Top Digital Marketing Trends 2019 Marketing tips entrepreneur advice . Marketing trends 2019,

Top Digital Marketing Trends & Strategies To Watch

Top Digital Marketing Trends. Looking back, the past few years have been a pretty wild year for content creators.

We’ve seen big changes in the algorithms in the past 12 months that have made marketing on some platforms more difficult than ever.

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Google had a big change that affected SEO. Pinterest went through several ups and downs, and Facebook and Instagram had all that annoying shadowbanning hooey.

The Shadowban And Facebook Privacy Issues

I’m referring to Facebook auto-deleting comments that have links in them, and Instagram hiding accounts that use banned hashtags.

Facebook started slowing down or blocking users from being able to send multiple messages or message replies at once.

For marketers who relied on getting leads by inviting people from Facebook groups to PM them for details about their offers, this shadowbanning is problematic.

And of course, there was the Facebook Cambridge Analytical data scandal that happened in the past year.

This adding to the public’s rising concern about our personal security and privacy in the age of social media (do we have any?).

Paired with the changing attitude towards how we use Facebook and other apps, the old marketing strategies have had to shift.

Content marketers got to flex their clever muscles this year, finding ways around these curbs.

As a result, we discovered some innovative new ways to reach our customers on the Internet.

Read on to discover the top digital marketing trends 2019, according to

Top Digital Marketing Trends 2019 Marketing tips entrepreneur advice

Top Digital Marketing Trends

Growth Hacking

The term ‘growth hacking’ has been making its way around the internet for a few years now.

Growth hacking is going to continue to rise in popularity and become an even more important marketing strategy for businesses.

Growth hacking entails finding low-cost or free solutions to rapidly grow one’s business/social presence/awareness/customer base in a short amount of time.

Growth hacking is the name for what businesses do when they take on the job of growing their company themselves, instead of hiring an agency.

It’s a tactic that is popular for startups and bloggers.

If you take on all of your own:

  • Website building & management
  • SEO
  • Social media management
  • Viral content creation
  • List building
  • Design
  • Product creation
  • Customer acquisition
  • Sales funnel management
  • …ect ect

Then, it’s pretty likely that you are a growth hacker!

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing and micro influencer marketing is the business of paying social media influencers to promote your products to their followers.

Influencer marketing has been picking up steam over the past year and it shows no sign of slowing down any time soon.

Consumers are becoming more and more tired of being ‘sold to’ by big celebrities in traditional advertising of TV commercials. As a result, social media influencers are becoming major players for businesses.

Working with the right influencer can be a great way to have your products seen by a whole new audience in a seemingly more ‘organic’ way than traditional advertising spots.

Instagram is the main app where most of the influencer business takes place, and Instagram is taking note.

It has been announced that Instagram is currently testing new Creator Accounts which give influencers special creator-specific features.

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Voice Search

The ability for Internet users to be able to shop and discover items online by voice command is massive right now.

320 million users are searching using voice search, with Google stating that 20 percent of all searches have voice intent.

Siri is becoming smarter every year, too.

Furthermore, Amazon sold tens of millions of Echo (Alexa) devices in 2018 alone.

Now is the time to jump on what is becoming one of the biggest digital marketing trends.

Learn how to optimize your website for voice search, and make it part of your marketing strategy this year.

Visual Search

Currently, Google has their visual search tool Google Lens, which is available through the camera app in Pixel phones. This tool recognizes objects and landmarks.

Last year Pinterest launched the Pinterest Lens feature, which is a visual search tool that allows users to find out where to buy a product, simply by taking a photo of it.

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Optimizing your images for Google image search and Pinterest can easily be done by naming your image file and alt text with keywords.

But this year we are going to go even deeper.

Google has filed a patent on contextually disambiguating queries which will allow a user to get information about an image on their device by vocally asking Google search about what they are seeing.

digital marketing trends 2019 visual search google patentimage-search- patent on contextually disambiguating queries

– Contextually disambiguating queries (source: FRESHPatent)


Blogging is the ultimate growth hack for your business.

Adding a blog to your website and writing content specific to your products/services is a fantastic way to reach new customers, create engagement and awareness for your brand, and build your authority in your niche.

But more so, as these blogger’s income reports prove (some are making 7 figures a year!) blogging is a big business in and of itself.

Blogging is one of those digital marketing trends that keeps on rising.

To learn how to set up a professional blog in a matter of minutes, enroll in this step-by-step How To Start A Blog Course, it’s free.

Pinterest Marketing

Pinterest’s popularity as a marketing tool continues to rise. It is the secret ingredient for many bloggers to grow their blog traffic, especially new bloggers.

As Pinterest is used as a quick traffic generator where big amounts of traffic can be achieved, regardless of ones DA.

Considering traditional Google SEO efforts can take a while before results are realized, Pinterest SEO results are almost immediate.

I teach a really great Pinterest Marketing course. It explains Pinterest SEO in detail, how to find great Pinterest keywords, how to pin strategically, and how to make pins go viral.

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Tailwind Tribes

Tailwind is a Pinterest and Instagram scheduling app that is a fan favorite of marketers.

Within the app is an additional feature called ‘Tailwind Tribes‘ where members repin each other’s Pinterest pins, and help grow one another’s accounts in a form of group-power-marketing.

Tailwind’s popularity continues to snowball each year – and I don’t see that snowball melting any time soon.

Facebook Live

Appearing in regular Facebook Live streams for your followers is a great way to build your authority and grow your business.

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People like seeing a real person on social media, and putting a face and voice to a brand.

Making yourself visible is a smart resolution to strive for, and showing up in a Facebook Live cast is a great way to do it.

Someone who really stands out to me as someone who has her Facebook Live marketing game on lock is Lacey of ALitUpLife.

Lacey frequently appears live streaming in her Facebook group, several times a week.

She uses Facebook live videos to consistently discuss her current offers and services, answer questions, and have open discussions about topics related to her niche.

This keeps her in the forefront of her followers and clients minds as an authority figure, while it also keeps the doors to communication open on a personal level.

Facebook Live is one of the more extroverted strategies on this digital marketing trends list.

Will you be putting yourself out there and confidently go live this year?


Email marketing is and will always be one of the best ways to make sales while building long-term relationships with your customers.

In 2018, public privacy concerns prompted the GDPR regulation, which came into effect in May.

The GDPR law and its big fines affect anyone worldwide who may run a business, email campaign or website where European visitors may visit and give their email address to.

Because of this, it is extremely important that your website has the right privacy page and legal information.

This Legal Bundle gives you a template with all the information you need.

How can you improve your email marketing strategy this year?

  • Prioritize your email list building efforts this year by creating some amazing new opt-in freebies.
  • Reward your current subscribers for their loyalty by giving them bonus material and special content.
  • Enroll in this Email Marketing & List Building course to learn how to rock your list this year.

The shift in email marketing and improvements to privacy standards makes us all better marketers.

And above all, we are building better relationships with our customers.

Digital Marketing Trends – In Conclusion

We anticipate that these marketing trends will be the major players for entrepreneurs this year.

What are your thoughts? Leave a comment and let us know!

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