is ConvertKit worth the money

ConvertKit Review: Is ConvertKit Worth The Money?

ConvertKit Review: Is Convertkit worth the money? ConvertKit is a well-known email marketing platform and email autoresponder.

It is extremely popular with bloggers.

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But do you ever wonder if ConvertKit is actually as good as everyone says it is? Are you skeptical that it’s recommended so much, simply just because it has such a high-paying affiliate program

In this guide, we will explore a few important reasons why I came to realize that Convertkit is worth the money for my business, and how it may help you grow your business to.  

The Best Email Marketing Tool

Today, it has never been easier to have your very own online platform to not only convert visitors, but also to foster a community built around what you have to offer, drawing repeat custom that only builds over time.

But with so many different marketing platforms around, it can be tricky to find the best one for your particular needs.

That is why it’s important to read articles like this one that provide a thorough review of the top such platforms out there.

This article focuses on ConvertKit, which is a very popular marketing platform aimed at a range of creators, with well over 428,000 clients.

We’ll kick things off with a brief overview of Converkit before delving into its various features.

We will also cover its pricing and value for money, and touch upon some of the various alternatives to Convertkit, and where applicable, refer you to other review articles, so you can find out a bit more about them.

By this point, you will be in a position to assess whether Convertkit would be a good fit for your online business.

Please feel free to scroll ahead to any section of particular interest to you.

And without further ado…

ConvertKit Review – Overview

First off, ConvertKit is aimed at basically anyone who wants to sell digital products and/or services online.

And to put that into context for you, this includes the likes of authors, musicians, podcast creators, visual artists, and online coaches. So there’s quite the gamut there.

So, how exactly does Convertkit help to grow your audience and connect with your fans? Well, it’s basically a 3-pronged strategy…

First off, there’s an enticing customizable landing page to encourage visitors to the site to apply for membership to receive either free downloads and/or an addition to your mailing list.

Then there are the simply designed emails themselves that go out to your fans. These emails consistently land in the subscriber’s mailbox and aren’t thrown out by any junk mail blockers.

These emails feature personalized content that will provide your fan with exactly what they are looking for.

And the third element is the conversion of website visitors into paying customers, through the use of sales pages, and automated sales funnels.

ConvertKit Review: Features

Landing Pages

Convertkit’s landing pages are designed by world-class pros, feature fully customizable templates, and can be created in minutes.

You don’t need to employ the services of a web designer, and you don’t need to learn a single word of code.

ConvertKit‘s integration with Unsplash also means that you can find free yet unique imagery for your landing page.

What’s more, these landing pages are all fully responsive, which means that they will look good on any size of device.

Email Sign-Up Forms

Email sign-up forms are how you get permission to send emails to your subscribers.

You can have multiple sign-up forms, and you can add custom fields, making your subscriber database as simple or as detailed as you like.

These sign-up forms are all GDPR-compliant, so that’s one less thing for you to worry about, and the designs are customizable and are built with responsive templates.

Email Designer

Few people like to read a plain wall of text, and that’s where Convertkit’s email designer comes in. You can add images from your own image library, such as your brand’s logo, and other free unique images.

You can also add call-to-action buttons, which enable your audience to get to your content in just one click, whether it’s your landing page, or straight to a sales page or sales funnel.

And you can change the fonts, colors, and alignment as you please.

The emails are all responsive, which means they look great on any size of device.

Email Marketing

The star feature of ConvertKit is that it has an extremely high delivery rate, coming in at an impressive 98%.

Very few Convertkit emails get blocked by subscriber’s spam or junk filters, and the emails are more likely to get right in the Inbox.

You can schedule the emails to arrive at whatever times best suit your particular audience and/or business.

And you can personalize and tailor the emails to your audience based on information garnered from their sign-up forms.

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You also get handy stats, such as percentages of how many of the emails are opened, and percentages of how many emails are clicked through.


You can use Convertkit to sell any digital product or service, such as ebooks, newsletters, audio files, photos, coaching sessions, and more.

You can customize the product page so that it’s fully in line with your branding, and you can embed the product page into the emails you send out.

You can set up one-time purchases, recurring subscriptions, or give your audience the option to pay what they want.

And you can view all your sales on a handy dashboard. What’s more, payment processing is all fully integrated.


Perhaps one of the best features of Convertkit is how it offers integrations with so many other handy apps.

These include the likes of Squarespace, Teachable, Shopify, Zpaier, ClickFunnels, WordPress, Wix, and many, many more.

Is ConvertKit Worth The Money?

“Is Convertkit really worth the investment? Or do bloggers only recommend it because they are affiliates?”

