How A Trashy Episode Of The Bachelor Lead To A Fulltime Blogging Income |

6 Figure Blogging Income – How Much Do Bloggers Make?

6 Figure Blogging Income, How Much Do Bloggers Make? 2 decades ago, I had NO idea how much money can be made online and I wasted a lot of time working meaningless jobs when I should have been working on my blog.

Blogging is my fulltime job now, and I earn 6 figures a year running various niche websites from beauty to marketing to tech.

But I wish I had started sooner. Here’s you shouldn’t wait to monetize your blog.

How An Episode Of The Bachelor Lead To A Fulltime, 6 Figure Blogging Income

Before I became a blogger myself, I thought that blogging was just a hobby people had, not a business.

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12 years ago I was sitting in my tiny, crappy apartment which I could just barely make rent for after my tuition payments, (and makeup addiction); eating another amazing dinner of a microwaved burrito.

I was watching some pixelated Internet bootleg episode of The Bachelor (a trashy, guilty pleasure which I’m not ashamed to say, one I still enjoy), and one of the women listed her occupation as ‘Blogger.’

‘Pfft” I laughed to myself and thought ‘A Blogger? Yeah, whatever Bethany S. Blogging isn’t a job!’

How A Trashy Episode Of The Bachelor Lead To A 6 Figure Income |

Looking back on that now, it feels ridiculous that I thought Blogging isn’t a job

…because nowadays I earn a fulltime living from my blogs – in mostly passive income.

But back then I had no idea.

I had a blog, but I didn’t know I could have been making money from it. And even though I was in University studying digital media and marketing (!!), the lesson on how to blog for profit never came up.

I was inspired by this idea of making some money from my blog, and began learning about advertising. But I didn’t really know what I was doing yet and struggled to make even $20 per month.

A few more years went by, now I was working in marketing, helping other people get rich building and marketing their websites and businesses, while I continued to eat frozen burritos and blog for free as a hobby.

I look back on those years and shake my head at how much time I wasted because I didn’t know what I was missing out on.

I didn’t understand how bloggers get paid, or just how much you could earn

So I continued to work sh*ty jobs and be the “Marketing Coordinator” “Website Coordinator” “Operations Coordinator” and “Everybody Else’s Crap Coordinator” for less than $30,000 per year.

I was a 9-to-fiver bringing in thousands of dollars for other people’s companies and growing their social media empires to huge success, plus I worked every night, 6pm-to-4am-er as a bartender as well.

Oh yeah, and I also ran an e-commerce business dropshipping clothing online. I worked over 110 hours per week, for very little in return.

I was drowning

Had I known just how possible earning money as a blogger really was back then, I would have been on the right track much faster.

It was when I FINALLY took the time to learn affiliate marketing that everything changed. I had banked a decade of experience in website building, design, and social media marketing, and now affiliate marketing was the missing link.

Suddenly I was empowered to take my blog from hobby to full-time business.

I re-launched my website as a cruelty-free beauty blog, monetized it, and everything is history. That beauty blog soon started making a good monthly profit, and after 1 year, I sold it for $50,000.

My only regret about going fulltime as a blogger is not doing it sooner

I wish someone would have told me how to blog and work in affiliate marketing a decade ago. So that is why I run and

I want to help people get a jumpstart on blogging and marketing strategies, so you don’t have to waste any time on trial and error, trying to figure it out on your own. is where I teach affiliate marketing, social media marketing and funnels.

I give offer everything you need to turn your blog idea into a real, lucrative income source.

I also teach courses on blogging and affiliate marketing, such as the popular Blog Monetization course.

How Much Do Bloggers Make?

How much do bloggers make? Some bloggers make a few thousand dollars per month, some make several thousand dollars per month. Some bloggers earn a couple hundred dollars per month or less.

There is no set rate for how much a blogger can make, it all depends on how well she markets products to the right people who want to buy them.

That’s really all it comes down to. Finding a product that people want, then putting those products in front of them, and writing interesting copy to entice them to click and buy.

Blogging income can be as low or as high as you have the time and energy to put into making it.

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Start / Monetize Your Blog

If you haven’t started your blog yet, or, you need to learn how to monetize the blog you have, I invite you to take my Start A Blog Course, it is FREE, self-paced, and no-nonsense!

Teach Your Own Online Course

If you are thinking you’d like to learn how to start and sell your own online course, this is the platform I host my courses on, and I highly recommend it.

Podia also makes it easy to create and sell your online courses, with all the tech, hosting and automation to boot. You can even run an affiliate program for your school via the platform.

I also have a resource of alternatives to Podia, including options for different budgets, which you can read about here.

I’m off to go watch some Bachelor episodes now!

Like, legitimately, on my paid-for cable service – no more having to watch grainy online bootlegs! Thanks Blogging!… And Bethany S. (lol).

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