How to Write Epic Speedy Blog Posts Fast in 30 Minutes or Less

How to Write Epic Speedy Blog Posts Fast in 30 Minutes or Less
Reading Time: 12 minutes

Need a trick to writing speedy blog posts fast?

If you’re running an online business, your days are PACKED with things to do. You don’t have time to spend long on a blog post.

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But you also know how important it is to write high-quality articles that attract your dream clients and boost your affiliate income.

So in this post, I’ll share a strategy with you that will help you write epic blog content fast!

How to Write Epic Blog Posts in 30 Minutes or Less

How to Write Epic Speedy Blog Posts Fast in 30 Minutes or Less

Have you ever sat down to write and had a moment where your mind went to blank, static? With no idea what to write?

Me too! Ugh!

And it typically happens at the worst times. Like when there is only a 30-minute break in the day or right before a deadline is up.

When this happens I like to rely on my old tried and true method for writing quick blog posts.

I know that your time is precious.

As the CEO of your business, you wear many hats. And you simply don’t have 24 hours of the day to write.

So working quickly is a must.

Over the years, I’ve developed a simple strategy that allows me to write blog posts in 30 minutes or less, without cutting corners or sacrificing quality.

I call it “The 5 Question Method” or the 5Q Method, for short.

Ready to start using the 5Q Method? Let’s dive in!

The 5-Question Method

After writing down your answers to the five questions below, you’ll be left with a crystal clear outline for your blog post.

This will lead you to outline an introduction, the body content, and a conclusion, all packaged up in a way that makes sense and is engaging for your readers.

Before you jump into the five questions, the only thing you need to do is decide on the topic of your post.

Then you’re ready to dive into the questions.

Starting with…

Question #1: What questions does my audience have about this topic?

I know I always bring this up, but I’m gonna say it again:

Successful entrepreneurs create content for their audience, not for themselves.

That’s why the first step in writing a helpful blog post is to come up with 3-5 questions your readers have about the topic you’re writing about.

Stick to more general questions as opposed to the nitty gritty stuff, which you can dive into in your rough draft later on.

Not sure what your readers want to know? Ask them!

Use Instagram, Facebook, or your email list to figure out exactly what your audience wants to learn from you next. Then grab your notebook and jot down a few big questions your readers have about this topic.

Once you’ve decided on the questions you’re going to answer in your blog post, jot down a few notes about how you’ll answer them.

These questions and answers will form the meat (the “body”) of your blog post.

You can even use them as the headings in the post if you like, either leaving them in question format, sharing them as steps in a process, or transforming them into a numbered list.

Question #2: What’s the easiest way to digest this information?

Now that you know what you’ll be sharing in your blog post, you need to figure out the best way to share that information. Different content is better suited to different formats, so it’s important to choose a format that makes sense.

Here are a few types of content your post might include:

  • Numbered lists
  • Graphs and pictures
  • Stories and quotes

It’s important to keep your audience in mind when deciding on the format.

I’m sure your readers are busy people, so you want to make it as easy as possible for them to absorb what you’re sharing by putting the content in a format that makes the most sense.

For example, a how-to guide with lots of steps probably works best as a numbered list. An update on your home renovation project might be better with less text and lots of pictures.

Get creative with it, but always make sure that the format matches the content.

masterclass become a content creator

Question #3: How can I draw people in?

The worst mistake you can make is starting your blog post on a super boring note.

An engaging introduction is crucial for getting people to stick around and keep reading. So when working through this third step, brainstorm a few ways you can make your first few paragraphs stand out.

Here are a few ideas to get your wheels turning:

  • Share a relatable story or anecdote, as I did at the beginning of this post
  • Use graphs and statistics to show a before and after transformation
  • Share quotes, testimonials, or success stories from your clients and customers

Think about what makes you want to keep reading a blog post. In fact, check out some of your favorite bloggers to see how they start off their posts.

How do they inject life into their writing? What kind of imagery and wording do they use in their introductions?

