How Can Students Earn Extra Money Online

How Can Students Earn Extra Money Online? 20 Ideas

Did you know that there are tons of fun ways students earn extra money online?

Thanks to the internet, there are plenty of opportunities out there to earn some extra cash online, even if you are a student.

In this article, we will be discussing the different ways that you can earn money online as a student and what they entail.

Some are easier than others. Let’s begin!

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How to make money online as a student

How Can Students Earn Extra Money Online?

We all want to make that extra cash, especially online. No bosses breathing down our necks.

  • More importantly for students
  • Earning while you’re learning?
  • Turning your dorm room into a mini Wall Street? Where do I sign up for more of that?!

So if you are looking for interesting ways to make money online as a student, you are in the right place.

Today, I will share real opportunities that let you cash in while hitting the books.

Because hey, who said education and a steady cash flow couldn’t go hand in hand?

Best Online Jobs For Students

Supporting yourself while attending school is tough. I know! It wasn’t too long ago that I was a University student.

I knew I needed something else to earn money from, as paying tuition and rent on my part-time waitressing income alone was difficult, to say the least.

It is possible to make money online while studying at college.

Students can earn money by posting content on social media, taking surveys, completing offers, selling goods online, and more!

There are so many ways to make money online that you may not have known about.

Making money online has become a popular endeavor for students looking to earn extra income or even create a full-time career. There are various avenues to explore, each with its unique approach and potential.

The online world is exciting and filled with countless opportunities to make money all from the comfort of your dorm room!

Here are a number of different ways students can make money online, along with tips on getting started with each revenue stream.

1. Flipping Websites

Flipping websites involves buying, improving, and selling websites for a profit.

This can be a lucrative venture if you have a good eye for design, content, and market trends.

It’s something you can do in your spare time, and can have big profit margins.

For example, a website that earns $1,000 per month can be sold for up to $40,000. Sometimes more!

Getting Started:

  • Research niche markets with potential for growth.
  • Learn about web design, SEO, and content creation.
  • Purchase an existing website from sites like Niche Investor.
  • Improve the website’s content, design, and SEO.
  • Increase the website’s traffic and revenue
  • Sell the website on Niche Investor, aiming for a higher price.

2. Become A Content Creator (Using Social Media)

Social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitch offer opportunities for content creators to monetize their content through ads, sponsorships, and merchandise sales.

Getting Started:

  • Choose a niche you’re passionate about.
  • Create high-quality and engaging video content.
  • Build a following by consistently posting content.
  • Explore monetization options like affiliate marketing, sponsorships, and ads.

Example: Start a youtube channel

If you are more of a talker than a writer? Or maybe you just love being in front of the camera?

You may prefer vlogging.

Here’s how you can be the next YouTube sensation:

  • Decide on your focus; Whether it’s cooking, gaming, tech reviews, or fashion, decide what kind of videos you want to make.
  • Gear Up: You don’t need a fancy camera to start, your smartphone can work just fine. But investing in a good microphone is a smart move because who likes poor audio, right?
  • Start Filming: Plan your content, hit the record button, and let the fun begin.!
  • Edit & Upload: Use essential editing software to give your video a professional touch. Then upload it on YouTube, and let it loose on the world!
  • Grow Your Channel: Consistency is crucial on YouTube. Keep making and uploading videos regularly. Promote your channel on social media to attract viewers.
  • Monetize: Once you hit 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours, you can apply for YouTube’s Partner Program.

Lights, camera, action, and make the moolah.

Remember, whether you’re blogging or vlogging, the key is to stay authentic and have fun with it.

Because when you’re having a blast, your audience will, too! 

And that is where the money happens.

3. Become A Content Creator (Without Using Social Media)

If you prefer to create content without relying on social media platforms, consider starting a blog or podcast.

These mediums allow you to establish your brand and monetize through ads, affiliate marketing, and product sales.

There are many topics to write/podcast about, including personal finance, travel, beauty, health, food, lifestyle, pets, technology, video games, music, and so much more.

Just choose a niche that interests you and start creating!


To be honest this is one of my favorite ways to make money online…

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So let’s get into how you can make money through blogging while in college and vlogging.


Starting a blog is one of the most flexible and lucrative ways to make money online.

Here’s how you jump onto the blogging bandwagon

  • Find Your Niche: Are you a tech nerd, beauty guru, or a bookworm? Identify a topic you are passionate about and can write about regularly.
  • Set Up Your Blog: Platforms like WordPress make it super easy to set up your own blog. Pick a theme, customize it to reflect your style, and voila – your blog is live!
  • Post Engaging Content: Regularly post fresh, engaging content. Remember, quality over quantity!
  • Promote: Share your posts on social media and ask friends and family to do the same. Networking is KEY to growing your blog.
  • Monetize: Once you have decent traffic, start monetizing. Hello, Ads, affiliate and sponsored posts!

