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ConvertBox Review: Lead Capture Tool

ConvertBox Review: A few months ago I started using a lead capture tool called ConvertBox. This product was built by the same people who created my favorite cart and LMS software, Thrivecart.

So, right there, I knew ConvertBox would be high quality.

If you are a blogger or e-commerce entrepreneur, listen up because this tool will really help you convert more leads and customers, while getting more engagement from your website visitors.

Allow me to share my honest ConvertBox review, below.

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Honest ConvertBox Review [Read Before Buying]

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ConvertBox helps to personalize the experience your customers have on your website, by encouraging interaction via a small, non-obtrusive box or form that appears on your website.

This tool is similar to MiloTree, but with more robust features and capabilities.

Whether you run an eCommerce site or a content blog selling digital products and affiliate offers, the customer experience your readers get when viewing your website is vital.

Your readers need to feel valued and guided through the journey, and that’s where CovertBox comes in.

By encouraging leads to sign up, buy or otherwise engage with your content, you provide them with a great experience while visiting your site.

And in turn, you increase the likelihood of those people signing up or buying from you.


What is an Engagement Platform?

ConvertBox describes itself as “the easiest most powerful on-site engagement platform”, but what is an engagement platform?

Engagement is a common marketing term that refers to the amount of interest a potential customer or site visitor shows by clicking with their mouse or tapping on their screen and scrolling down a page.

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Engagement takes into account how long a person stayed on your page and if they followed any links on your site that connect to your products, partners, or social networking pages.

Truthfully, the purpose of every website is engagement.

Websites are mediums of communicating information and then inspiring the recipient of that information to do something.

That action might be buying, signing up for an email list, ordering something, applying for a quote or estimate, or even donating to a cause.

Every website has at least one call to action (CTA) like the ones we’ve mentioned.

CTAs are designed to get the viewer to respond in some way with the information they have found on your website and engagement is key in this.

In terms of social media, it’s easy to measure engagement through clicks, likes, and shares.

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Engagement is the aim of any social media post because a crowd attracts a crowd and if people think your post is worth caring about and paying attention to, then others will too.

And finally, engagement is the first step to converting a potential customer into an existing customer.

The success of this conversion depends on how the customer’s experience makes them feel.

What is ConvertBox?

ConvertBox enables you to apply engagement-inspiring popups to your website so that it creates a more personal experience for the customer.

If you’ve ever been on a website more than once and it has produced a pop-up or message that says “welcome back” or “nice to see you again”, that is one type of personalization that can make a person feel like they are valued.

It implies that you noticed them personally and opened up a conversation with them, but of course, it’s just an algorithm they’ve tripped through an action.

ConvertBox allows you to guide the experience through your website for any visitor who is on there.

It enables you to give personalized offers on their screen there and then and uses segmentation funnels to help the visitor see the right content at the opportune moment to persuade them to respond to whatever CTA you want them to act on.

For example, if a visitor has been on one webpage for more than a minute, a message reading something like “Can we help you with something?”

This can help focus a potential customer’s mind to what they were interested in on this page and help them get back to that.

If you were a human shop assistant in a clothing store and a customer was standing there for a long time looking at the same item, again and again, your instincts to provide good customer service would lead you to go over and ask if they needed any help with anything.

They might have a question about the products or price, and you would diligently answer them.

But the “yard sale” style experience of website browsing can leave customers feeling lost and confused about how to access or understand the information in front of them.

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More and more businesses are using personalized messages, offers, and action-initiated funnels to support the experience of the customer on the website in the same way a sales assistant might in a shop.

These messages are tripped by actions, as we said and they are designed to make customers feel valued and cared for.  They are also designed to point the customers towards offers.

Your desired outcome might be that you want your site visitors to:

  • buy something
  • see something
  • request something
  • download a free resource (lead magnet)
  • or do something else entirely – it’s up to you!

Either way, ConvertBox specializes in creating messages that are customer triggered by appropriate actions or inaction on behalf of the visitor.

Another example of this might be that if you clicked back with something in your basket on an E-commerce site, a reminder might pop up asking if you’re forgetting something.

These real-time notifications aim to improve and streamline the experience of the customer from interest to sale.

It’s a great idea to make eCommerce feel more hospitable and personal for potential customers.

It’s the difference between your restaurant server approaching your table, introducing themself, and asking how you are before they take your order.

Rather than you enter a restaurant and the server just grunts and points a finger towards the self-service buffet.

Shopping in a boutique store would be the equivalent of a thoughtful personalized experience where the customer’s comfort comes first and in contrast, an online shop can feel like the opposite.

