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How I Made $16,800+ Blog Flipping A Site Without Traffic

In the past year, I have sold over $1,000,000 from blog flipping. Flipping blogs is something that I have an absolute passion for.

In addition to developing and selling my own sites for profit, I now help others get into blog flipping. I host the Blog Flipping Society, and offer blog broker services. I founded the Niche Investor marketplace where you can buy and sell blogs and online businesses, at

It was crazy when it hit me that I’ve sold over 7 figures worth of websites. Yet one of the best websites I’ve flipped was an old content site that was making no money and had no traffic when I bought it. I invested $500 in it and ended up profiting over $16,800!

In this article, I will reveal a case study of what I did to flip that blog for profit in less than 6 months.

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How I made $16k blog flipping with no traffic: Make money online

How I Made $16,800+ Blog Flipping A Site Without Traffic

Although I have been flipping blogs for a number of years now, there have been some that stick out on my highlight reel for sure. Such as the no-traffic 5 figure flip I’m sharing about today.

As mentioned, the website I am talking about was not making a single cent when I bought it. It had zero traffic and was not ranking for any good keywords, either. It was a ‘sinking ship’ as they say.

No one else was giving it a second look when it came up for sale. Who would want to buy a site that had no revenue or traffic, after all?

I did. I wanted to buy it. I saw that it had over 700 articles, spanning various categories such as health, finance, travel, shopping, stocks, business, and more.

To me, this was a goldmine.

I literally went in, bought the site for cheap ($500), and I didn’t have to fight any other buyers at auction!

And guess what? This became one of the best investments in my portfolio!

Because just 3 months after buying that site, it earned me $6,000 in profit. And another $12,000 soon after. And then more soon after that.

It continues to generate sales to this day. And…I don’t even own the domain anymore!

How is this possible To Earn $16,800 Blog Flipping?

I’ll show you how this is possible. If you are thinking of flipping a blog yourself, take a look at my blog flipping case study below.

Step 1. Acquire A Site

First, I bought the website for $500.

↓ Down $500

You can find websites to buy in Facebook groups, on auction sites, and at these top marketplaces.

Step 2. Divide Up The Assets

Now for the fun part!

Once I received the website, I split each of the 7 categories’ articles onto 7 different domains. The health articles went to a health niche site. The stocks content went to a stocks and trading niche site, etc.

For this, I purchased 7 different domains for less than $10, or used ones I already had.

Once an article was moved to a different domain, I deleted it from the original site, and redirected the old link internally. You can use Pretty Links for this.

Plus, I still had a surplus of extra articles left over, that didn’t get added to these niche sites too. More on that later.

Step 3. Niche Down & Monetize

I then created 7 niche sites using those different articles.

Next up, I monetized all 7 of those new niche sites. Adding digital products, affiliate links, and Adsense.

But, this is NOT where I made the money. As, again, there was no traffic.

Step 4. Flipping A Blog, Or A Few

So how did I make the first $6,000 in profit?

Simple. I sold a couple of those starter niche sites, for $700-$2,000 each!

After that, I sold a couple of made-to-order custom websites for clients at $1000 each, using some of the surplus articles on those sites.

The next thing I did was resell the original website, having left just 80 articles on it.

I had generated traffic to this one over the course of 2 months. I sold it for $1,800.

Check out my strategy for growing traffic, and strategy for growing my list.

↑Up $6,000

Step 5. Re-Invest

Now that I had made a $6,000 profit, it was time to re-invest.

I found another sinking ship, this time a mom blog with 300 articles about working from home. I bought it for $1,200.

↓ Down $1,200
= Profit $4,800

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I left most of the articles on this one and spent about 6 months publishing new content and pinning it regularly.

During this time, I used some of the leftover surplus content from the original $500 blog to create an online course about work from home productivity. The mom blog now had its own digital product to sell.

After owning the mom blog for 6 months, I then sold it for $12,000.

↑ Up $12,000
= Profit $16,800

Step 6. Utilize And Monetize Any Leftover Content

Now I was up significantly and held a profit of $16,800 from my initial investment of $500.

The next thing I did: I used some of that surplus content that I still had leftover!

I published a few of those surplus articles on and added affiliate products throughout each one. Those articles continue to bring in affiliate sales consistently.

As well, I still have 2 of those 7 niche blogs in my portfolio, not yet ready to sell. One I am holding onto for a few years, as I put it on a domain that I anticipate will be sought-after in about 5 years’ time. The other I am currently developing to sell later this year.

So there should be future blog flipping income there.

When you buy a profitable website, you get to skip the initial work of starting a blog from scratch and jump right into owning a blog that is working.

– Chelsea Clarke

As you can see, In The Business Of Blog Flipping, content is king.

If you have quality content to fill your sites with, you are ahead of the game. The more quality content you have, the more blog flipping opportunities you have.

But, writing content takes a LOT of time. I don’t recommend that you personally sit there and write 700 articles yourself.

You could hire writers, but that gets expensive, and still takes a lot of time for them to do it, too.

The BEST way to publish large-volume original content quickly is to buy a website that already is filled with great content.

This way your time can be spent on further developing the site to generate more traffic. You could add better affiliate and digital products and offers.

Or, you could do what I did and split the content into multiple sites, and sell them all for major profit.

Take this 60-second quiz to find out how much your site is worth right now!

Want to invest in your next Blog flipping success?

==> Take a look at our current blogs for sale listings
==> Apply to enroll in my blog flipping group coaching program to learn how to develop niche sites and sell them for big profit

Read More About Blog Flipping

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  1. Needed to read through this again, one of the business i will try to invest in this year!

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