Getting Started:

Badabing, bada-boom! You’re now a blogger!

4. UGC Creator (User-Generated Content):

A UGC Creator films aesthetic video content of products, for brands. The brands purchase a license from you to use the content on their platforms, and in their paid advertising.

Many websites and apps also pay users for contributing content such as reviews, photos, or videos.

Platforms like TripAdvisor, Yelp, and Shutterstock offer opportunities to earn money through user-generated content.

Getting Started:

  • Create an Instagram and TikTok for yourself and put “UGC Creator” in your bio
  • Post high-quality and informative videos of products around your home (this content will be used like a portfolio of your work, to show brands an example of what you can do.)
  • Reach out to brands you want to partner with and pitch them a UGC proposal
  • Work on building your portfolio and reputation to attract more opportunities.

5. PLR Reseller – Digital Products

Private Label Rights (PLR) products allow you to purchase digital products like ebooks, courses, or software and resell them under your brand.

This can be a quick way to start an online business as a student.

Getting Started:

  • Find reputable sources for PLR products.
  • Customize and rebrand the products to add value.
  • Set up an e-commerce website to sell your PLR products, such as Shopify or Etsy.
  • Promote your products through online marketing strategies.

6. Amazon Product Reviewer

If you enjoy reading reviews and looking into buying new gadgets, electronics, beauty and home items, why not try reviewing them too?

It’s an easy side hustle to set up and takes as much time as you want it to.

All you need is a laptop, tablet, or smartphone and a stable internet connection.

You can make money by reviewing products on Amazon and earning commissions when people buy after clicking your links.

This involves promoting Amazon products and earning a commission for each sale generated through your referral.

Getting Started:

  • Join Amazon’s Affiliate Program.
  • Select a niche or category of products to review.
  • Write/film honest and informative reviews.
  • Promote your reviews through your website or blog, social media, and email marketing.

7. Online Tutor

Remember that time you walked out of the exam like a boss after aceing it?

Or when you explained photosynthesis so well, your Bio teacher looked at you like you’re the next Charles Darwin? Oh yeah, we’re going there!

Well, I’ve got news for you!

You can turn that academic brilliance into cold, hard cash!

All you need is a stable internet connection, a webcam, and your talent.

Let’s get into the heart of online tutoring, shall we?

  1. Identify the subject you are good at: What’s your subject? Math? Science? English? Art? Identify that one subject (or more) where your knowledge shines the brightest.
  2. Register on Tutoring Platforms: Sites like, Chegg Tutors, or VIP kids are always looking for people like you. So, register on these platforms and create a profile that scream,s “I’M THE TUTOR YOU NEED!”.
  3. Remember Your Local Community: Why restrict yourself? Your local community is a goldmine of students in need of tutoring. Use platforms like Nextdoor or even Craigslist to offer your tutoring services.
  4. Teach, Earn, Repeat: Now comes the fun part! Start teaching, impart your knowledge, and watch your bank balance grow!

So that’s it

Your step-by-step guide to earning money as an online tutor.

Not only do you earn, but you also reinforce your own knowledge, and hey, you get to help other students!

It’s a win-win… WIN!

Online tutoring has become a popular way to earn money online.

If you are good with teaching others or just enjoy helping people learn new things, then becoming an online tutor could be the perfect job for you.

You can start making money online by offering lessons in subjects such as English, Math, History, Science, Geography, etc.

You can offer private lessons or group classes.

The great thing about being an online teacher is that you get to work when and where you want.

This means that you can take care of other responsibilities while still earning money online.

8. Freelancing

Freelancing! Now, this is the stuff.

If you’re looking to turn your talents into a side income (or, who knows, maybe even your full-time gig after graduation), then freelancing is an excellent opportunity.

Now, don’t go thinking freelancing only boring stuff like bookkeeping (unless you’re into that, in which case, power to you!).

Freelancing can be just about ANYTHING you’re good at.

  • Graphic design,
  • writing,
  • coding,
  • digital marketing,
  • singing lullabies to overgrown puppies…you name it! 😁

Freelancing is another great way to earn money online.

This is especially true if you’re interested in writing.

Many freelance writers work part-time or full-time at writing blogs, articles, press releases, white papers, and other forms of content.

To get started, you must first register with websites like Upwork, Fiverr, PeoplePerHour, Freelancer, and Guru.

Once you have registered, you should submit samples of your writing skills and bid on projects.

If you’ve got a knack for something, there’s probably someone out there willing to pay you for it.

Freelancing is a fantastic way to make money online as a student.

Remember that doodle you made during Physics class or the essay you wrote that even made your strict English professor smile?

It’s time to cash in on those skills!

