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Success Habits Of Entrepreneurs To Start Doing Now

Today I want to share with you a few success habits of entrepreneurs that I think will motivate and inspire you on your journey of entrepreneurship.

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Success Habits Of Entrepreneurs To Develop

Today we are going to cover some success habits and tips that can benefit anyone looking to grow as an entrepreneur.

Ever wondered how those super successful bloggers you follow on Instagram got so big in the first place?

You know, the ones who get hundreds of thousands of pageviews per month and make tens of thousands of dollars in “passive income”?

You might be wondering what their secret sauce is, what they’re doing that’s so different from what you’ve been doing, and what you need to do in order to achieve the same level of success with your own blog.

Here’s the truth: Those bloggers really aren’t all that different from you. For real! We all started out the same way that you did. With an idea and a passion for something that they wanted to share with others, and probably with the same resources you had when you started your blog.

Here’s where the secret sauce comes in: What sets the truly successful bloggers apart from the pack is the way that they work.

You heard me!

Successful entrepreneurs have a set of carefully crafted habits that maximize their productivity, keep them mega-organized, and help them churn out content and products that their audience goes crazy for.

Here’s another secret: You can do this too!

To help you out, today I’ve compiled a list of the top habits of successful entrepreneurs.

These are all things you can start doing too (like, today!) to get big results in your own business.

Before we dive in, I also suggest that you read this post too: 60+ Productivity Hacks To Streamline Your Day

Ready to get to work?

1. They do tasks in bulk

How on earth do successful entrepreneurs manage to keep on top of all their work, while still interacting on social media, creating new products, hosting webinars, and so on and so on?

Answer: we have virtual assistants to help us out! We outsource just about everything!

But while hiring a virtual assistant may not be feasible for everyone, there’s another technique that you can take advantage of…


What is batching? It’s basically a fancy way of saying “doing things in bulk.”

Say it normally takes you 3 hours to write a blog post, edit it, create a graphic, and schedule social media promotions.

Rather than doing all those things back to back, you would instead devote one large chunk of time to each type of task, but do more of that task.

For example, you’d spend a few hours writing drafts for multiple blog posts, then spend another large chunk of time taking and editing photos for multiple posts.

With the batching method, you’re not jumping around from task to task, making your brain work overtime as it tries to switch gears all the time.

We work more quickly and efficiently if we’re able to focus on one type of task for hours on end without distractions.

Learn more about batching and how to implement it for your blog here!

2. They check in with their email list regularly.

Your email list is your ticket to the big leagues! It’s the best way to share, promote, and sell your products, courses, and services.

If you want to make any sort of serious money with your blog, building your email list is a vital first step.

If you haven’t started your list yet, check out ConvertKit.

Once you have your list in place, be sure to send newsletters to your subscribers regularly (approximately once a week).

3. They interact + build a sense of community

Successful entrepreneurs are always focused on building a sense of community, both on their blogs and beyond.

masterclass become a content creator

This is one of the biggest things that separates the pros from the amateurs.

How can you develop a sense of community for your audience?

There are a lot of different ways, but for starters, make sure you’re always responding to comments and answering questions left on your blog posts.

Interact on social media regularly. You could even start a Facebook group or run a weekly Twitter chat for your followers.

Just make sure you do something because building a sense of community is what helps your blog become more than just a blog.

4. They Meditate

Meditation is one of the easiest to develop success habits. Oprah, Ray Dalio, Rupert Murdoch, Robert Stiller and Arianna Huffington are just a few of the names that make meditation part of their day, every day.

Meditation is when you take time to relax your mind and body.

Each meditates for 20-30 minutes a day, which doesn’t seem like much, but how often do you take the time to sit in silence?

When asked in what ways meditation helps, Dalio says it gives him “…centeredness and creativity. It’s also given me peace and health”.

I would assume when running a Fortune 500 company you need all the peace you can get, even if it is for 20 minutes.

5. They Exercise

Morning workout sessions are the norm for top CEOs like Tim Armstrong of AOL, Hans Vestberg of Ericsson, Vittorio Colao of Vodafone and Karen Blackett of MediaCom UK.

You would think they use the early morning hours to send out emails, but they don’t.

They use it to clear their minds with exercise, which is proven to help reduce stress, combat heart disease, boost energy, improve moods and sharpen your memory.

Makes you think twice about making excuses to not work out.


6. They Wake up Early

Tim Cook, the late Steve Jobs, Tim Armstrong, and Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer are just a few of the worldwide names that are known and speak openly about their early morning wake up calls and perhaps even think about vacations.

The average wake-up is 5 a.m. They’re looking at emails early, not always replying, but checking.

They’re exercising to get their mind and body ready for the day ahead. They’re also often checking out the competition to stay ahead of the game.

