Headline Generator – 12 Proven Blog Title Ideas That Get Clicks

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Headline generator tools that offer blog title ideas can be very helpful when it comes to crafting effective blog titles.

The importance of writing great blog post titles to draw traffic to your posts cannot be overstated.

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You may spend all day writing the greatest article in the world, but without a magnetic title, your post may never get read.

Read on for the best free headline generators and 12 proven blog titles that get clicks!

Headline Generator – 12 Proven Blog Title Ideas For Writing Great Headlines That Get Clicks

Doing keyword research is a must, for any blog post one intends to write.

In terms of SEO for blogs, titles are just as important as the article itself.

So using the right keywords makes all the difference.

Did you know that keywords in titles carry the heaviest weight with search engines?

Additionally, having good titles are crucial to draw blog traffic from social networks and other places that may syndicate your content.

So making the extra effort to perfect your titles on each and every blog post may help take your blog to the next level.

Best Headline Generator Tools

There are many free headline generator tools online you can use to find and test out your blog title ideas.


Title-Generator.com Headline Generator

Plug your keyword into this Title Generator app and it will give you 700 suggestions for headlines, titles and content.


The Hoth Headline Generator

This one allows for more fine-tuned title suggestions, as you get to provide a bit more information beyond the keyword.

Such as your industry, who your target audience is, and what the main goal of your article is.

Sign up for a free Hoth account to access the this free Headline Generator.


CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

In addition to headline generator tools, you can also use the Coschedule headline analyzer, which will tell you how good or bad your blog title ideas are.

12 Proven Blog Title Ideas For Writing Great Headlines That Get Clicks

Now that you have taken some time to see what the best headline generators online can do, it’s time to tweak your blog titles so they are super effective in getting the most clicks possible.

Here are 12 proven tips to write great blog titles that will help your blog posts go viral:

1. Brainstorm

Before you do anything else, write down at least 10 blog post title ideas for your article’s topic.

Now write them again, but in the way you would search for that content.

2. Include Targeted Keywords

Always include strong keywords and phrases relevant to your article (use Google Keyword tool).
Find the most-searched key phrases with the least competition from your brainstormed list of titles and string together the most compelling phrases.


Keyword Research Tip: Search your primary keyword phrase in Google with quote marks (“Headline Generator”) around it to see how many search results are returned for that exact phrase. The lower number of results the better in terms of how many websites you’ll be competing with for those terms.

To learn how to do keyword research, and write effective blog posts with SEO in mind, enroll in my free SEO Made Simple course and grab your copy of my SEO Cheatsheet.

6. Keep Them Short

More keyword phrases do not translate into a better title.

Since most people are headline skimmers, it’s best to keep your titles short, catchy, and to the point.

If longer titles appeal to your subject matter then break them up with a hyphen.

Example: Healthiest Dog Food Brands – Where to Find Them at the Best Prices

4. Stay Relevant

Make sure your blog title stays relevant to the content in your post.

You don’t want to get a reputation for sensational titles and lackluster content.

Sill, make them as dramatic as possible for the topic.

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5. Make A List

Because we live in a fast-paced world, people love their information in bullet points.

Top ten lists like 10 Reasons, or 10 Ways to do this or that are very popular.

Example: 21 Blogging Tips For New Bloggers, From Pros

6. Leading with ‘This’

Many bloggers use leading headlines with great success.

Mercola.com is the king of these. These titles are typically lacking in keywords and information but intrigue the headline reader to click.

Examples: This Daily Habit Can Cause Cancer or This Common Mistake Can Cost You Money.


7. Questions

Similar to leading titles, questions may compel readers to click through to the article to find the answer.

Also, if worded properly, question titles may be the exact thing people will search to find your article.

Example: What are the healthiest dog food brands?

8. Bold Statements

Be bold when you’re writing an article to educate or to rank items.

Use words like best, proven, top, secret, tips, etc.

Example: Why You Need The ‘World’s Most Comfortable Shoes’

9. Use ‘How to’

Many people search with the term ‘how to’ when looking for information. So if your article aims to teach your reader something, including this term will be helpful.

Example: How to make your blog super fast

10. Call to Action

Start your titles with action words like discover, become, win, learn, etc.

Example: Discover The Complete List Of Banned Instagram Hashtags

11. Do NOT use ALL CAPS

Don’t use all caps, or exclamation points, and words and phrases like BREAKING NEWS should be avoided.

Although they may be compelling for your followers, Google frowns on their use.

12. Keywords In Front

Putting the targeted keywords first has many advantages.

They will appear in the URL of the article on most platforms and will be the first words in the article meta tag and any link to the article itself.

Headline Generator – 12 Proven Blog Title Ideas That Get Clicks

It takes a bit of thought, research and some trial and error to become a great title writer.

But it’s well worth the effort especially when you work hard to create quality content.

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