You only need the internet, a laptop, and a passion for your craft. 

So how does one dip their toes in this freelancing ocean? Here’s the lowdown:

Find your Freelancing niche:

What’s that thing that you’re good at? The thing you love? The thing you could do in your sleep? THAT’S what you want to freelance in. 

Graphic design? Awesome! Writing? Perfect! Coding? Heck yes!

If you got a way with words?

Online platforms like Upwork and Fiverr are full of clients looking for talented writers!

Whether it’s blog posts, copywriting, or product descriptions, if you can write it, you can earn from it!

With the rise of the internet and digital marketing, good writers are more in demand than ever.

And when I say writers, I’m not just talking about J.K. Rowling-level novelists.

I mean ANYONE who can create compelling, clear, and captivating content.

Think about it: Businesses need catchy copy for their ads.

Blogs need engaging articles that keep readers scrolling.

E-commerce stores need enticing product descriptions that make customers hit ‘Buy Now’. 

And they’re all looking for talented writers like YOU to make it happen.

Sound like your jam? Here’s how you can turn your words into moolah:

  1. Choose Your Writing Niche: Identify what type of writing you excel at and enjoy doing the most. That’s your niche.
  2. Sign Up On Freelance Platforms: Once you’ve nailed down your niche, it’s time to join the party on freelancing platforms. Upwork, Fiverr, and even LinkedIn are all hotspots where clients are hunting for writers.
  3. Showcase Your Work: Now, here’s the thing clients aren’t going to just take your word for it. They want to see what you can do. So, put together a portfolio that highlights your best work. And if you’re just starting out and don’t have any samples yet? Write some! Show potential clients what they can expect when they hire you.
  4. Find Gigs and Start Earning!: Start bidding on gigs that match your skills and watch as the jobs roll in

And voila! You’re officially in the business of turning words into cash.

This process is also the same for other freelancing gigs…

Sign up for freelancing websites:

Now, this part’s as easy as pie.

There’s a buffet of freelancing websites out there. Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer the list goes on.

Choose your pick, sign up, and get ready to roll.

Create a Strong profile:

This is your chance to shine!

Show off your skills, your experience, and your fabulous self.

Make your profile a spectacular display of all that you offer.

Trust me, clients love to see someone who’s passionate about their work.


This is the meat and potatoes of freelancing.

You have to find gigs that match your skills, work your charm, and watch as your bank balance grows.

Badabing, bada-boom!

But here’s the best part; With freelancing, you can set your own rates!

Think about that for a second… YOU decide what your time and skills are worth.

9. Sell Your Notes From Class

Why Sell Your Note? Because Your Classmates Will Love You (And So Will Your Wallet)

Yes, I said it… SELL. YOUR. NOTES. Others need them and are willing to pay a pretty penny for them, too!

Here’s how to start.

  • Organize your notes and make sure they’re legible
  • Sign up for online note-selling platforms like StudySoup or OneClass
  • Set a fair price and market your notes on social media
  • Cash in on your A+ note-taking skills

10. Social Media Management

Social media management is a growing field that allows individuals to manage multiple social media accounts.

As a social media manager, you will need to monitor various platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, Snapchat, etc.

11. Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants help businesses run smoothly by performing administrative tasks which range from simple customer service to keeping track of emails and phone calls.

12. Proofreader

Another common side hustle is proofreading.

As the name suggests, this involves reading through written material and marking grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and awkward phrasing.

This can really come in handy with copywriting services, essays, and technical documents.

Contingent upon the subject matter, some proofreaders may be asked to do research before coming across any given topic.

It’s a great way to improve your performance at college too!

13. Website Designer

Businesses always need great website themes and design help.

14. App Developer

Mobile apps have become incredibly popular over the past few years, and there are countless new ones being developed every day.

If you know how to code, then you could create your own app.

And because most people use mobile devices for anything from checking email to playing games, creating an app has never been easier.

But keep in mind that developing an app requires specialized software, as well as knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Java.

15. Paid Surveys

In order to complete surveys, you will typically need to answer questions truthfully and give away your contact details, so they can reach out to you when they have survey-specific jobs.

Have you ever wondered where companies get their data from when they say, “9 out of 10 people prefer our brand”? 

It’s from folks like you who take online surveys!

Online survey sites like Swagbucks, Toluna, or Survey Junkie are always looking for individuals ready to provide their honest opinions.

Signing up is a cakewalk; before you know it, you’re earning while giving your two cents (literally!).

Remember, every opinion counts, and yours could be the moneymaker.

16. Sell Goods Online

Before getting started, you must first decide what kind of product you want to sell.

For example, you might like to start making and selling jewelry. Or, you can dropship items.

You don’t need a physical storefront to sell products anymore.

