Ways to make money on Fiverr 24 interesting Fiverr gig ideas

How To Make Money On Fiverr 24+ Interesting Gig Ideas

There are a ton of interesting ways to make money on Fiverr, many of which you probably haven’t even considered.

You don’t need to have tech skills either. Anyone can make money on Fiverr, doing any of these interesting Fiverr gig ideas below.

If you are looking to make extra income freelancing, without the hassle of looking for clients all over the place, then you should check out Fiverr.

24 Interesting Ways To Make Money on Fiverr

Despite the common misconception, you can earn more than $5 per job on Fiverr as some freelancers are earning hundreds to thousands of dollars. That goes to show that the platform’s infamous five-dollar reputation is thankfully long gone. 

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With that being said, if you’re a job seeker, avid traveler, or digital nomad, Fiverr is an excellent platform to capitalize on your skills. In this guide, you’ll learn how to make money on Fiverr, what the platform is all about, and the types of jobs you can expect to find. 

Fiverr, is a platform for freelancers to sell their services starting at $5.

If you have shied away from selling your services on Fiverr because you think you aren’t going to make much selling your time for $5, then think again!

You can make a lot more, even a full-time income, by offering upsells and add on services.

There are people that have made hundreds and thousands of dollars on Fiverr.

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How Do You Make Money On Fiverr?

Alright. what kinds of things can you do to make money on Fiverr? Do you have to be a techie person?

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The short answer is just about anything you can come up with, and no, you don’t have to be a tech guru!

People use Fiverr to outsource work they either don’t know how to do, don’t want to do, or don’t have the time to do.

There are tons of techie type things that you can do on there too, like website development, programming, SEO, graphic design, etc.

But that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

Let’s take a look at some of the categories on Fiverr so you can start getting some gig ideas.

The categories displayed at the top of the Fiverr homepage are:

  • Graphics and Design
  • Digital Marketing
  • Writing and Translation
  • Video and Animation
  • Music and Audio
  • Programming and Tech
  • Business
  • Fun and Lifestyle

Upon first glance, it might look like you need a business or developer degree to make anything off of Fiverr.

But let’s take a closer look and dive into some gigs that you as a non-techie (or novice techie) can do to make some extra side cash.

Make Money On Fiverr – 24 Interesting Gig Ideas

1. Voice over artist

Do you have a nice voice or just like to talk? A sexy accent?

Perhaps you should try your hand…I mean voice…at voice-overs.

Tons of people are making instructional videos online and are not comfortable with using their own voice or are looking for a specific type of voice to put into their videos.

Simply upload a voice clip to your Fiverr profile and let people know you are a voice-over artist.

Obviously, it helps to have a pretty good microphone so you don’t have to worry about static and feedback.

Check out this microphone, it is recommended by many podcasters as an inexpensive and good quality microphone.

2. Website tester

Companies pay big money for this type of thing.

Being able to see a website, landing page, or whatever platform from the customers’ perspective can vastly help to improve the customer experience.

Plus if you already know how to browse around online-which if you are here, I am assuming you do -this is a super-easy way to get started.

You are simply checking to make sure the website is easy to navigate from a user perspective, it doesn’t take too long to load, links work, the design is aesthetically pleasing, etc.

To do this effectively you will need a screen recording software.

You can download Jing for free, which lets you record up to 5-minute videos.

Or if you are looking for something that you can make longer recordings and throw editing in the mix, Screencast-O-Matic is what you want.

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There is a free version where you can record 15-minute videos and save as a video file. Or a very reasonable pro version for $15/yr.

Which allows you to make longer videos and edit the videos.

Once you are done making the recording simply upload it to an email, Google drive or Dropbox folder for your client to access.

3. Human Billboard

I promise this is not as sketchy as it sounds!

When companies are working on branding campaigns, they want their logo, slogan, or message in as many places as possible.

Can you draw the company logo on yourself? Or wear their t-shirt and take a photo of yourself?

This might not be for everyone. Some companies also might look for a specific “image” that they want to portray to their customers.

So if you are loaded with tattoos and the company is looking to promote their products to that demographic, you just might be a perfect fit.

4. Article Spinning

This Fiverr gig idea is one for the writers out there.

ways to make money on Fiverr gig ideas

Article spinning is basically taking an original article and re-writing it so it can be redistributed on the web, as safe for SEO content.

So why would someone want an article spun?

Maybe they have multiple websites that overlap topics but don’t always want to consistently come up with new content.

Or they want to redistribute the same content on their website without getting a Google penalty for duplicate content.

This is a particularly popular strategy in small niche sites mostly used for affiliate marketing.

This is another pretty easy job if you are a halfway decent writer.

If you can paraphrase other people’s work (remember English class) without plagiarizing it, then this might be an option for you.