The likes of Armstrong and Mayer are known to pursue their own websites and compare them to competitors for ideas.

So while you’re pressing the snooze button for the umpteenth time, these CEOs have already hedged their way through half their day.

I was NOT a morning person for 35 years of my life. But I started making myself wake up at 5am a year ago and now I love it. Seriously!

I get so much more done now, with more intention.

Take a look at what I do at 5am each day that sets me up for success.

6 Success habits of entrepreneurs - Entrepreneur bundle jenna kutcher podcast lab

7. They Strive To Be Continuously Learning

Of all the success habits one may have, being open to learning new things is crucial as a business owner.

Stay on top of industry trends, new innovations, new marketing strategies and so on.

Enroll in a new course often, and never stop learning and educating yourself.

8. They Keep To-do Lists

To-do lists are things we all keep mentally, on paper, smartphones, chalkboards/whiteboards; just about everywhere.

Why do we like them so much?

For the same reason top CEOs like them. It makes us feel accomplished.

Even the smallest feat seems like you just climbed the largest mountain when you check or cross a task off your list.

Entrepreneurs have a lot going on in their day, so much that it’s often difficult to keep track, so they keep short and meaningful to-do lists that keep them on track as one of the top CEOs habits each day.

9. They Take Vacations

While the early morning risers, to-do list keeping powerhouses seem to never stop they do when they take vacations.

Every top CEO takes the time to get away.  It allows them time for family, friends and alone time.

Vacation days are given to employees for a reason, which is why success habits of top entrepreneurs include vacations.

After all, when they’ve done their job correctly the boss has hired people that have the ability and skills to handle the office while there gone.

And Now For Some Success Tips That Apply Specifically To Bloggers And Creative Entrepreneurs:

10. They feature multiple products in their posts.

Picture this: I’m scrolling through my Bloglovin’ feed and I see that you’ve just uploaded a new post called, “My Thoughts on the Too Faced ‘Born This Way’ Foundation”.

I’ve never heard of the foundation before and I’m not really in the market for a new foundation. So I continue scrolling.


I’m scrolling through my Bloglovin’ feed and you just uploaded a new post titled, “The 10 Best, Holy Grail Foundations of All-Time”.

Whoa. Now you’ve got my attention. And you can bet I’m clicking over to see which foundations made your list.

Unless someone is specifically searching for a review of that one foundation you wrote about in Post A, the chances of them clicking over and reading your post are slim.

But by including multiple products in version B, you make your post 10x more intriguing and click-worthy.

People are looking to get the most value for their time, which is why they’d rather read 10 mini-reviews in a single blog post rather than a long, epic review of one product.

Successful bloggers know that the best way to attract an audience is to give people as much value as possible in each and every post!

11. They frequently share other people’s work & content.

Can you imagine how boring it would be if people ONLY shared their own content? Boring!

Sharing other people’s content on social media and within your own blog posts is a great way to enhance your content while also shouting out other amazing ladies and building community.

Another benefit is that it usually gets you in that blogger’s good books so they’re more likely to share your stuff in the future.

12. They schedule their social media posts.

Bloggers are busy people, as I’m sure you know. If you’re spending hours every single day working on your Pinterest account, brainstorming tweets, and prepping photos for Instagram, you won’t get very far with the stuff that matters most: creating new content, developing new products to sell, etc.

This is why social media scheduling tools are an absolute lifesaver.

The time it takes me now to schedule my social media is less than a quarter of what it used to take when I was posting everything manually.

Some of my favorite social media scheduling tools are SmarterQueue and Tailwind.

13. They write & schedule their blog posts in advance.

Successful bloggers are organized to a T and always have things planned out in advance. You don’t want to be writing a blog post minutes before it’s supposed to go live!

That’s poor planning and would be super stressful as a long-term strategy.

I try to have all of my posts finished at least a week or two before they’re due to go up on my site. However, if you get really good at it, you can schedule your posts up to a month or two in advance!

To stay organized, you’ll want to create an editorial calendar where you plan out which posts are going live on which day.

On WordPress, you can install the Editorial Calendar plugin and then it’s as easy as popping your blog post drafts into a slot on the little calendar.

If old-school is more your thing (me too!), do a Google search for “month/year calendar”, print one-off, and then fill it out by hand. Just make sure you use a pencil, because trust me, your plans will likely change!

14. They maximize SEO to get their posts found.

SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization”, which is basically how you get your blog posts to rank higher in search engines like Google (meaning they show up in the first few pages of Google search results).

Although SEO can be a bit complex — it’s all based on fancy algorithms which quite frankly, are generally above my head! — I’ll try to break it down for you as simply as I can.