The Internet’s got you covered, and besides, who needs to pay rent for a physical shop when you can set up an online one in your pajamas, right?

Selling products online is a terrific way to make money as a student. It is flexible and fits around your studies.

Whether you make jewelry, print t-shirts, or design mugs, launch an online store on platforms like Shopify or Etsy and start selling!

Heck, you might even be sitting on a digital goldmine like graphic designs or eBooks.

All these can earn you some sweet, sweet cash online.

Physical or digital products are products.

And selling them online is a fantastic way to make money as a student.

Now if you are crafty, you can also Set up an online shop on platforms like Etsy for your handcrafted goods or eBay for those vintage clothes.

Take gorgeous photos of your items, write catchy descriptions that make people say, “I need that!” and set competitive prices.

More about digital products…… honestly, they are the unsung heroes of online selling because they’re all about that sweet passive income.

You create them once, and they sell over and over again…

Things like printable planners, graphic designs, digital art, online courses, and eBooks can all be your ticket to the passive income club.

Platforms like Etsy, Gumroad, or even your website can serve as the marketplace for these digital gems.

So, whether it’s physical products, digital goods, or a mix of both, there’s an online market for you.

17. Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketers promote other companies’ products using websites.

They get paid a commission whenever someone purchases the advertised product after clicking on their affiliate link.

Some affiliates simply advertise brands they love, while others go further by recommending specific items.

Either way, they usually receive commissions based on the number of sales generated from their site.

Ever heard of the saying, “Make money while you sleep?”That’s the dream, right?

Affiliate marketing is fantastic for making passive income and making money while you sleep.

Literally. So, what’s the gist of it?

With affiliate marketing, you’re the middle person between a buyer and a seller.

You promote a product or service on your blog, social media, or any online platform where you have a strong presence.

When your followers buy using your unique referral link, you get a commission. Voila! You’ve just earned money without even making the product.

Think #SmartWorkNotHardWork.

Now, you’re not going to turn into a cash machine overnight.

It takes time to build up a trusted online presence. Remember, people buy from those they trust.

So, whether it’s through a blog or a YouTube channel or your TikTok account, provide valuable content that resonates with your audience.

Once you’re set, sign up for affiliate programs like Amazon Associates or ShareASale, pick products that align with your niche, and start promoting.

To spice things up, consider writing reviews or creating how-to guides around your affiliate products.

The more value you provide, the more likely people are to make a purchase and every click could be another cha-ching in your bank account.

The best part is with affiliate marketing, you could be chilling in your PJs while your bank balance does the hustle.

Now, that’s what we call #StudentLifeGoals!

18. Data Entry

If you love typing, data entry may be the ideal side hustle for you.

Companies hire freelancers who type letters, enter information into databases, and perform other clerical tasks.

The pay rates vary depending on the company, industry, and the number of hours worked per week.

It’s important to note that data entry isn’t always easy work.

Most companies require their employees to fill out paperwork, search for specific records, and enter them into a database.

However, if you’re able to quickly locate and enter information into a computer system, you can expect to earn anywhere between $10-$20 per hour.

19. Programming

The world’s gone digital, and coding skills are in high demand.

From building websites to creating apps, your programming skills can be your card to a steady online income.

From Web developers, mobile app engineers, and software designers, these professionals are as essential as they are well-paid.

And here’s the best part; you don’t need to be a tech genius to cash in on this demand.

If you have basic coding skills and a sharp eye for detail, becoming a successful programmer is within reach (and I’m not talking about just getting by…I mean really thriving).

20. Investing in stock

Now, this requires some basic understanding and risk management, but investing in stocks can potentially bring significant returns.

However, high reward also means high risk, so tread carefully and consider a course before diving in!

This one’s not for the faint-hearted. It has a steep learning curve and, yes, some risk. 

But investing in stocks can bring in some significant green if done wisely.

Before diving in, understand the basics; know your bull market from your bear market.

Apps like Robinhood make it easy for beginners to invest, but remember: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket!

Diversification is key.

Taking a beginner’s course in investing can be hugely beneficial. 

It’s not as simple as making a quick buck, but slow and steady wins the race, right?

In addition to these various online earning methods, students may wish to explore easy scholarships online.

There are many ways to financially support your studies.

How Can Students Earn Extra Money Online – Conclusion

Tried-and-true ways to make some serious moolah from the comfort of your cozy dorm room, all while still juggling your course load.

Aren’t we living in fascinating times? 

Remember, Skills = Bills: Leverage your skills and make money.

No more excuses. Go ahead and explore these excellent ways to make money online, and say goodbye to the “broke student” stereotype.

These are just 20 examples of things you can do online to make money as a student.

Hopefully, you found this article helpful and inspiring.

Which of these side hustles will you try? Let me know in the comments what’s your favorite method for making extra cash online as a college student!

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