two women working on laptops learning about herpaperroute's Small Business Marketing Plan: Your Ultimate Glow-Up Guide to Going Viral

Small Business Marketing Plan: Your Ultimate Glow-Up Guide to Going Viral

In this guide, I’m going to give you a done-for-you small business marketing plan that you can use to launch (or revise) your business. But here’s the thing. I’ve been an entrepreneur for nearly 2 decades, and while trends change all the time, there are some standard marketing principles that have stood the test of time. Things like SWOT analysis, competitor and market research, yadda yadda.

However – I’ll be the first one to admit that these things are incredibly boring to read about! Most small business marketing plans you will find are a total snooze fest. Even if the content is worth knowing, usually the delivery is boring as hell.

masterclass become a content creator

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I can barely get through those dry marketing plan articles, as someone who has lots of experience running a business – so I can only imagine someone who is new to launching a business hates those types of articles even more. So today, I wanted to give you my own small business marketing plan in a fresh, fun, has-an-actual-pulse kind of way.

The Ultimate Small Business Marketing Plan + Workbook ✨

So, you’ve got this killer idea and you’re ready to turn it into a business that slaps? But where do you even start? Don’t worry, I’ve got your back! Here’s your no-BS, fun-sized checklist to go from “I think I wanna be my own boss” to “Wow, I’m actually doing this!” 💼

If you’re tired of trying to figure out where to start or how to keep up with your marketing, this plan is the solution. It’s designed to help you build a consistent presence and attract the right customers, without the guesswork. To get started, download the small business marketing plan below:

By the way, this small business plan pairs nicely with the Profit Glow Up Planner which you should really consider buying.

Now, if you’re new here, hi I’m Chelsea Clarke! I help business owners get monetized and thrive in the creator economy.

chelsea clarke shares her small business marketing plan for business ownes

Marketing your small business doesn’t have to be overwhelming. This done-for-you small business marketing plan is your all-in-one guide to making marketing easier and more effective.

It walks you through key steps like identifying your target audience, creating valuable content, and engaging on social media—all without wasting time or resources. With clear, actionable steps, you’ll be able to streamline your marketing efforts and start seeing results.

Whether you’re launching your business or looking to improve your existing strategy, this marketing plan takes the heavy lifting off your plate, so you can focus on what really matters—growing your business.

Hand holding a Small Business Marketing Plan from HerPaperRoute

Done-For-You Business Marketing Plan for the Next 6 Months

Here’s what you need to know, to create a marketing plan for your business.

1. The Vibe Check (Executive Summary)

The first impression is the last impression, right? This is your elevator pitch. Nail it.

In just a few sentences, explain your business idea like you’re telling your bestie why this is going to be the next big thing.

Set Your Marketing Vibes: Goals & Objectives

Before you start throwing content at the universe, you need to know what you’re aiming for. Are you looking to build brand awareness, drive sales, grow your social media following, or all of the above?

Ask Yourself:

  • What does success look like for my business in 6 months, 1 year, and 5 years?
  • How will I measure my success? (Followers, likes, sales, website traffic, etc.)
  • What’s my top priority right now?
  • What do I want to achieve here?
  • Are my goals SMART? (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)

2. The Squad Goals (Target Audience)

Who’s vibing with your brand?

Who’s your tribe? Define your target audience so clearly that you can spot them in a crowd.

Understanding your audience is key. Are they Gen Z trendsetters, eco-conscious millennials, or something else? Get to know their likes, dislikes, and online habits.

Your marketing efforts won’t mean much if you don’t know who you’re talking to. Get super clear on who your target audience is—what they like, where they hang out online, and what problems they need solving.

Ask Yourself:

  • Who is my ideal customer? (Age, gender, interests, etc.)
  • What are their pain points, and how can my business solve them?
  • Where do they hang out online? (TikTok, Instagram, YouTube?)

3. Craft Your Brand Story (Branding & Positioning)

What’s your story?

People don’t just buy products; they buy stories. What’s your brand’s story? How did you start, and why should anyone care? Craft a compelling narrative that connects with your audience on an emotional level.

Your brand is more than a logo. It’s your story, your values, your vibe. Make sure it resonates with your audience and stands out from the crowd.

Ask Yourself:

  • What’s the “why” behind my business? (Why did I start this, and what do I want to achieve?)
  • How can I tell my story in a way that resonates with my audience?
  • What values does my brand stand for?
  • How do I want my audience to feel about your brand?
  • What makes us different from our competitors?

4. Choose Your Marketing Channels

Not all platforms are created equal, and you don’t need to be everywhere. Focus on the channels where your audience is most active and where your content will shine the brightest.

Ask Yourself:

  • Which social media platforms align with my brand and audience?
  • What type of content performs best on these platforms? (Videos, posts, stories, etc.)
  • How will I integrate offline channels if needed? (Events, pop-ups)

You will also need to yourself: Should I invest in a blog, email newsletter, Youtube channel, or podcast to share my expertise? All of the above?

5. Suss Out the Competition (Competitive Analysis / Industry Analysis)

Time to do some creeping! 😎 Dive into your industry like you’re stalking your crush’s Insta.

What’s trending? Who’s killing it? And more importantly, where’s the gap that only YOU can fill?

  • Check out the other players in your game. What are they doing right, and where are they flopping?
  • Learn from their wins and failures. You got this.

6. The Goods (Your Offer, aka Products and Services)

What are you selling? Why should anyone want it?

Whether it’s a product, a service, or an experience, make sure it’s something your audience can’t resist. You need a great offer.

Some resources to help you figure this out:

7. Create Kickass Content (Content Strategy)

Content is king, queen, and the whole court!
Plan out the type of content you’ll create to engage your audience. Think videos, memes, stories, tutorials, and more.

