how to choose a niche for your blog profitable niche ideas

How to Choose a Niche for Your Blog + Profitable Niche Ideas

If you are here, you need to find out how to choose a niche for your blog.

You may be struggling to figure out your niche. If so, my guess is this decision is blocking you from moving forward with your goal to become a blogger.

“How do I pick a niche” is a question I hear a lot. Honestly, I was confused about it myself when I started out.

Starting a blog is an awesome way to make money online, but it also takes a lot of work.

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And the first point to overcome is to pinpoint a niche you’d like to focus your blog on.

Because you focus on one specific niche for your blog, it is a whole lot easier to make money and grow.

This article will dive deep into how to choose a niche for your blog, plus give you some great ideas on what niches are popular and profitable.

Ideas For Choosing A Profitable Niche
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What Are the Benefits of Choosing a Blog Niche?

While you may have many ideas whirling around in your head that you want to write about, it pays to narrow them down.

Niching down helps you become known for one thing in particular.

It’s harder to become a master of many things than it is just one.

I’m not saying you can’t write about different topics eventually. Many bloggers are successful with multi-niche blogs.

But, starting as a beginner blogger, there are many benefits to writing in one niche.

When you focus on one niche:

  • You will build up trust and authority in a niche. As you write more frequently on a topic, your authority and trust in your audience will grow. This is important for when you monetize your blog. People will buy from those they trust and see as an expert.
  • Your blog will be able to sell products and make money. Zeroing in on a niche makes it easier to sell specific products to one audience. As you get to know your audience, you’ll learn what they struggle with and what you can offer as a solution. Too many topics mean you could end up selling ice to Eskimos (people who don’t want what you’re offering).
  • It’ll help boost your Google search ranking. Google favors blogs that are experts in certain niches. There are many more factors that go into ranking in Google, like building your domain authority. But, being trusted by Google as a niche expert will certainly help bump you up the rankings.
  • Choosing a blog niche will help you build a brand. Finding your blog USP (unique selling point) can take some time. If you decide to blog about blogging, there will be many others doing the same, but you can make your blog niche stand out with unique branding.

Related: What is a niche site?

Buying A Niche Site That Is Already Established

This is the ultimate blog success cheat code: buy a blog that is already successful!

You don’t have to start a blog from scratch or try to dream up a niche and hope it becomes successful.

Nope! Save yourself the stress and tears, and simply buy a profitable niche site. It’s truly the best way to go!

how to buy a successful blog choose a niche - niche investor

Just look at all of these income-generating websites you can buy!

But if you still want to start from the ground up, keep reading.

The Most Profitable Blogging Niches to Consider

While there are many different blog niches that make money, some are more profitable than others.

And it’s important to know – just because you choose a so-called profitable niche, doesn’t mean that YOU will be profitable.

There is no guarantee of success. It’s always better to pick a niche you know and have experience in, rather than a “profitable niche” you know nothing about.

YOU, need to put a lot of work into your chosen blog niche. And take the time to write and promote helpful content.

If you are a bit stuck on what to blog about, here are some of the most popular blog niches with ideas;


Anything to do with health, nutrition, and getting fit is a popular niche to blog about.

Why is this? Well, we all want to be healthy, to look good and to feel great right?

Here are some niche ideas;

  • Target a specific audience eg; men, women, dads, geeky, skinny, old or young
  • Different diets eg; vegetarian, paleo, keto, raw food, Asian recipes
  • Exercise types eg; weight training, running, cycling, cardio, quick home workouts
  • A unique approach eg; detailing your transformation, getting competition fit, homeopathy, exercise for mental health, getting fit after pregnancy/for a wedding

Take a look at these health niche sites for sale.


Wealth and finance niches are considered evergreen niches because people will always want more money.

Anything to do with finance, making money, saving money, working remotely, saving or paying off debts is popular.

This is because we all want to make money and be financially free. Plus, many people struggle with their finances so there are huge audiences out there.

Some ideas are;

  • Making money online eg; working remotely, passive income, finding great deals, starting a business
  • Saving money eg; building up savings for a house/holiday, budgeting tips, coupons
  • Paying off debt eg; student loans, mortgages

Take a look at these wealth niche sites for sale.


Relationships: Everybody wants a good relationship and to be loved. This is why blogging about relationships is popular.

Have a think about what people struggle with and your personal relationship struggles you may have overcome. Ideas are;

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  • Finding a relationship/dating eg; dating for young, old, gay, lesbian
  • Love problems eg; solving problems around love and relationships
  • Bad relationships eg; have you been through one? Can you help others get out/get answers on what to do/how to escape or cope?

Take a look at these wealth niche sites for sale.


Travel: Travel is a hugely popular niche to blog in.

Who doesn’t love traveling to exciting places and soaking up the sun on beaches?

If you can share tips on how to do this better or more affordably or show people different destinations, they will flock to your blog.

Some ideas are;

  • Travel deals/how to save money traveling eg; flights, hotel and transport deals go down well
  • Tips for niche travelers eg; families, solo travelers, digital nomads
  • Food tips around the world eg; what to eat in Brazil, China, Cambodia, Scotland….
  • Your own experiences eg; many people enjoy the armchair experience of watching what others travel the world

Take a look at these travel niche sites for sale.