I don’t blame you for wondering this if so. A few years ago, back in 2017 I was skeptical too. 

Although I’ve always been obsessed with email marketing, and know that list building is mission-critical for any business, I wasn’t sure about ConvertKit either.

I was using a less professional email tool back then because it worked “fine.”

Like you, I saw so many bloggers recommending ConvertKit, and I didn’t really understand why (outside of an affiliate sale) an email service provider would be such an exciting tool in itself.

Furthermore, I was hesitant about the price at first.

Yes, I know investing in your business is a necessity.

But I will admit, back when I was just starting my blog, the $29/mo ConvertKit price tag made me uncomfortable!

(They have since added a free plan).

But then, I tried it. I bit the bullet and signed up for ConvertKit, before my blog was making any money.

I played around with tags, automation, and segmentation features. And within the first month, I realized, Convertkit is worth every penny. 

In all honesty, I couldn’t believe I had waited to switch for so long. 

Flash forward to 2021, I have now been a ConvertKit customer for 4 years and this software has become one of the most important tools in my business tech stack. 

As I graduated to becoming a serious professional blogger/online entrepreneur I needed a tool that would help me to better market my business.

I’ve become a ConvertKit junkie! I’ve perfected my sales funnels, lead generation, retargeting and automation down to a science.

By using ConvertKit I have been able to scale my blog and business to 7 figures faster than I know would have ever been possible on my old platform.

No doubt about that.

And nowadays, I too am a ConvertKit affiliate who will proudly shout from the rooftops about how awesome it is! I get it!

In terms of tech tools, switching to ConvertKit was one of the best business decisions I’ve made.

With the release of my shiny new Email Marketing course, (which includes all the ConvertKit funnel workshops your business could ever need) I thought to share a few reasons why I think ConvertKit is worth the money. 

If you are looking for the best email service provider and email marketing tool that truly gives you the most bang for your buck – this guide is for you!

smiling woman with tablet wondering is convertkit worth the money

Pricing And Value For Money

Convertkit offers 3 different pricing plans. We’ll go through what each has to offer.

Free Plan

One of the great things about Convertkit is that, so long as you have under 1,000 subscribers, you can use Convertkit for free.

And I’m not talking just for the first couple of weeks, this can be a permanent arrangement.

The free plan is probably all you really need if you only have 300 or fewer subscribers.

You get an unlimited number of landing pages and sign-up forms, you can send customizable emails, you can sell digital products and subscriptions, and you can access a community of Convertkit users where you may be able to get advice and guidance.

It’s perfect for those who are just beginning to build their customer base.

Creator Plan

The Creator Plan is aimed at growing creators who are looking to automate their work. It can vary in price depending on how many email subscribers you have.

When this article was written, it cost $15 per month if you have less than 300 subscribers, and cost upwards of $2,000 per month if you have up to 400,000 subscribers. There’s a sliding scale.

The Creator Plan includes everything that’s available in the Free Plan, and some very nice features besides. This includes automated funnels and sequencing, free migration from your previous app, and live chat and email support.

Creator Pro

The Creator Pro plan is there for established creators who are looking to really scale their business. Again it varies in price, on a sliding scale, according to your number of subscribers.

When this article was written, it cost just under $30 per month if you have less than 300 subscribers, and cost about $2,600 per month if you have up to 400,000 subscribers.

In addition to everything offered in the Free Plan and the Creator Plan, the Creator Pro plan also offers some really handy features for businesses with a large membership base.

This includes subscriber scoring, which can really help with automated funnels and sequencing, advanced deliverability reporting, and Facebook custom audiences.

Is It Good Value For Money?

Convertkit has a lot to offer, even if you go for the free plan. It makes your email marketing, and your landing and sales pages very simple and straightforward to run. Leaving you free to concentrate on creating your digital products.

We would argue that the free plan is of excellent value for those who are still building their audience.

But what’s also of excellent value to any creator selling their wares online is the automated funnels and sequencing. And that’s only available through the two paid plans.

And on that basis we would argue that the Creator Plan is worth considering even if you have only 300 subscribers, provided you have sufficient budget.

We would also argue that if your business has over 10,000 subscribers, you should upgrade to the Creator Pro plan for its additional benefits, since with 10,000 subscribers you should be able to afford the Pro plan’s monthly fee.

It’s important to note at this point that both paid plans are available on a free trial.

So, if you are torn between the Free Plan and the Creator Plan, it would make sense to start a free trial of the Creator Plan, and if after two weeks you decide it’s not for you, you can switch to the Free Plan.