Whether it’s TikTok videos, Instagram posts, or blog articles, your content should educate, entertain, and engage your audience.

Social media is your playground. Develop a strategy that includes regular posting, engaging with followers, and leveraging trends.

masterclass become a content creator

Ask Yourself:

  • What content formats resonate most with my audience? (Short videos, memes, infographics, etc.)
  • How can I create value with my content? (Tips, tutorials, behind-the-scenes, etc.)
  • What’s my brand’s voice and tone? (Funny, serious, inspirational, etc.)
  • How often will I post?
  • What’s my content mix? (Educational, entertaining, promotional)
  • What’s my social media posting schedule?
  • How will I engage with my audience? (Comments, DMs, live sessions)
  • What hashtags and trends will I tap into?

8. Build Your Superfans (Community Strategy)

Your audience isn’t just a bunch of followers—they’re a community.

Engage with them, reply to comments, and make them feel like they’re part of something bigger. A loyal community will do your marketing for you!

Ask Yourself:

  • How can I encourage interaction and conversation within my community?
  • What incentives can I offer to keep my audience engaged? (Giveaways, shoutouts, etc.)
  • How can I use user-generated content to build trust and authenticity?

9. Plan Your Money Moves (Financial Budget)

Time to talk $$$. How much do you need, how much will you make, and how are you not going broke in the process?

Marketing can be a money pit if you’re not careful. Set a budget that aligns with your goals and stick to it.

Don’t worry if math isn’t your thing—this is where spreadsheets become your new BFF.

In fact, I recommend that you start tracking your income and expenses on this simple P&L sheet (it’s free!) as well consider using a bookkeeping software like this one.

Determine how much you’ll spend on each marketing activity and allocate resources accordingly.

Ask Yourself:

  • What’s my monthly marketing budget?
  • Which channels will give me the best ROI?
  • How will I divide my budget across different channels and activities?
  • Do I need to hire any help? (Freelancers, agencies)

10. Get Your Marketing Plan Ducks in a Row (Logistics and Operations Plan)

This is where the magic happens! How are you going to get the word out? Think of your marketing strategy as the ultimate party invite. Use social media, collabs, content creation—whatever it takes to get people buzzing.

How’s it all going to work? It’s not the sexiest part, but you’ve gotta know how you’re delivering the goods, paying the bills, and keeping the lights on.

Make it as smooth as ordering takeout.

Whether it’s paid ads, influencer collaborations, or content creation, make sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck.

Leverage Influencer Marketing

Influencers are the new word-of-mouth. Partner with influencers who align with your brand and can introduce you to their audience. But remember, authenticity is key—don’t just go for follower count.

Ask Yourself:

  • Should I invest in paid ads, or focus on organic growth?
  • Which influencers align with my brand values and audience?
  • How can I create a win-win partnership with influencers?
  • Should I work with micro-influencers for a more targeted approach?

Paid to Play (Advertising)

Investing in paid advertising can accelerate your growth. Plan where and how you’ll spend your ad budget.

Ask Yourself:

  • Which platforms offer the best ROI for my ad spend? (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Google)
  • What’s my ad budget?
  • What types of ads will I run? (Carousel, video, story)

11. Build Your Dream Squad (Management Team)

Who’s on your squad? Whether it’s you, your partner, or your dream team, introduce the people who are gonna help you succeed.

12. Track Your Hustle (Metrics & KPIs)

Numbers don’t lie.
Keep an eye on your performance with key metrics to see what’s working and what needs tweaking.

Ask Yourself:

  • What are my top KPIs? (Engagement rate, conversion rate, ROI)
  • How will I track and analyze my data? (Google Analytics, social media insights)
  • How often will I review and adjust my strategy?

To help you with this – give yourself a quarterly CEO Day. Make use of the CEO Day planner inside this tool.

13. Set Your Timelines (Timeline & Milestones)

Plan your journey.
Map out your marketing activities with timelines to stay organized and on track.

Ask Yourself:

  • What are my key milestones? (Launch dates, campaign periods)
  • What does my monthly content calendar look like?
  • How will I ensure deadlines are met?

14. Launch and Iterate (Execution & Optimization)

Time to shine!
Put your plan into action and be ready to tweak it based on what the data tells you. Flexibility is key!

Ask Yourself:

  • How will I launch this marketing campaigns?
  • What’s my plan for A/B testing different strategies?
  • How will I gather and implement feedback?

Important: don’t be afraid to launch your marketing efforts now, even if everything isn’t perfect. The best way to learn is by doing. Get out there, start marketing, and let your audience guide you to greatness!

15. Analyze and Optimize

Your marketing plan isn’t set in stone—it’s a living, breathing strategy. Regularly check your analytics to see what’s working and what’s not. Be ready to pivot, experiment, and try new things.

Ask Yourself:

  • What metrics should I track to measure my marketing success? (Engagement, conversions, etc.)
  • How often should I review and adjust my marketing strategy?
  • What can I learn from my competitors’ successes and failures?

16. Bonus Flex (Appendix)

Got extra info, charts, or cool graphics? Throw them in here. It’s like your business plan’s Insta Story—quick, snappy, and extra.

The Ultimate Hype Plan: Your Step-by-Step Marketing Glow-Up, Conclusion

You’ve got your business idea, your squad, and your vibe check down. Now it’s time to get the word out and build the hype.

Now you know how to create a marketing plan that’ll have people talking, buying, and coming back for more.

Ready to Start Your Business Glow-Up?

This isn’t just a checklist; it’s your roadmap to making your business dreams a reality. I’m here to help you make it happen – join my mentorship program for creators now, so I can help you every step of the way!

Two female founders smile as they use thesmall business marketing plan from HerPaperRoute

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