These 9 Uncomfortable Habits Are Actually Life’s Real Magic Pills

These 9 Uncomfortable Habits Might Be the Magic Pills to Your Best Life

We’ve all heard it before: “If only there was a magic pill to make life easier!” But the truth is, the real “magic pills” are everyday habits that most of us avoid even though they could totally change our lives. They’re not glamorous, they’re not easy, and they’re definitely not popular, but if you lean into them, your entire life will level up.

Let’s get comfortable with the tough stuff that no one wants to do but can make a massive difference. Here are 9 life-changing, uncomfortable habits that when you give them a chance, it’s like taking ‘magic pills’ to achieve your best life.

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Want to Change Your Life? Start With These 9 Uncomfortable Habits

These 9 uncomfortable habits were inspired by a list from TikTok user Star Monroe. Her video is below.

1. Stop Drinking Alcohol

I remember the first time I gave up alcohol for a month. It wasn’t some massive, life-altering decision; I just wanted to see if I could do it. I was able to refrain from alcohol for a couple of weeks at first.

young woman at a social gathering enjoying the event without drinking alcohol which is like a magic pill to improve your life although its an uncomfortable habit for many

But it wasn’t too long until I got back into the habit of having a glass of wine while cooking, or having too many glasses of wine when out with friends. However – everything changed when my husband and I decided we wanted to start a family.

  • Getting into pre-pre-natal mode was just the thing I needed to make leaving alcohol behind a no-brainer. Doing it for my future baby was all the motivation I needed, and this time it stuck.

The first few months were rough—I had FOMO every time my friends went out. “But you’re not pregnant YET, you can just have a couple!” my friends and inner monologue would tell me. I had to have a strong mind to keep refraining from it.

But eventually, it got easier. I started to distract myself from the desire to go out and drink, with more productive things like starting a business, blogging and exploring creative interests.

And a few months later, I got pregnant. So, obviously drinking wasn’t even a possibility for the next 9 months + however many years of breastfeeding I had ahead of me.

Fast forward to a few years later. My kid is 3, and now it’s technically ok to have a drink once in a while. And what do you know? I no longer even wanted to! It was amazing.

My mind was sharper, I was sleeping better, and my productivity was through the roof. I also now had a 6 figure blog thanks to the focus I’d put into it over the past few years of sobriety.

group of friends cheers glasses, 3 are wine glasses, and one is a bottle of water
group of friends cheers glasses, 3 are wine glasses, and one is a bottle of water

It’s funny how something we see as “no big deal” can cloud so much of our day-to-day. If you want to see life in HD, cutting out alcohol is like cleaning the smudges off your glasses. Try it!

As an entrepreneur, you need to be sharp and at your best every day. Alcohol might seem like a way to relax after a long day, but it often clouds your judgment, drains your energy, and affects your productivity.

When you cut alcohol, your focus will mprove dramatically. Instead of wasting time recovering from a night out, you’Il be clear-headed, energized, and able to tackle your business with full intensity. For entrepreneurs, every decision counts—clarity and energy are non-negotiables if you want to stay ahead.

2. Avoiding Foods That Don’t Love You Back

Listen, we all love junk food once in a while, but let’s be real—do those foods actually love us back? Not really.

I’ve been a vegetarian my whole life which is a good start, sure. But that doesn’t exclude me from eating badly – I have a big sweet tooth!

It wasn’t until I started paying attention to how my body felt after certain meals that I realized just how much food affects everything. I started ditching the stuff that made me feel sluggish or bloated, and suddenly, I had more energy, fewer mood swings, and a clearer mind.

young woman holds a bowl of salad, prioritizing uncomfortable habits that help her live he best life

So, I focused on buying organic groceries for the most part, I planted a vegetable garden, and I focused on eating whole foods (non-processed) as much as possible.

The hardest part? Saying no to the comfort foods I thought I “needed.” But trust me, your body will thank you.

Running a business requires peak performance, and that starts with how you fuel your body. I learned the hard way that quick junk food fixes don’t cut it. When you rely on processed or heavy foods, they slow you down, leading to sluggish afternoons and brain fog.

Entrepreneurs need stamina, and feeding yourself foods that fuel productivity can make the difference between a sluggish workday and a powerhouse one.

3. Going to Bed Early

I used to be that person who bragged about staying up late to get things done, but in reality, I was just setting myself up for burnout. The real game-changer? A solid bedtime.

Yeah, it sounds like something your mom would tell you, but getting enough sleep is a magic pill. When I started going to bed earlier, I noticed a difference almost immediately. Nowadays I go to bed around 8pm, and I actually love waking up at 5am to have my peaceful morning routine.

woman goes to bed early to write in her notebook and prioritize sleep which is an uncomfortable habit that can be life-changing like a magic pill for a good life

Waking up refreshed beats waking up groggy every time. Plus, my mood and focus improved tenfold. Sleep isn’t for the weak—it’s for the smart.