Take inspiration from what others bloggers are doing successfully and then put your own twist on their strategies.

Question #4: What’s the big take-away message?

What’s the main overarching message you want people to remember once they’ve finished reading your blog post?

Figuring out what your overall message is before you start writing will give your content a greater sense of purpose and cohesion. If you know what your end goal is before you start writing, it’s a lot easier to get there.

Your takeaway message should be simple and easy to remember, but still hard-hitting.

When writing the conclusion section of your blog post, your only mission is to drive this message home.

This usually works best as a brief summary where you re-state the main points in your blog post and then tell people why it’s so important that they take action.

Question #5: How can I provide extra value?

Finally, what can you do to make sure your content is absolutely unforgettable?

A freebie or content upgrade is the perfect way to add extra value beyond the post itself.

Epic content is all about helping people, and there’s nothing people love more than free stuff. So before you sign off on your post, why not come up with a way to increase the value of your content?

This could be by adding:

  • A free printable
  • A bonus workbook
  • An ecourse or ebook on the topic

Not only will people love you for giving them tons of free stuff, but offering those extras as opt-in freebies is a great way to build up your email list.

Not sure how to create the perfect freebie? Check out this post for all the details.

Time to get writing!

Once you’ve written down your answers to the five questions above, writing your actual blog post will be a breeze.

Take this blog post as an example.

I created an outline in less than five minutes using these five questions as a guide, and it only took me another 20 minutes to type this entire post out.

After proofreading and adding in images, this blog post took me 30-40 minutes to put together. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself. 😉

But We Can Write Blog Posts Even Faster…

Once you know those foundations of writing speedy blog posts, you can actually speed up your content product even further, by using this ai writing tool.

This tool gives you a guideline, keyword suggestions, and a score as you write, as well as tips to improve the SEO of the article.

So you know always exactly what to do, to increase your chances of ranking the article in Google search results.

With this tool, I have managed to produce article outline and content ideas in just seconds!

Also, it majorly helps me whenever I have writer’s block! If you are someone who sometimes sits in front of your screen not knowing what to write, you need this tool.

Try it out for yourself, here.

A Few Helpful Tips For Writing A Blog Post In Under An Hour

I always turn to these 7 tips to write a blog post in an hour when I need to get an article finished but can’t seem to find my creativity.

Feel free to use any and all of these tips to help you get unstuck and produce posts at lightning speed.

1. Start with the end in mind

When I have a really tough block to work through, I like to stop thinking about how to start a post and instead take it straight to the ending.

I will write a closing sentence or two, to sum up my point. This helps me to look at my true motivations for what I’m trying to accomplish from the article.

A good blog post either solves a problem for the reader or provides them with the information they need to be able to solve that problem on their own.

It can be hard to remember this though, when you feel stuck and need a problem solved yourself.

2. Use a template for quick blog posts

Setting up a Word or Google doc with a very simple template for how you like to personally structure a blog post can be so freeing.

I like to have a few categories of templates ready to go:

  • List posts
  • Informational posts
  • Affiliate promotion posts
  • Course description post
  • Product selling posts
  • Etc…

This way I don’t forget to put in the important pieces for each type, and the structure is ready for all the blanks to just be filled in.

It’s easy and takes so much pressure off!

3. Think of 5 questions you can answer for your reader

Sometimes if the summary paragraph doesn’t come to mind quickly I will ask myself to do this step first.

Imagine you are opening up your phone and typing in questions like:

  • “How much do birds eat in a day?”
  • “What is the number of Oreos in a serving size?”
  • or “When is the best time of year to plant cucumbers?”

When you ask questions, what sort of answer would you be looking for?

Write down the first 5 responses that you can think of. Do it rapid-fire style because that is how they will be looked at during the searches.

Most of the time, people will be looking for the fastest answer they can find.

That’s why page 1 results are so heavily fought for, because we all know that page 2 rarely gets looked at, and page 3–> forget about it.

4. Do your keyword research first to write better and faster blog posts

Once you come up with the 5 questions that you can answer, do a little keyword research on each of them.

