
9 Effective Ways To Combine Social Media And Email Marketing

Combine social media and email marketing efforts
Reading Time: 9 minutes

Can you combine social media and email marketing efforts to save both time and resources? Yes. And you should.

Obviously, if you are trying to grow a business, you know how important marketing is.

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Getting people to actually see your content is the most basic first step in any companies success story.

How well you market your products and pages determines whether you have a business at all, or just a time-consuming HOBBY!

Social Media Marketing And Email Marketing Are BIG Jobs

Specifically, social media marketing and email marketing are two separate yet very crucial elements in the whole picture that is your biz.

You pretty much need to be everywhere, all at once, all the time.

How stressful is that, eh? Well, honestly, it’s super stressful. Marketing is a BIG job in itself.

Unless you have a team or marketing people working for you, running all the shots is no small task.

I have over a decade in marketing experience and education and it still makes my eyes bug out at least once a week.

So today we are going to chat about ways to make the job of growing your business on social media and through email marketing easier.

Yes, say it again, let’s make your life easier.

Blogger Daniela McVicker​ stopped by HerPaperRoute today to share 9 super-duper smart ways to combine your social media and email marketing efforts, to make the whole job THAT much easier on yourself.

I think it’s fair to say that everyone should give this one a read right away.

9 Effective Ways To Combine Social Media And Email Marketing

by guest writer Daniela McVicker

When it comes to marketing, each channel you use for spreading brand awareness and generating leads has its perks.

Social media may be the most trending marketing strategy nowadays, but email marketing has a long history that proves its effectiveness.

While some may feel that they have to choose between the two, the best option is to make social media and email marketing work together.

At first, it can seem like an odd combination but actually, they can work wonders if you know how to combine them.

If you are interested in trying to team up these two channels for the maximum result, check out the following nine ways that can help you out.

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1. Link Your Social Media Profiles In The Email Template

Establishing a relationship with customers over generic emails is practically impossible.

As a marketer or business owner, you are already aware of how important it is to create a bond with your audience.

This is where social media beats email because it allows you to share more personal stories, images, or videos that can spread brand awareness and create a relationship with the consumers.

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For this purpose, add links to your social media profiles in the email template. Embed the links in the template so that you don’t have to repeat that process each time.

Your email subscribers will finally get a chance to access your social media profiles and get to know your brand a bit more.

Simply add social media buttons at the end of an email.

Include some inviting description to it such as “Follow us for more ideas” or “Check out our social media for exclusive offers.”

2. Grow Your Followers Number through Email Incentives

Social media followers are crucial for growing your brand but how can you attract people’s attention on these platforms? A somewhat unexpected option is to use email marketing.

Giveaways or discounts are a perfect way to attract the attention of potential followers and grow your list.

Just send out the email that asks your consumers to follow you on all social media for a chance to win a gift.

Maybe you’ll give away a free product but you’ll gain a lot of attention on social media.

Another option is to offer a discount to your recent customers who post a picture with your product and use an Instagram hashtag with your brand’s name.

This will instantly attract the attention of their followers as well.


3. Grow Your Email List through Social Media

The incentive can actually go both ways. As it was mentioned previously, you can offer prizes or discounts to people who decide to follow you on social media.

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On the other hand, you can also motivate your followers to give you their email address by offering something in return.

Keep in mind that people can be quite hesitant about sharing their email address. This means that you really have to step up your game and offer something valuable.

It doesn’t even have to be a product or service. If you are a blogger or a life coach, for example, you can state that you will share some extra advice or exclusive content to those who provide you their email address.

If you do sell products or services, you can offer to send a free tutorial video via email.

Personalized offers such as this can interest people to give away their email. And that is how you can grow your email list thanks to the power of social media.


4. Get to Know Your Audience by Using Your Subscriber List

Knowing who your audience is, what they like, and what they need can help you create more personalized and attractive content.

making email + social media marketing easier

It is hard to understand the needs and wants of your subscribers when all you have is their name and email.

However, if you use your subscriber list to find those customers on social media, you’ll be on the right path.

Their social media profiles will reveal their preferences, demographics, and the type of content they prefer.

Just upload your subscriber list to social media platforms and let them do their magic.