You can also use Copyscape’s free comparison tool to check your writing against the original piece of content to make sure it’s not too similar.

Or you can get CopyScape premium and do checks for other people to make sure no one is stealing their content or it is not already copied.

Be sure to read this guide to copyright rules either way!

5. Social media promoter

This is not as technical as it sounds.

If you have a large following on any of your social media accounts you can use that as a promotion tool.

This is great if your followers are in a certain niche-like raw food, breastfeeding, or gourmet coffee.

You can write a short post, or be seen using a product and link back to their page. If you don’t have a super large following, starting at $5 is good.

However, if you have a pretty large following and super active and engaged users you can command higher prices.

Put together a media kit that shows:

  • how many followers you have
  • when you normally post
  • the type of engagement you get
  • if and what you have previously promoted and how it did.
  • for example, each tweet gets an average of X# of retweets within the first 4 hours, etc.

The more specific you can be with how the client will benefit from your following, the higher the prices you can charge.

Also, there might be the option to develop a recurring relationship with that customer to promote their products.

Then you could charge a commission percentage of what your followers buy.

6. Meal plans

Are you great at meal planning?

Offer your services on Fiverr to those that might not have the time to do meal planning themselves. You can offer plans for specific dietary restrictions-vegetarian, vegan, paleo, gluten-free, etc.

There is also the option to offer upsells for those wanting personalized meal plans or add ons like a grocery list.

7. Microsoft office services

There are many people that are not great at doing things in Microsoft office-excel formulas, word formatting, just gives them a headache and makes them want to cry.

If this is something that comes as second nature to you, then put it to use!

Excel formulas are really not that complicated. Whenever I can’t figure one out, I turn to my trusty friend Google.

And it’s not just Microsoft office, this includes Google sheets, docs, etc, and Mac apps like keynote and pages.

They are all very similar, and if you have a PC you can access Mac apps in iCloud. But if what I just said is making your head spin, stay away from this one.

8. Social media graphics designer

Another one that sounds more complicated than it is.

Remember that image you clicked on in Pinterest that brought you to this post?

Yep, super easy and free to make. Simply go to Canva and make one.

You can add company-specific colors, logos, or create your own thing. Play around with it.

This can be used for Pinterest pins, Facebook headers, Instagram quotes, Twitter images and so on.

You can even branch out and create greeting cards, infographics, posters, ebooks and tons of other things on the free app.

There is also a paid version of Canva that gives you access to more stock images, the ability to upload fonts, create templates, and save brand colors for $12.95 a month.

You can also take a look at PicMonkey, which is another free app with a paid upgrade where you can do similar things.

If you are slightly better a photo editing, you can always try your hand at Photoshop, which is included in Adobe Cloud subscription.

With Photoshop you can create things that people are willing to pay big bucks for!

9. Creative writing

Another one for my writers out there!

Do you love to write stories about fictional characters and their quests?

Is Wattpad your favorite app? Then creative writing on Fiverr may be just the thing for you.

But you don’t want to write a whole short story for $5, of course.

So why not develop a character profile, or perhaps help a writer map out the beginning or ending to their story.

You could write just that one section. It is common that $5 pays for about 100 words, which is really not a lot of work. Hello upsells!


10. Transcription

This is a pretty easy gig and in high demand considering the popularity of podcasting.

Podcasting has blown up in the past few years and although it is great to listen, some people still prefer to read.

You can transcribe a podcast or any type of audio. I have seen anywhere from $5 for 5 minutes of audio to $5 for 60 minutes of audio.

It is really up to you how much you want to make on an hourly basis, and how fast and accurate you can type.

If you are doing $5 for 5 minutes and the grammar is impeccable, then people will pay more. Just make sure you are putting in the description that is it manual transcription and what kind of quality the customer can expect (edited, proofread, formatted, etc).

You want to make sure your clients are happy and you are getting good reviews.

You can even offer an upsell to load the transcription into a template the client already has for all their show notes or something similar.

Here’s an example of how Pat Flynn from SmartPassiveIncome has his transcriptions formatted.

You can always upsell to put time stamps on the transcript. This can be especially useful for podcasters.

11. Social Profile Copywriter

Have you ever set up a new social profile and go to write your “about you” section, only to draw a blank on what to say about yourself?

Well, then you need a social profile writer!

Maybe you are a new business owner and you are struggling to write a profile description of yourself or your company. One that really stands out and describes who you are and what you can offer.

Not everyone is great at writing and people are often afraid of sounding too braggy or arrogant when they are writing about themselves.

So why not help them out? If you are pretty good with words and can make someone sound amazing, then try your hand at profile writing.

12. Translation

Do you speak another language? If you can translate already, why not make some money from it?!

Obviously not for everyone, but if you do have this skill, monetize it.