Sometimes this is all that’s needed to get those creative brain waves ramped up again.

There is something about seeing the content right in front of you, and then seeing how well they rank and get pageviews that is very motivating.

You can use a keyword ranking tool or simply Google’s Keyword Tool to find out the power of a keyword.

Or you can just look at Google, see the saturation in the results and the age of the posts. Use whichever method works best for you.

5. Use a notes application to start posts as you think of them

This is my most used tip for writing blog posts. I absolutely love it.

While it isn’t exactly a tip for sitting down and writing an entire article in one session; it is a wonderful way to get thoughts out and physically started, so that they only need some tweaking and polishing in the end.

It doesn’t matter what type of note application you like to use.

I personally love Clickup, but you can also use Evernote or the Notes app on your iPhone.

Often I will use Google docs or just talk it out in Otter!

For this reason alone, I keep a bluetooth keyboard in my car at all times. If I have a long carpool or time to write in between activities or while a kid is playing sports then I whip that thing out and get to creating.

It’s amazing how the words and ideas can flow when you’re in a time crunch and just take a few minutes to write while the creativity is fresh.

And we have all been there before. Imagine you’re walking through the grocery store and you see a box of pasta and think “I could make my grandma’s recipe tonight.”

BOOM there is the inspiration for a recipe post.

Or, you hear an ad on the radio and it reminds you of a product that you use daily and would want to recommend for others to buy.

Right there is the start of a great informational and product promotion article.

When this happens, take out your phone and type out a few lines.

Even if all you do is make a paragraph or two or just the outline, you will have something started.

And you can always come back to it time and time again until it’s nearly completed.

I usually have about 10 different articles at a time in my notes, which means I have 10 different posts nearly ready to go when I need one in a pinch.

6. Make your images first

Sometimes being creative in a different way can help you boost your creativity overall.

Think of it like decorating a room.

Close your eyes and envision what the final image will look like.

Then get to your computer, open Canva, and just start designing.

7. Set a timer and put away distractions

Whenever I have a long chunk of time set aside for a task, it’s like I get overwhelmed by the sheer length of it and don’t know where to start.

Once I designed my daily blogging routine, everything became easier.

I’ve started setting short timers to turn those long tasks into bite-sized, more manageable ones.

For example: If there are 2 hours blocked out for a job, I will set a 20 minute timer to do a portion of it like doing research. Then set another 20 minute timer for writing.

And so on… And if you get on a roll and go over the 20 minutes, no problem.

It’s a loose concept anyway.

This way I can at least touch on all aspects of what I want to accomplish even if it doesn’t get completed.

When it comes to writing blog posts I find this does work though in getting them finished.

Also, take your phone and silence it. Or set the Do Not Disturb on it.

Those little dings and pings and other notification noises are so incredibly distracting.

Few things can break a good roll like a bell chiming in the middle of a sentence.

So what do you do if you absolutely Do Not Enjoy writing blog posts At All?

If you simply do not enjoy writing blog posts, even after learning how to write speedy blog posts in less than an hour, don’t worry.

There are a few options out there for you.

  • You could always hire writers
  • Switch to podcasting
  • Switch to vlogging (ie. Youtube)
  • You could buy established websites in your niche, move the blog posts to your site and redirect the links (it’s way easier than it sounds, I do it all the time).
  • Or if you want to give up on blogging entirely, you could cash out and sell your blog!

To sum up, here are the 5 main parts of a Stellar, Speedy blog post:

  1. Draw readers in with your introduction
  2. Answer their most pressing questions in the body of the post
  3. Choose a format that suits the content
  4. Emphasize the takeaway message at the end
  5. Provide extra value with a bonus freebie
  6. Use this ai writing tool

How to Write Epic Blog Posts in 30 Minutes or Less – Conclusion

Will you be trying out the 5 Question Method?

What tips do you have for blogging quickly when you’re on a time crunch?

Now, to actually make money with your blog posts – read this!

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