Uploading the list differs for every platform so check out this detailed explanation by Essence of Email.

Once you have access to their social media, do some research and collect all the necessary information.

The value of this information is inexplicable.

It can help you to adjust and customize your content across every channel – website, blog, social media, or email.

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5. Use User Generated Content in Emails

Testimonials are one of the most powerful convincing tools you can use in your marketing campaign.

Connect your social media testimonials to your email outreach by including pictures of satisfied users.

First, you need to ask the users if you can use their picture. Once you get their permission, create a photo collage which portrays your happy customers and share it in your emails.

This will be your social proof of the product’s quality. Presenting yourself as a trustworthy brand is challenging and this method will help you achieve that goal.

In case you don’t have enough pictures for this venture, feel free to send a private message to customers who expressed their satisfaction.

Ask them if they are willing to post about their experience.

If you want to be even more convincing, offer them a discount for the next purchase.

6. Test out Potential Ads through Emails

Social media ads have proved to be very effective. According to statistics, 57% of Millennials feel that ads are becoming more relevant.

In addition, non-customers are three times more likely than customers to visit retailers from social media ads.

The problem is that social media ads tend to be expensive for some businesses. Especially, if you don’t even know if the ad is effective enough to make a difference.

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That is why you can use your current email subscribers to test out different ads before you opt for paid ones.

Start by using a specific subject line you would use in an ad. Based on the open rate, you can conclude whether that specific line works for your audience.

The next step can be to include a call to action in the email content. If the audience responds well to it and purchases the product, you can use the same exact approach in the ad.

Test out whatever comes to your mind in your email campaign and use the option that has the best result for the social media ad.

7. Recycle Content between the Two Channels

If you want to implement a new, inexpensive, and successful content strategy, here is an idea.

Recycle content from social media in your email marketing and vice versa. For example, if you posted funny GIFs on your Instagram page and the users loved it, use the same GIFs in your email.

The crucial aspect is that you have your social media team working closely with your email marketing team.

Let’s say that someone shares a great success story on Facebook. Use that content in the next email update.

Also, if you have a certain email template that announces a new product, you can simply adjust that template for your social media posts.
Applying this tactic will save you time, money, and creative energy.

8. Explain the Benefits of Newsletters on Social Media

Without the knowledge of why newsletters can be useful, not many people will jump to the opportunity to subscribe.

Taking into consideration that your followers already know your brand, it will be easier to get them to sign up. However, you still need to give them a valid reason to do so.

You can share a post that explains how signing up for the newsletters will help them stay up-to-date with new products.

Here is how Intercom did it:

They used their social media account to create an inviting and convincing post about why newsletter can be beneficial to their followers.

combine social media and email marketing efforts

In addition, you can specify how often they will receive the emails.

The reason for this is to ensure people that you won’t cram their inbox once they share their contact information.

9. Find Ideal Customers with LinkedIn

When you target customers who fit your customer persona, it is more likely that you’ll get them to sign up. But where can you find these individuals?
LinkedIn has a solution.

If you haven’t already known, this social media platform has a feature called LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

You can use it to generate a list of people who are a perfect fit for your customers. All you have to do is to plug in your ideal customer profile.

After you attain the list, reach out to those potential customers and ask them to sign up.

Explain why you chose them and what your brand has to offer. You can even use some sort of incentive like an ebook.

Just personalize the message, explain the value your services, and let your email list grow.

Bonus – Use MiloTree

One of the easiest ways to grow your email list and social accounts at the same time is to use MiloTree.

This app collects email subscribers and social media followers automatically, by converting the traffic your blog already gets.

==> Read our MiloTree review

9 Ways To Effectively Combine Social Media And Email Marketing – Conclusion

It can be surprising how many useful ways there are that combine these two marketing channels.

From growing your subscribers or followers to creating effective content, these methods will benefit your marketing strategy in many different ways.

Hopefully, you’ll be open to it out. Only then you will be able to truly experience the powerful effect these marketing channels can have on each other.

Daniela McVicker is a blogger with rich experience in writing about UX design, content planning, and digital marketing. Currently, she contributes to TopWritersReview where she helps individuals and organizations improve their web content writing, design, and planning skills. Her posts are always packed with examples and actionable content that readers can put straight into the action.

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