Other blog niches to consider are;

  • Arts and crafts
  • Mum and parenting
  • Educational
  • Business and marketing
  • Experiences
  • DIY tips
  • Pets and animal care
  • See all

How to Choose the Ideal Niche for Your Blog

There are a few things to consider to help you decide on a blog niche.

I go into more detail about this in my Niche Discovery course (you can enroll in that for free, here) but let’s look at a couple of them.

It’s a good idea to sit down and do a little brainstorming to work things out. Here are some questions to ask yourself;

  • What topics are you passionate about?
  • Do you have a certain amount of knowledge in a niche?
  • Is there a demand for content in a niche/is it profitable?

You don’t have to answer yes to all these questions. I know this sounds confusing but hear me out.

For example; if you choose a niche that there is a demand for, but you are not interested in, you will stop wanting to write about the subject after the ‘new blog’ excitement diminishes.

This means you may just throw in the towel after a year, if there is no drive there.

So, try and get a balancing act between the above questions.

Here’s a simple guide on how to choose your ideal blog niche;

1. Research Other Blogs in A Niche You Love

Evaluating the competition is a good place to start.

While you may think competition is bad, it actually means there’s money to be made and an audience with problems needing answering.

Make a list of other blogs in your niche and check what they are writing about. Have they got lead magnets, you can see yourself creating a better version of?

Are many people commenting on their blogs with thanks and other questions?

If the answer is yes, this could be a great niche for you to focus on.

2. Is There a Demand for Answers On a Subject?

Are people needing questions answered in your niche?

A good way to find this out is by;

  • Keyword research. I use and can recommend Keysearch
  • Google research 
  • Searching question-and-answer sites like Quora
  • Check Buzzfeed for trending topics
  • Search what people are asking in niche social groups

Searching these sites and pages will give you insight into the demand for content.

It will also give you a ton of ideas for what to write about so have paper and pen handy!

3. Do You Have an Interest or Knowledge in the Niche?

Having an interest or specialized knowledge in a blog niche will help but is not essential.

You have to remember that you’ll spend a ton of time writing about your chosen subject. If you have no interest at all, your enthusiasm may dwindle after an amount of time.

If you have specialist knowledge – this will help cement your place as an expert a lot quicker. Training and certifications will show you really know your stuff.

Don’t worry if you aren’t massively qualified though.

There are a ton of free and affordable training courses you can take online to improve your knowledge.

4. Join Blogging Groups and Ask Questions

Whatever business you are in, it’s always good to learn from experts who have achieved what you want.

Talking to other established bloggers about their niche will give you a lot of insight.

Even talking with other new bloggers is beneficial, allowing you to ask about their experiences so far.

There are many blogging groups you can join on;

  • Twitter
  • FacebookJoin ours!
  • Quora
  • LinkedIn

5. Can You See Yourself Writing About a Subject One Year from Now?

This is an essential factor to ask yourself about the blogging niche you choose.

Ask yourself:

  • Can you see yourself writing about your niche subject, 1 or 2 years from now, or after 100 articles?
  • Will your enthusiasm dwindle?
  • Do you have enough interest to keep going, even in the tough times?

The good thing is, even if you’re not 100% certain you are amazingly passionate right now about a subject, remember this will grow as you start to see success.

Also, when you make money from your blog, you can start to invest some of it back in and get help with writing niche articles.

Yes, you don’t have to do it all alone forever!

How To Choose A Niche For Your Blog – Conclusion

I have been there myself, going around in circles trying to decide what to call my blog and what to actually blog about.

Knowing how to choose the perfect niche for your blog, doesn’t come naturally to everyone.

Here are some tips if you’re still struggling to pick a blog niche;

  • Remember you can always transition between blog niches. The blog niche you pick in the beginning can be changed later down the line. I’ve changed my focus a few times and I think most bloggers have to go through a learning curve.
  • You can pick a few topics in the beginning and then narrow down as you go. If you have a few blog niches you can’t decide between, start with both. Keep an eye on your Google analytics and see which content performs best. Then you can narrow your blog focus step by step as you gain traction.
  • Some niches do go together and can be combined. Some multi-blog niches do very well. Just make sure they complement the same audience. For example, with a fitness blog, you could blog about losing belly fat for women over 40 and nutrition. Some bloggers write about starting a blog and social media marketing.
  • Just start! I’ve spoken to so many people who just never start their own blog or online business because they let fear and indecision hold them back. Don’t be one of them! Whether it’s right or wrong, it’s better to get started and see where it takes you. It’s ok to make mistakes – they teach you valuable lessons. You only fail if you don’t try at all and in a years’ time, you’ll be wondering…. what if!?

Be sure to enroll in the free Niche Discovery course to explore this more.

If you enjoyed this post, please share it on Pinterest…

Once you’ve chosen your blog niche, head over to my “build a profitable blog” course, here.

This is a complete step-by-step training on how to set your blog up, what design to use, which is the best domain host, how to write your first articles, and how to get traffic to your blog.

You can enroll in this one for free today, too!

Here are some other helpful posts on blogging;

How To Choose A Niche For Your Blog

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  1. I just started blogging. Glad I stopped by to read this post. Thanks for all the good tips and information.

    1. Thanks for your comment. Glad it helped! Good luck with your new blog 🙂

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