That’s why making a user’s experience through the website more supported and making them feel nurtured can be a really good thing.

ConvertBox Review

ConvertBox is a tool that works alongside your existing website to help funnel potential leads into becoming customers.

The service calculates the optimum timings for visitors to receive notifications and offers based on their browsing habits and the pattern of their actions in real-time, as it happens.

It provides a personalized experience for every website visitor with an aim to improve sales and email collection through smart, well-placed lead hooks to compel a visitor to convert to an email subscriber.

In addition to all this, it allows you to accurately analyze the success of the formulas through extensive analytics.

It’s all very well signing up to a tool that claims to boost your lead conversion rate into actual sales, but does it really work?

Customer-centric inbound marketing hasn’t been around for all that long, and so there haven’t as yet been many tools to support it available.

Now there are, but does this one live up to the expectations of users? Let’s find out.

Collecting Emails

Yes, ConvertBox is a very effective tool for collecting emails from site visitors, due to its use of clever messages and persuasive forms geared towards lead capture.

This essentially means that ConvertBox has mastered the right timings and user prompts to trigger action on that user’s part.

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As a business, getting email addresses is the holy grail of leads!

This is because they are now subscribers to your newsletter and will receive your promotions.

Therefore, you now have the chance to catch their attention often as they scroll through their inbox.

A subscriber is only a step away from a customer so persuasive, well-timed email collection incentives are definitely worth implementing on your website.

No one likes to feel like their time is being wasted with generic messages containing information they don’t want to know. Convert Box is the opposite of that.

It tracks the route that each customer takes and calculates personalized offers and messages to help alleviate any pain points for that specific customer while directing them towards a sale.

With ease, you can use ConvertBox to segment your audience automatically, so that you can present highly personalized offers when and where it matters.

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Personalized Offer Placement

ConvertBox has a unique way of calculating what each customer is after and helps them to get it without pressuring or antagonizing the potential customer.

I am impressed with the way the multiple choice aspects of some of the customer communications can funnel different people to different places and give them offers and lead magnets based on the kind of person they have been calculated to be.

It’s a clever piece of software indeed that can tell us more about our readers than we do.

Endless Customization

ConvertBox is completely customizable. It is a very simple yet powerful lead capture tool allowing you to feature personalized pop-ups on your website.

There are many options for different types of pop-ups, with a variety of designs and customization possibilities.

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You can even add boxes with countdown timers to really encourage your readers to take fast action.

This feature is perfect if you have a limited-time offer or special promotion running.

ConvertBox Review Quick Tips


  • Easy to use – It’s easy to customize messages, images, and more to align with your current brand. Not only is it personalized to your customers, but you can also design and customize the notifications to match the rest of your brand identity in terms of colors, fonts, and tone of voice.
  • Tracking – Another big plus is that everything is tracked, measured, and analyzed via your ConvertBox dashboard, so you can see where you’re making progress and where you need to tweak things. It’s really helpful to know when users are positively responding to certain messages and when they aren’t so you can get a better idea of what your customers need.
  • Compatible with other marketing tools – ConvertBox is able to seamlessly integrate with other marketing tools such as ConvertKit and other autoresponders, cart platforms, and page builders.
  • Lifetime deal – Don’t you hate paying monthly subscriptions to use a software? Me too! Well, you will be happy to know that ConvertBox is available to purchase for one-time price, and then you get to use the tool for life, on as many websites as you own. I LOVE this!
  • Easy to understand – Yes, the tool has complex capabilities, but don’t let that worry you! The tool won’t overwhelm you with information. It’s a fairly comprehensive tool for analysis but does manage to make interpreting that data easy enough for most users.
  • Integrates with your existing CRM – Convert Box connects easily with most common CRM programs to make tracking customer habits even easier.
  • New features – The ConvertBox team is frequently adding new features to help streamline the customer experience and personalize their messages.


I have impartiality, but still, there were no negatives in my opinion. It’s an easy tool to use, and does what it claims to.

ConvertBox Review – Conclusion

I appreciate how ConvertBox tailor-makes offers or presents compelling incentives based on questions my readers answers, as well as their browsing patterns.

All in all, it’s very effective for lead generation and customer conversion.

In my opinion, ConvertBox is the best lead conversion tool of its kind.

Overall, I have found this to be an extremely useful tool that does help drive sales up, and that it does convert visitors into customers.

Get your lifetime ConvertBox account here.

convertbox review video

And before you go, make sure you score yourself a free copy of my big list of lead magnet ideas! 

More Reviews:

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