You could translate people, videos, audio, written word or even offer your services over Skype.

13. Gaming

Are you an expert gamer? Do you pick on the noobs while playing Call of Duty because they can’t level up? Can you beat the boss level with ease every time?

People will pay you to get them to the next level or help them earn that platinum trophy.

Yes, you heard that right. So if you happen to be a gamer, or have a teenager or partner who spends hours gaming,  listen up.

Rather than yelling at them to go get a job (or do the laundry), get them on Fiverr!

14. PLR article writer

If you are unfamiliar with PLR, it stands for private label rights. It is commonly white label articles and ebooks that can be resold and distributed.

Selling PLR content can be lucrative.

If you can write short articles about any niche topic, you can resell it as PLR.

People often sell hundreds or thousands of articles for very low prices. They might even buy them from other PLR sources (with resale rights) and resell them.

People use PLR content to populate blogs and websites with content quickly rather than sitting down and writing it all themselves.

15. Pet modeling

When it comes to thinking up ideas for what to sell on Fiverr, remember, you can get the whole family involved, and that means the pets, too!

Remember the walking billboard idea before? Well, apply that to your pet.

This is not just limited to dogs and cats, oh no, get your goldfish, horse or monkey involved.


16. Blog images

This goes right along with the social media cards/images I mentioned earlier. So head back over to Canva.

Blogs with images are more fun to look at and easier to share.

If you have a pretty good eye for design, you can help struggling blog owners up their game with amazing images that draw readers in.

17. Singing

Do you have a good singing voice? Can you rap or beatbox? Then offer to sing songs that people write.

Just make sure you have a decent microphone to record it on.

I had seen this done for someone, where the client wrote about their perfect day and had someone make it into a song.

It was pretty cool, kind of like a singing vision board.

18. Editor

Editing can be a pretty easy Fiverr gig idea for someone who has an eye for detail and good grammar.

Or maybe someone just needs a second pair of eyes to look at their work before they publish or submit it.

You can edit just about anything, blog posts, academic articles, school papers, ebooks.

If it has words, it can be edited. Gigs can start at $5 for proofreading and editing of 5000 words.

If you are a little more tech-savvy, editing also covers photo and video editing.

19. E-books and other info products

When it comes to info products and e-books, either people are looking for the answer to solve their problem, or they are looking for shortcuts to content creation.

So you could either write a specific e-book on a subject and sell it, OR you would write e-books and create info products for people.

The latter you can charge a lot more for!

20. Tutor

If you have looked on any online job boards for virtual positions lately, you may have noticed a need for online tutors.

Specifically tutors for Chinese students looking to learn English.

This is different than translation in the fact that you don’t need to speak the other language.

You do, however, need to have a good understanding of the English language and grammar.

I have seen people on Fiverr charge $25/hour for a Skype session to teach English.

Although as a brand new seller you can not start out at $25/hour. You need to build up to that level.

You are not limited to English tutoring. Know a thing or two about advanced calculus? You can charge $30/hour for that.

People are looking for tutors in Microsoft office, microeconomics, finance, different languages, research papers, and just about any subject you can think of.

This would be an especially good gig for those already in college looking to earn a little to pay their tuition.

21. Market research

Market research is something that a lot of people either don’t understand or they just find it too tedious.

If you know how to conduct market research for online or offline businesses, this is definitely a skill you can market.

I have seen Fiverr gigs on market research for researching 2 specific competitors for $25.

With comprehensive market research, suggestions and improvements on a business going for $100.

You can also charge by the hour for market research. This works well if someone is looking for research for a book or article.

Just make sure you are providing detailed information, citations, and links back to what you find.

You don’t want to have to worry about accidental plagiarism on the author’s end.

22. Virtual assistant

If you want to do a little bit of everything, you can offer your services as a virtual assistant.

This is good for people looking for a bit of extra help and to get their lives organized.

Not just entrepreneurs, even busy moms and dads need a little bit of virtual help here and there.

Got a bunch of photos of the kids online you want organized but don’t have the time to sit down and do it, hire a VA!

A virtual assistant can handle just about anything.

The main plus side to this gig, there is a very high possibility of recurring clients, especially if you are good at what you do.

23. Product review video

Do you love talking in front of a camera?

Companies that are just starting out and need reviews for their products often hire individuals from Fiverr.

Create a short, normally 30-60 second videos talking about how great their products are.

I have seen this done for both digital and physical products.

Just make sure you are being realistic in the video and not overly excited or fake.

24. Creating stock photos

Do you have adorable pets? Can you take nice nature photos or can set up snazzy flat-lay photos?

Create stock photography images to sell on Fiverr.

Or perhaps create custom photos for people that are looking for specific types of images that may be more difficult to find.

