25 Productive Things To Do Instead Of Scrolling On Instagram

Productive Things To Do Instead Of Scrolling On Instagram
Reading Time: 7 minutes

What are some productive things to do, instead of scrolling on Instagram?

Did you know according to research, we spend more than five years of our lives “living” on social media? You might don’t realize this until you start paying attention to how often we visit a social media platform.

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In other words, we are addicted to a quick fix of the latest happenings around us. And you know all that blue light exposure is harming our eyeballs!

But it does not have to be like that. There are so many productive things to do other than Instagram scrolling or Facebook stalking someone’s profile.

25 Productive Things To Do Instead Of Scrolling On Instagram

In today’s post, I’m sharing 25 productive things to do instead of scrolling on Instagram.

Now, before you give an excuse, I will be the first to agree with you that this can be hard to do.

But even if you can’t commit to all 25 of these productive things to do, try one thing each day and see which one works the best.

Let’s go!

1. Delete photos from your camera roll

I can assure you I have more than 1,000 pictures on my camera roll and that doesn’t even include screenshots of food recipes or dresses I want to buy online.

If you have some time, spend it by deleting unused photos. For any photos that you don’t want to lose forever, you can back up to your cloud which is free for Amazon Prime members.

2. Read a book or magazine

When was the last time you read a real book or magazine? These days, you can easily find almost everything online.

Challenge yourself to finish one book each month and see how it goes.

Here’s a list of personal finance books that everyone should read, if they want to get rich.

3. Do An Inbox Detox

When was the last time to did a spree of unsubscribing from email lists you aren’t interested in anymore?

This is probably one of the things I tend to procrastinate. But spam and junk emails can really pile up!

Take a moment to unsubscribe from any lists or promotional emails that aren’t benefiting you. Instead of Instagram scrolling, spend 10-15 minutes unsubscribing from those email lists.

Then, spend some time actually reading the emails from the ones you are interested in.

There is a wealth of information that top bloggers share with their email lists, so take some time to re-engage by reading their emails.

You will probably be surprised by the quality content you will find in some of them.

For example, the HerPaperRoute community gets exclusive training and tips via the weekly email. Get on the list here:

Members of our list get extra resources that we don’t share on our blog. Including access to the HerPaperRoute Entrepreneur toolkit. Where should I send your invite?

4. Take that free course you signed up for

How many times have you signed up for a free online course, but only to find that you haven’t finished any of them?

When it comes to free sign ups, we are so quick to share our emails but committing to doing something is not easy. We tend to procrastinate.

So instead of scrolling on Instagram, go log in to your course and learn something new today.

Free HerPaperRoute courses:

5. Find a new recipe to make

It’s time to get busy in the kitchen and start cooking something! Find a new recipe on Pinterest and reward yourself with your hard work today.

6. Make a cup of tea

… or coffee. Whatever it is, try to spend some quiet time without Instagram scrolling or replying to Facebook’s comments.

Just be in the present moment and have a good, peaceful drink.

7. Launch that blog

If you’ve been dreaming and talking about launching a blog for months, maybe it’s time for you to realize that dream of yours.

Take action today and start your blog! <– that guide covers everything you need to know, including how to make good money as a blogger!

8. Wash the dishes

Oh, you would not believe how many of us who forget to wash the dishes simply because we are so busy scrolling through Instagram. It’s embarrassing, right? But that’s the truth!

9. Learn a new language

This is not only fun, but it’s also beneficial. What’s one language you’ve always wanted to learn?

Sign up for a free course online, find an easy guide on Youtube, or get an audiobook from Amazon that you can listen to in your car.

10. Take out the trash

Well, just like washing the dishes. You might forget to take out the trash.

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11. Write down your goals

Writing about your goals, and practicing dopamine fasting is something productive and fun. It helps you to align your visions with your current situation.

You might don’t realize this but when you start writing down your goals, it’s a lot easier to manifest each of them into reality.

Need some help? Listen to this podcast episode about how to set and reach goals.

25 Productive Things To Do Instead Of Instagram

12. Prep your meals for the week

When you’re too busy with work, study or kids (if you are a parent), it’s easy to procrastinate on preparing for dinner. It can feel like a heavy task instead of something fun.

But by prepping your meals for the week, it eliminates the stress and gives you more time to find other productive things to do, too.

13. Reply to your text messages

Did you forget to reply to your friend’s or significant other’s messages lately? It could be because you have been procrastinating on it.

When your eyes and attention are fixed on social media, it’s so easy to forget to do other things.

14. Find volunteer work

If you enjoy helping others, you can also find volunteer work and contribute to the community.

Think of all the animals at your local shelter with no one to play with. Shelters always need volunteers for playtime! Go make some new furry friends.

15. Daydream

Before social media became a huge part of my life, I used to love daydreaming. I am not even kidding.

It’s fun too. Take some time and dream about your personal goals. When we are too busy scrolling Instagram and focusing on other’s achievements, it can sometimes make us feel like we are not good enough.

Truth is, we are all enough. All you need to do is focus on yourself.

When we are too busy scrolling Instagram and focusing on other's achievements, it can sometimes make us feel like we are not good enough. Truth is, we are all enough. All you need to do is focus on yourself. Click to Tweet

16. Go outside for a walk

One of the most productive things to do is to implement walking into your daily routine. Even if it’s for a quick refresh, taking a short walk can change your perspectives. Go to a coffee shop or even better, go into nature.

17. Declutter your space

When your surroundings are too crowded, it can lead to a stressful life. Give yourself some time to clean your pantry, fridge, closet, desk, and other spaces that you think need decluttering.

Make it fun too! Put on some music or do it together with someone else.

Consider cutting down your clothing collection for a simple 30 piece capsule wardrobe, and donate the rest.

18. Exercise

Instagram scrolling can strain your eyes and even your muscles. Take some time to exercise and release all the tension.

19. Meditate

If you don’t really like exercising, you can also try meditation. It helps to keep you feel centered and prepare you for the day ahead.

20. Dance

The easiest way to get an energy boost is by dancing! You don’t even have to be a good dancer. Just shake your body. It can be by yourself, with your loved ones, kids or even pet.

21. Play with your kids or pets

If you are a parent, spending time with your kids is the easiest way to distract your attention from social media platforms. If you have a pet, take a moment to give some attention to your pet.

22. Learn a new skill

It can be photography, video editing, sewing, knitting, pottery, or even web design. The point is by learning a new skill, you will not only doing something productive. You are opening new doors for you in term of career and life goals.

Check out Skillshare to watch unlimited classes for free for 2 whole months!

23. Go thrift shopping

This is surprisingly very therapeutic. If you don’t want to buy anything, you can just go for window shopping.

24. Watch a random educational video

Find something on Youtube that will consume 1-2 hours of your time. But make sure it’s surprisingly educational.

25. Binge-watch your favorite show

Without your checking your phone and Instagram scrolling, you will be surprised at how fast you can get through your favorite guilty-pleasure show!

25 Productive Things To Do Instead Of Instagram scrolling

25 Productive Things To Do Instead Of Scrolling On Instagram – Conclusion

I hope you found this list of 25 productive things to do instead of scrolling on Instagram helpful.

Check out our other Instagram and social media tips below!

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25 Productive Things To Do Instead Of Scrolling On Instagram

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