Late nights might feel like the entrepreneurial hustle, but burnout isn’t far behind if you keep that up. I used to think working late into the night was the key to getting ahead, but in reality, it drained my energy for the next day. Once I prioritized sleep, everything changed. More rest led to better decision-making, increased creativity, and fewer mistakes. Sleep is a business strategy—it sets the foundation for how well you lead, think, and perform.

4. Lifting Weights

Ok, this one I need to start doing more. I always thought lifting weights was for people who wanted to “bulk up” which I now know is wrong. Lifting doesn’t just change your body; it changes your mindset.

There’s something empowering about getting stronger, even if it’s just lifting five more pounds than you did last week.

Entrepreneurship can feel heavy, both mentally and emotionally. Lifting weights can help not just physically, but mentally, too. When you lift, you build strength and endurance. Plus, it’s a great way to clear your mind and manage stress after a busy day of content creation, making decisions and solving problems.

5. Zero Gossiping

Gossip is like junk food for the mind. It might feel good in the moment, but afterward, you just feel gross. And your soul hates it! Gossiping brings your vibration down, honey.

three friends sitting on a porch, enjoying eachothers company without gossiping, working to practice daily habits to improve their lives

Cutting gossip out of my life was like a detox. Not only did it free up my mental space, but it also improved my relationships. You might not realize how much time you spend dissecting other people’s lives instead of focusing on improving your own. It’s one of those habits that’s harder to break than you think, but once you do, the peace that follows is unmatched.

Gossip is the ultimate distraction. It pulls your attention away from your goals and drags you into unproductive conversations. Successful entrepreneurs know that staying in your own lane is key to moving forward. Gossip does nothing but hold you back from growing your business and relationships.

6. Turning Off Your Phone

Most of us are glued to our phones. Domscrolling might be your routine right now. It was my routine—scroll, scroll, scroll.

Starting and ending the day glued to my phone kept me from setting boundaries with my business and life. I’d scroll through client emails the second I woke up, which left me stressed before the day even began.

Now, I make mornings and nights sacred—no phones. This simple habit gave me more control over my day, helping me focus on setting intentions rather than reacting to emails or notifications

The first moments of your day before you get up and the last moments of your day before you fall asleep are precious. Don’t look at your phone! It drains you.

Challenge yourself to start this new habit: don’t look at your phone for the first hour when you wake up, phone off an hour before bed. The difference? I bet you’ll actually start your day with intention and end it peacefully.

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No more mindless social media scrolling before sleep, and instead of diving into emails the moment you wake up, enjoy having a clear head. If you try only one thing from this list, let it be this.

7. Being Bored and Resting in It

We live in a world where being busy is glorified, and boredom is seen as the enemy. But when was the last time you let yourself just… be? No phone, no TV, no distractions.

Boredom is where creativity is born, and it’s where you get to truly rest. I used to avoid being bored like the plague, but when I finally embraced it, I noticed how much calmer and more creative I became.

Sometimes, the best ideas come when you’re not trying to come up with anything at all. Why do you think you get so many great ideas while you’re in the shower? Because your mind isn’t distracted by anything.

Being comfortable with doing nothing helps your brain recharge, leading to clearer thinking and more innovative ideas. Embracing boredom means creating the space for growth, reflection, and fresh solutions to business challenges.

8. Minding Your Own Business

Sounds simple, right? But it’s amazing how often we insert ourselves into other people’s drama or compare ourselves to their lives. When I made the conscious choice to mind my own business, I felt a huge weight lift.

unbothered woman sits casually on an anorandak chair minding her business and reading a book which is a magic pill to a happy life

Focusing on my own goals, my own growth, and my own lane was like putting on blinders to the distractions around me. It’s liberating. You’d be surprised how much time you free up when you’re not concerned with everyone else’s life.

In business, there’s a lot of noise—what other companies and creators are doing, how they’re growing, where they are marketing. It’s easy to get distracted. But when I learned to mind my own business, I started seeing real progress. Instead of constantly comparing my success to others, I focused on my own goals and journey. Creators succeed when they stay laser-focused on their vision and stop worrying about everyone else’s path. The moment you stop comparing and start focusing on your unique value, your business will thrive.

9. Raising the Standards on Everything You Do

Here’s the thing about standards: they define your life. If you’re willing to settle, you’ll get what you settle for.

But the moment you start raising the bar on everything—your work, your relationships, your self-care—you start seeing life differently. I used to do the bare minimum in certain areas because it felt “good enough.”

But when I decided to give my best to everything I did, life gave its best back to me. The key is consistency—raising your standards just once won’t cut it, but doing it daily will change your life.

Why These 9 Uncomfortable Habits Are Actually Life’s Real ‘Magic Pills’ – Conclusion

None of these “magic pills” are easy to swallow, but every single one of them has the power to improve your life drastically. The truth is, we all want better lives, but most of us avoid the uncomfortable changes that lead to real growth.

If you’re ready to level up, start by embracing just one of these habits. It won’t be easy, but I promise, it’ll be worth it.

Read this next: Is Dopamine Fasting The Ultimate Productivity Hack?

Thanks to Star Monroe on TikTok for inspiring this article!

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