Stock photography can be big business, seeing the same old images online every day can get old.

Bonus Ideas For Fiverr Gigs

Do you already have a software that you use and pay for monthly or yearly that you could use to get gigs on Fiverr?

Have a premium subscription to Copyscape? Charge people $5 to check their site for plagiarism.

Find out how to make money off of the things you already pay for.

Try making a list of things you have done, in school, at work, on a volunteer basis that you could turn into a Fiverr gig.

Ask your friends or family members what you have done for them that they found helpful that they would have had to pay someone else for.

Obviously, it has to be deliverable online though. Although I have seen gigs where someone creates something and ships it to the client.

Tips To Optimize Sales on Fiverr

When figuring out what to sell on Fiverr, we’ve rounded up a few pointers to set yourself apart from the pack and boost your chances of landing a gig. 

1. A Great Profile

It’s a no-brainer that making your profile stand out by ensuring it’s descriptive can make all the difference. After all, your profile is the first thing a buyer sees, so a great first impression could mean a steady stream of gigs.

To make your profile more appealing, you can upload a video marketing your services and why you’re a great fit. Doing so shows your effort and dedication. It’s also an ideal way of endearing yourself to buyers and garner trust. 

2. Utilize SEO

With countless gigs floating around online, tweaking yours for enhanced visibility is crucial. One of the greatest tricks to boost the quality of your gig is by using Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

The title of your gig should be readable and capture the attention of a reader. Rather than list your skills, you can write something more eye-catching.

For instance, typing, ‘I’d love to craft three travel articles that would be a great fit for your brand’ as opposed to ‘travel websites, blogger, and copywriter,’ 

Another pointer would be to include repetitive keywords in your profile. For example, if you’re a travel writer, you can mention this in the title and description of your profile.

By repeating particular keywords, you’ll enhance your visibility for those who search for your phrase.

3. Use the Fiverr App

During your travels, you might not have access to your laptop. Here’s where the app comes into play.

Once you install it on your smartphone or tablet, you can apply to gigs and respond to clients in a timely fashion while you’re on the move. It’s the Holy Grail to stay on top of your buyers.

There’s no denying that customer service is one of the most ideal ways to boost your success score and ratings on Fiverr. 

4. Upsell

Although you’re listing a $5 gig, the potential for larger earnings per transaction is high. When you upsell various services, your buyers can customize their order, paving the way for you to earn extra bucks. 

For instance, if you get hired for a logo design project, you can customize extra features that they can buy. They might be willing to pay for additional colors, or perhaps they want to add a particular business card design to their order.

Either way, an Upsell will provide a buyer with numerous possibilities to earn more.  Now that you know how to optimize your sales, make sure you sign up for your free profile.

How To Make Money On Fiverr 24+ Interesting Gig Ideas – Conclusion

Don’t be afraid to get creative when it comes to offering gigs on Fiverr.

Have you done some Fiverr gigs? What has worked for you? Are there any other non-techie gigs you can think of?

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ideas for things to sell on Fiverr

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  1. Cristy Cross says:

    Okay you must have hear my thoughts! I was looking for ways to sell stock photos, but I didn’t know where to go! Thank you for this post.

  2. Thanks Her Paper Route.. Used your link to hop on to fiverr.. would start selling as soon as possible..

  3. I’ve been a Fiverr seller for about 5 years. Some of my favorite gigs are ones that require very little in terms of actual work. Time is money, right? I have a couple of gigs still running where I just deliver an already completed project. One is a debt-free spreadsheet and a sheet of tips straight from my blog. The other is nice quotes for social media. Even though I only charge $5 for them, I can deliver them in 5 minutes.

    Fiverr was also where I began my successful VA business. I did probably 100 gigs doing Pinterest and writing for people and that did very well for me, but was very time-consuming, so I moved to my own platform and my own business. Writing crowdfunding pitches was extremely profitable!

  4. OMG thank you for these Fiverr gig tips

    1. Thank you for reading, and yes, feel free to share my article on your social media.

  5. What a lovely article very informative. Thanks for share such kind of nice information with us.

  6. Lovely Article I would like to share this because its very helpful for me.

    1. Please do share! Thank you for reading!

  7. Kennedy S says:

    Awesome article, very much helpful. Loved it. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  8. Great post, I was literally thinking this morning that I am getting good at using canva so I should probably offer my service then I see this post. So thank you. great work

    1. It doesn’t hurt to give it a shot!

  9. Awesome tips and trick for Fiverr gigs. I already created my Fiverr gigs successfully by following this great article. Thanks!

    1. You’re very welcome and thank you for reading!

  10. While $5 for a project seems like a pittance — actually $4 once Fiverr takes its cut — a number of workers on the site have turned it into a lucrative platform, earning six figures a year.

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