
Sales Page Tips, Psychology Of Selling Advice For Solopreneurs

Sales Page Tips, Psychology Of Selling Advice For Solopreneurs
Reading Time: 7 minutes

“Wait – your services are THAT much?!” Have you ever had a would-be client give you that response when you told them your rates?

I want to share some psychology of selling and sales page tips with you today. So you can increase your sales page conversions and have successful, profitable launches.

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Because it’s never a nice feeling to be balked at when you reveal the service price of your profession.

Here are some savvy selling tips for solopreneurs to help you navigate your customer’s expectations.

Sales Page Tips, Psychology Of Selling Advice For Solopreneurs

Sales Page Tips For Solopreneurs

Whether you are having a flash sale or a  full-on launch – these sales page tips and resources will ensure that your customer feels confident about their investment in you.

So that when you reveal the price of your products and services – no one is shocked or offended.

Here’s a story of how I walked right into price shock myself, yesterday.

My husband Nick runs a DIY/woodworking Youtube channel, chronicling our home renovation. And this week he is renovating our old camper trailer, that we bought to flip

Everything was going along fine. New paint everywhere, new vinyl plank floors, new custom herringbone door, a giant tropical palm wallpaper wall in the back.

The finishing touch was to do something about the ugly orangey-red Fall leaf print booth cushions and curtains.

I looked up an upholstery place in my area, and found Ronald. Ronald said come by and bring the cushions, he’ll measure them and give us a quote later.

So we did. We dropped them off at his shop, picked out a nice light grey fabric and away we went.

“I hope this isn’t going to be expensive,” Nick said as we drove home.

“It probably will be,” I replied, “It will probably be more than $500.”

“For two little cushions and a curtain? No way!”

Later that day, Ronald called and gave us our quote.


Oh. Um…..What?!

I couldn’t believe it. ‘$1400?! That’s crazy!’ I thought to myself.

Now, it wasn’t that I doubted the cost of materials. I didn’t doubt Ronald’s skills. And I certainly didn’t think that Ronald was crazy for charging this price.

It simply was that I wasn’t used to the cost of furniture upholstery.

The price was a shock because I had no idea.

Until yesterday, I had never even considered having anything reupholstered in my life, ever.

The closest I’ve come to the profession was in 2008 when a DJ asked me what I did for fun and I didn’t want to tell the truth and say “I’m a struggling student, I have no fun. Aside from wasting my last $10 on the cheapest swill right here.”

So instead I impressed him with “I repurpose furniture.”

Which was not true. But he bought it and thought I was cool.

Maybe? I don’t remember, it was 2008.

Anyway, if only I had spent that last decade reading furniture salvaging blogs and chilling with Ronald and his friends, I would have been totally up-to-date with the going price on the art of upholstery.

I wouldn’t have bat a single eyelash.

But eyelash bat I did, you see. The $1400 quote even made me feel a little…bummed!

How weird is that? I was shook that this camper project was getting slightly unhinged by a budget that was starting to roll away by itself.

Simply because the going rate was a price that I wasn’t prepared for.

So now, think about what this could mean for the people YOU are selling to

What do your potential customers and clients think when you reveal the price of your course, coaching program, XYZ?

Have you spent quality time nurturing them in your welcome sequence, warming them up to the value you provide and getting them familiar and comfortable with your prices?

Or are they hit with an unpleasant surprise when you reveal your fee?

That’s one side of it, warming up the people in your audience who already have a familiarity with you and your brand.

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But think about all the people who land on your sales pages, who have never heard of you before!

Your “cold” readers.

They don’t know you yet. They haven’t built up a like and trust factor of you in their minds because they literally just found out about you 2 minutes ago.

When these people land on your sales page, you are banking on the *hope* that they are already familiar with the going rate of the services/products you happen to provide.

You are counting on someone ELSE having told them.

Ack! That doesn’t give you a very good chance at making that cold sale, does it?

That’s why it is so so so important that you convey your message clearly in every sales page you write.

  • You need to warm up this cold lead quickly and get the VALUE of what you are selling across above all.

With other forms of communication, you can do this with more ease. Such as within your blog posts, your emails and within the actual freebies you deliver.

In those, it’s easier to tell a story and give value that can build over time.

But on a sales page – it’s trickier.

You need to be very clear on how you will solve your reader’s problem right away, and convince them that you are the best person to solve it AND that the value you provide is WORTH the price that it is.

…All within 6 seconds because that’s about as long as most people will spend on a sales page if they don’t already know of you, or don’t already know that they specifically need that problem solved already.

So what are we to do?!

3 Sales Page Tips And Resources To Help You Increase Conversions

1. Your Newsletter Matters – A Lot

You already know this but I’ll say it again: be consistent in your newsletter and make your email subscribers your priority.

Keep on providing value to those awesome people who are rad enough to open up and share their inbox.

2. On a sales page, your choice of words is mission-critical

As well as your understanding of the psychology behind the types of words that make someone feel confident to open their wallets right off that bat.

You also must know to avoid words that will do just the opposite and cause you to LOSE the sale.

Some sales page tips for the types of words you can use and avoid:

  • Instead of saying “Price” or “Cost” say “Investment.
  • Instead of saying “Expensive” say “Quality”
  • Instead of saying “Buy Now” say “Claim” “I Need This” “Let’s Do It” “Enjoy” ect…

Note: This is not about tricking someone into becoming your customer! What you are selling as ‘awesome’ on your sales page has to actually be awesome.

No matter what, the product/service you are selling needs to be worth every cent to begin with. If what you sell is lacking in quality right now then your first priority is to go and make your product/service the best it can be.

Then come back and make a sales page to match.

3) You don’t have to figure this out alone.

I collected all of my best sales page tips and launching resources and give them all to members of my program the Creator Society! As a member, you’ll learn a complete system for hosting profitable sales in your business.


  • Done-for-you email swipe copy for every email in your funnel, written to play on your reader’s FOMO so they can’t bear to NOT buy from you.
  • My 6 figure sales page guide
  • A launch plan blueprint
  • Plug-n-play sales page templates you can just import right into your site
  • Clickup stack of important launching tasks to keep you organized
  • Ad templates for your Facebook and Instagram ads
  • And a ton more!
herpaperroute launch vault sales page tips kit 400

If you have been telling yourself that you want to make more sales, and have successful launches, and want to understand how to tap into your customer’s pain points, then I invite you to become a member now.

But that $60 off special price won’t last, so you’ll need to collect it today.

Sales Page Tips – Wrapping Up

Remember to take a moment today to consider the steps you are taking to educate your ideal customers about the prices you charge.

The more your audience is used to seeing them, the more sales you will have.

And on that note, I’ve had 24 hours to get accustomed to the price of having a cushion reupholstered (Ronald’s prices are totally fair, I’ve learned) but I’m still going to shop around.

Update: We still don’t have cushion covers, but you can see the before-and-after trailer revel on my Instagram!

female entrepreneur writing down sales page tips in her notebook

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