Is ConevrtKit Worth The Money? 9 Reasons Why I Say YES To ConvertKit For Email Marketing

In this post, I’m sharing 9 reasons I’m absolutely crazy about ConvertKit and why I no longer question “is ConvertKit worth the money?”

1. Easy to Use Email Marketing Platform

Ok, I am super tech-savvy, but I still like things to be easy to adapt.

I don’t want to spend any time learning a new platform unless it’s very intuitive. 

I know so many solopreneurs who are NOT tech-savvy and they are easily frustrated by having to learn all the tech tools of the trade. Yes, it can be overwhelming and complicated. 

ConvertKit is incredibly simple to use, out of the box. It has functionality that allows you to get started with the basics and learn how to use more of the functions as you go.

2. You Can Easily Create Landing Pages and Sales Pages

That’s right! For those of you who shiver in your boots at the thought of using ClickFunnels, you can use ConvertKit as both your email marketing provider and as a way to create landing and sales pages.

Heck, you may simply not have the resources available right now to make the investment in ClickFunnels, so I’m all for keeping it simple and knocking out two birds with one stone by using ConvertKit.

3. Organizing Your Email Subscribers is Easy

This is important because when a reader opts-in to your email list, you can automatically tag them so you know where they came from. This makes it easy to access these groups for customized emails in the future.

4. You Can Create a Sales Funnel

You can use the platform to create a sales funnel. Creating a sales funnel gives you an opportunity to share your expertise with your audience over the course of several emails.

These emails will share valuable information with your audience and include links to blog posts, videos, and products that you recommend for your audience.

It is incredibly easy to set up because ConvertKit provides a ready-made template for you to set up your first sequence of emails.

5. Get Charged ONCE for a Single Subscriber

Regardless of how many different ways you tag them inside your ConvertKit account, your subscribers are never double-counted.

For instance, some email providers will count 1 subscriber 3 times if you have them included on multiple lists within your account.

So if a subscriber signed up for your freebie about blogging, then again for a freebie on book publishing, and then signed up for your free email course, that 1 subscriber would in effect be counted as 3 people on your list.

With ConvertKit, it doesn’t matter how many different “tags or labels” you give to your subscribers or how many of your freebies they sign-up for. 1=1 and that’s that.

6. Automatically Send PDF Lead Magnets

You can automatically send your subscribers a lead magnet (aka incentive) for signing up to your list.

This means you can send an ebook, checklist, worksheet, or other types of pdf opt-in with a very simple set-up process.

Basically, all I have to do is set up a new form, upload the pdf incentive and in less than 5 minutes I’ve ready to rock and roll!

7. Easily Integrates with All Your Other Tools

I love how ConvertKit integrates with everything else in my tech stack. Such as when a customer buys one of my courses via Thrivecart, they are automatically tagged to my list on ConvertKit.

Or via Podia, Teachable, SendOwl, whatever it is you use to deliver and manage your programs. 

Plus, it’s very easy to create email sign-up forms in your WordPress sidebar and embedded within your blog posts because of ConvertKit’s seamless integration with WordPress.

8. Great Customer Service

After previously using a platform where I could never get a hold of a live customer service agent, I was delighted to actually be able to live chat with customer service team members on ConvertKit.

“Once, even Nathan, the founder of ConvertKit himself gave me some feedback on one of my opt-ins and helped me understand how to boost conversions. Needless to say, I WAS IMPRESSED!”
Kari, blogger

9. ConvertKit Is Affiliate Marketing Friendly

When I was using my previous email platform, they blocked my emails because I included affiliate links in them. This happened TWICE!

Um…excuse me?

As an online entrepreneur, being able to include affiliate marketing in one’s monetization strategy is a basic requirement.

When I discovered that ConvertKit welcomes the use of affiliate links in emails (so long as it doesn’t go against their TOS) I was sold. 

Now that I use ConvetKit, it actually helps me make more money, and thus paid for itself years ago. 


Convertkit has often been compared to MailChimp and Leadpages.

Is ConvertKit Worth The Money? Conclusion

There you have it!  My honest opinion about why I believe ConvertKit is worth the money.

More bloggers and entrepreneurs should be using ConvertKit.

The email marketing autoresponder you use will likely become a big part of the way you run your business, so make sure you invest in the best. 

So, in short, Convertkit certainly does have a lot to offer to businesses of various sizes and stages of growth. Though it has to be said that it’s overall value depends on how many subscribers you have and which pricing plan you go for.

If you’re still in two minds about it, we would recommend that you sign up for the two-week free trial of the Creator Plan.

Now, to learn more about email marketing and how to use ConvertKit, enroll in my Email Marketing Course, or get the entire program along with many others included in your membership when you join the HerPaperRoute Society

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