9 Expert Pinterest For Business Tips - Optimize Your Profile 1

9 Expert Pinterest For Business Tips – Optimize Your Profile

9 quick, easy, and expert Pinterest for business tips to optimize your Pinterest profile. Pinterest is one of the best places to build an audience for your blog.

But there’s one big catch. You need to use it correctly and the first place to start is your Pinterest profile.

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This is where you need to make Pinterest and its pinners find and like you. So take a look at these 9 easy, expert tips to quickly optimize your Pinterest profile.

9 Expert Pinterest For Business Tips To Optimize Your Pinterest Profile

by guest writer Rose Wismans

When it comes to being successful on Pinterest for business, the first thing you need to focus on is your Pinterest profile settings. You need to make sure this area is as good as it can be.

There are a couple of things you can do to make sure that you get the most out of your profile.

Head on over to the Pinterest login page and follow along with these Pinterest marketing tips.

1. Set Up A Pinterest For Business Account

The first thing you can do to improve your profile is to set up a Pinterest business account. This will make sure that you get access to all the extra resources Pinterest provides for its business users.

These include Pinterest analytics, the ability to claim a website, and the option to use promoted pins.

So if you are serious about using Pinterest to promote your blog or business, then a business account is a must.

To get a business account you have two options: you can choose to convert an existing personal account or you can create a brand new business account. Set up your Pinterest business account here.



2. Verify And Claim Your Website

Once you have a Pinterest business account, you will have the option to claim and verify your website.

This means that you can basically claim every single pin out there that links to your website as one of your own. It will also allow you to track those pins and to see the stats of each of those pins.

So claiming your website in Pinterest is a huge help in making you understand the success or failure of each pin.

How to verify your website on Pinterest

  1. Within your Pinterest account settings and scroll to the ‘Claim’ area. Enter your website URL and click ‘Confirm website.’
  2. You will be given a metadata tag. Copy and paste that into the <head> section of your blog. You can do this easily using the AddFunc Header Footer plugin.
  3. Finally, go back to your Pinterest account settings and click ‘Finish.’ Pinterest will check that the metadata is on your site and give you a little checkmark on your profile.

3. Install Rich Pins

The last thing to install and do in the profile settings is to install rich pins. Rich pins are a way to add even more value to each pin.

This extra value ranges from your pin getting more attention to the option to add extra information in, for example, recipe pins.

How to get Pinterest rich pins

1. Using the AddFunc Header Footer plugin, place the code below into the <head> section of one of your blog posts (but change the blue text to your own info)


<head> <meta property=”og:type” content=”article” /> <meta property=”og:title” content=“Top 8 Best Web Hosting Providers. Best, Easy To Use Website Hosting For Your Website!” /> <meta property=”og:description” content=”Top 8 Best Easy To Use Web Hosting Service Providers For Your Website – Web Hosting – Blogging Tips – Website Help – Hosting Providers” /> <meta property=”og:url” content=”https://herpaperroute.com/best-web-hosting ” /> <meta property=”og:site_name” content=”HerPaperRoute.com” /> <meta property=”article:published_time” content=”2019-01-12T00:01:56+00:00” /> <meta property=”article:author” content=“HerPaperRoute.com” /> </head>


2. Then go to the Pinterest Validator and enter the URL of the blog post you used for the above code. Soon you will get an email from Pinterest letting you know that your rich pins are approved and active.

Once you’ve done these first three things, it is time to take a look at how to use Pinterest SEO in your profile to boost its ranking in the search results.

4. Use Keywords In Your Profile Description And Name

The best place to use keywords in your profile is in your profile description and name.

You can use multiple keywords that are relevant to your niche in your description, just be sure that it is still legible. You want people to read it and think “I want to know more.”

So make sure that you don’t just stuff it full of keywords without making it flow. Another important thing to remember is that hashtags don’t work in profile descriptions, so don’t bother using them there.

The second place to use keywords is in your profile name. Here you are limited to a small amount of character, so be smart about it and prioritize your most important keywords.

Related: How to do keyword research for free!

5. Follow The Right People In Your Niche

Another less powerful, but also useful tip is to follow the right people.

This way Pinterest will understand what you are interested in and it will relate everything you pin to it.

So if you follow a lot of mom bloggers, then Pinterest will think it’s likely that that’s the type of content you pin and repin. Find people in your niche that are relevant and produce high-quality pins and follow them.

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6. Choose A Picture As Your Profile Image

This sixth tip doesn’t have anything to do with Pinterest SEO, instead, it’s all about the pinners themselves.

Because people don’t repin as much when you don’t use a picture as your profile pic. So using a picture of yourself is what you should be doing on Pinterest.

This might seem obvious to some, but is it really? I mean it would make sense to use your logo, however, on Pinterest it doesn’t.

People like to repin from other people, not from companies, and the moment that they see a logo, they will often assume that it’s not a real person. Even when it is.

So instead of using a logo, try to use a headshot or another picture that shows that you’re a person and not some anonymous company.

Pinterest Boards Tips

Another place on Pinterest where you can make some simple changes that will make your pins more popular is in your boards.

Optimizing Pinterest boards is something that is often skipped, yet it is really important in helping Pinterest interpret what your pins are about.

So let’s take a look at 3 things you can do to make your boards better.


7. Give Pinterest Boards A Keyword Rich Description and Name

Keywords are once again crucial to this part of your Pinterest profile.

The first place to start is with your board names, these names should be strong keywords in themselves, or even better: longtail keywords.

With that, I mean keywords that are made up out of more than 1 word.

The second place to use keywords is in your board description. Again, it is smart to use longtail keywords considering that they often contain one-worded keywords in their phrase.

So make sure that your boards are SEO optimized in their description and name.

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8. Select A Board Category

This is one Pinterest for business step that you might’ve skipped because you couldn’t find a good category.

Whenever you create a board, Pinterest allows you to assign one of their categories to it. Often, these categories aren’t really suitable for your board. Yet, you still need to choose one.

For example, in the blogging niche, you can select ‘Technology’ or ‘Education’. It’s something that Pinterest wants you to do, so do it.

Don’t think too much about it, because it’s not as important as using the right keywords, but it is useful nonetheless.

9. Fill Up Your Boards With the Right Pins

Once you’ve made sure that your boards’ settings are in order, it is time to fill the boards.

This is something that doesn’t have to take up a lot of time, yet it will make a huge difference for how successful the pins you pin to the boards are.

Pinterest for business tip – Try to fill up your board with at least 10 pins at the time of creation, and then keep adding to it in the first few weeks until you’re at about 50 pins.

Furthermore, you can fill your boards using Tailwind or by manual pinning. It doesn’t matter how you do it, as long as you pin the right pins.

How To Find Good Pins For Your Pinterest Boards

The best way to find the right pins for your board is to use the search bar in Pinterest itself, just type in one of your relevant keywords of that board and pin from the results to your board.

It’s that easy and it will be a huge help in making Pinterest understand what your boards are about.

Pinterest For Business – Conclusion

And that’s it! Now that you know how to get the most out of your Pinterest profile it’s time to start implementing it.


Rose Wismans is a blogger and Pinterest strategies, who blogs at FudgeMyLife.org about using Pinterest to build a successful blog and other blogging related things. On top of that, you will find her writing gift guides to keep it fun. Be sure to also take a look at her blog post about How To Create and Maintain Successful Pinterest Boards.

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