Phone placed on book, showing how to use quizzes to grow your blog list-building marketing tool using this awesome quiz building app

Interact Review: How To Use Quizzes To Grow Your Blog & List

Are you interested in learning how to use quizzes to grow your blog and list? 

I’ve been using quizzes as a marketing tool for the past couple of years.

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They have helped me grow my email list to over 30,000 subscribers! But more importantly, they have given me immense data on my subscribers, blog readers and customers that I would never have known, without a quiz.

I’ll show you how to use a quiz as a list-building and blog growth tool using this awesome quiz tool called Interact, in this article.

How To Use Quizzes To Grow Your Blog & List

Quizzes grow your list because they are fun for your readers to take, and in order for them to see their results, they must sign up to your list.

Their answers are connected to your email service provider (I use this one).

This way, they will be automatically segmented into specific sections of your list, depending on what answers they click on. So that you know exactly what they like, want, need and don’t need.

Giving you crucial data that will help you know exactly what to sell and not sell to them. They get the best emails and offers suited to their needs and you never have to worry about what content your subscribers want.

It’s a win-win for everyone! Take a look at one of my list-building quizzes right here.

Entrepreneur quiz herpaperroute how will you get rich

This quiz has grown my list by thousands, without any paid ads. I just have it in my footer, and people naturally sign up after they are finished reading one of my blog posts. So easy!

When someone enrolls in one of my courses, the thank you page leads them straight into an onboarding quiz.

By utilizing an onboarding quiz, I get detailed info on my student, and get to understand exactly what they need so that I can serve them best.

Knowing who your customers are and what they want is crucial for your business to grow. You may THINK you know your customers but only  when you allow them to TELL you who they are, will you truly know.

Why you should use product quizzes

Picture This…

You’re scrolling through Facebook. You see a quiz and you stop.

You totally want to know what kind of wine you would be (if you were a wine) so you click.

You go through the quiz, you find out you’re a Merlot which is so funny because that’s actually your favorite wine so you share it because your BFF will totally get the irony.

You’re amused. You’re interested. You might even click on to the next quiz.

So, what if you could take that entertaining (and let’s face it, addicting) quiz and turn it into a list-building machine?

Something that grows your business and engages your audience all at the same time?

Something that can not only build your list but also funnel people into your paid offers?

Take this same idea of offering an engaging personality quiz but instead of something stupid like “what type of wine are you?” make it make sense for your digital products, affiliate offers, and community.

Using this quiz-building tool, you absolutely can! Allow me to introduce you to my secret blog and email growth weapon: Interact!

There are many things a quiz can do for your business:

A quiz can:

  1. Grow your list
  2. Engage your audience
  3. Encourage shares
  4. Help you segment your list
  5. Help your audience determine if your product and service is a good fit
  6. Give you data on your customers
  7. Help you create better products based on what your audience wants
  8. Sell offers to your readers right away, based on their answers

So think, it’s like a BuzzFeed-style quiz but, with a way more productive and profitable outcome!

Here’s how to create a quiz to grow your blog and list

First, sign up for Interact. Once inside, you will find tons of videos to help you through making your first quiz.

Interact comes with free templates which you are free to use, as well.

Update: Interact now offers a feature called InteractAI, which creates a quiz for you in a matter of minutes, using AI.

How To Use Quizzes To Grow Your Blog And List 3

Next, you will customize your quiz with your brand colors and images. I chose to use some stock images and some custom images for my quiz.

The program is integrated with Unsplash, so choosing stock photos is quick and easy.

How To Use Quizzes To Grow Your Blog And List Personality Quiz lead magnets

You can choose whether you want to have an assessment style quiz, a personality quiz or scored.

Don’t worry, you can create unlimited quizzes with Interact, so you can test out all of them and make as many as you like!

if you chose ‘score’ then you could choose to customize your questions so that you can filter people into specific offers based on their score.

Then, set the correct answers for each question and you have the option to add a comment that will appear when people select the right answer.

Or if you choose ‘Personality’ readers will be given multiple choice answers, with no wrong answer. Depending on what they click on, they can be led through a different funnel (called ‘branching logic’).

excited entrepreneur using her phone to learn how to use quizzes to grow her blog and email list

Next, customize the questions

Spend a few minutes creating your questions on the easy-to-navigate dashboard.

masterclass become a content creator

How To Use Quizzes To Grow Your Blog And List

Once your quiz is all set up, connect your email service provider (Convertkit) so that you can collect email addresses.

Lastly, you set up your results. Based on the type of quiz you choose, this will be slightly different.

If you are setting up a ‘Score’ quiz, you may have the nature of your quiz be about determining the user’s ability, to pre-qualify them for your product or coaching program. In that case, the results might be beginner, intermediate, and advanced.

You would then write up a quick paragraph and offer a resource based on each skill level. For example:

Because my offer is targeted, the more likely it is to convert.

You can segment your list by choosing what email sequence you want to be sent to each result.

Click here to find out why quizzes are the next BIG thing in email marketing (and try it for free)!

Need more ideas on how to grow your blog? Here’s how to create a lead magnet people actually want!

Take my quiz How Will You Get Rich? I hope this inspires you to create your own amazing quiz for your audience!

interact quiz maker

Discover more blogging tools we love here!

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