For each of your blog posts, you should choose a specific “keyword” to target. Contrary to what it sounds like, a keyword isn’t actually a word at all, but a 2-5 word phrase.

For your keyword phrase, choose something that your ideal reader would likely be searching for on Google.

For example, “best shampoo for oily scalp” or “tips for being more productive.” Once you’ve chosen your keyword, include it in as many places as possible throughout your blog post.

Great places to include your keyword are:

  • In your blog post title
  • In the slug (URL) for the post
  • In your headings and sub-headings
  • In your actual blog post itself
  • In the alt tags for your images

15. They know the value of Pinterest

Pinterest is literally a godsend for us bloggers. Even if you don’t have a lot of Pinterest followers yet, you can still send massive traffic to your blog by pinning the right way.

A few tips to make the most of Pinterest:

  • Include at least one pinnable image in every blog post
  • Add a Pin-It button to your blog
  • Pin everything: Your blog posts, services, freebies + products
  • Use a tool like Tailwind to loop + schedule pins

Related Read: 78 Epic Pinterest Marketing Tips

16. They solve problems for their readers.

People are coming to your blog because they want something from you, and that “something” is information.

Your readers want you to teach them something or help them solve a problem, and the problems you solve for your readers will vary depending on what your niche is.

For example, people come to my blog because they want advice about blogging and making money online.

People might come to you for skincare advice, yoga tips, or any of a million other possible things.

A good blogger is always focused on helping his or her readers in any way possible. If you want to be truly successful online, you need to remember that you’re not blogging for yourself.

You’re blogging for your readers.

If you’re not sure what your readers need help with, just ask!

Send out a survey to your email list, run a poll on Instagram or Facebook, or reach out one-to-one to see what your audience struggles with the most.

Then focus on helping them solve those problems in your blog posts and newsletters.

Atomic Habits: Tips To Make These Success Habits Stick

Now that you know the top success habits of successful entrepreneurs, it’s time to implement the habits into your daily life.

To help you with this, I will share the 10 best ways to make habits stick, as the author James Clear, recommends in his book Atomic Habits.

Make Habits Obvious

You should start by making your habits obvious, so you know what to do and when to do it.

This can be done by creating a specific plan for your habits, placing reminders in visible places, and using cues to trigger your habits.

An example of creating a cue: Let’s say you want to get in the habit of pitching yourself to brands for influencer partnerships. You want to send one pitch every day.

So you put two jars on your desk, one is empty and one is filled with 100 paperclips. Each time you send a pitch email, you transfer one paper clip from the full jar to the empty jar.

The jars on your desk will be a visual reminder to send pitches, but they will also be a visual marker of progress. Because with each pitch you send, you will visually see the ’empty’ paper clip jar fill up as you get closer to having sent 100 pitches.

Make Habits Attractive

To make a habit attractive, add an element of pleasure to it. You can do this by adding a reward system or making your habit more enjoyable.

Make Habits Easy

To make a habit easy, its recommended that you break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. This makes it less intimidating and easier to get started.

Make Habits Satisfying

Find a way to reward yourself for completing a habit. This can be as simple as checking it off a to-do list or allowing yourself a small treat.

Start Small

Start with small, easy-to-accomplish habits that build up over time. This allows you to develop momentum and avoid becoming overwhelmed.

Stack Habits

Habit stacking is when you combine multiple habits at once.

For example, I want to exercise every day and I also want to tackle all the books I’ve been meaning to read. So I habit stack by listening to audiobooks while on the treadmill each day.

It’s recommended that you stack habits by pairing them with other habits that you already have. This creates a routine that makes it easier to stick to your habits.

Use a Habit Tracker

It can be easy to forget the habits unless you see them in front of you.

Using a habit tracker to monitor your progress will help you stay motivated. This can be done using a notebook, app, or just a regular Google doc.

Practice Consistency

I want to emphasize the importance of consistency when building habits. It’s better to do a little bit every day than a lot every once in a while.

Avoid Breaks in the Chain

If you can, avoid skipping a day, aka “breaking the chain” of your habits, as this can disrupt your progress and make it harder to get back on track.

Review and Adjust

Finally, it’s helpful to regularly review your habits and adjust them as necessary. This allows you to make changes and improvements to your habits over time.

Get your copy of Atomic Habits now:

6 Success Habits Of Entrepreneurs To Start Doing Now – Conclusion

Becoming a successful entrepreneur doesn’t happen overnight and we work hard to get the job done. So don’t forget that you also deserve a break.

Above all else, a successful entrepreneur never gives up. (They pivot to something else, or exit by selling their business).

I know it’s not always easy, but keep working hard and don’t let anything stop you from making your dreams come true!

If I can go from broke, unemployed and crashing on my friend’s couches to making seven figures from my blog, you can do it too.

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